What are your thoughts on the steam controller? I was thinking of getting one. i'm currently using a cheap logitech dual action
What are your thoughts on the steam controller? I was thinking of getting one...
It works but whether it's good or not for you is up to you.
It's more a replacement for a keyboard and mouse than a joypad.
God tier if the game supports simultaneous gamepad and mouse input. The Mouse-Joystick emulation option where it uses positive acceleration to attempt to cancel out the negative acceleration of the controller works good in some games, bad in others.
There's a learning curve, but its great once you start getting a hang of the possibilities.
My only problem is that input is doubled when I first turn it on, have to turn it on and off again for steam to properly load my bindings.
It's probably more Sup Forums related but well.
I haven't tried it myself, for what I saw, it's way too expensive for what it is. If you can find something it for 25-30$ why not, elseway I don't feel like it's worth it.
it's complete shit. the trackpads are very cheap. I returned mine after the first day
Also if someone made a sticky dpad attachment for it then it'd be perfectly suitable for DPAD heavy games. That's pretty much its major inherent flaw that software has trouble overcoming.
Not viable for all games it seems. You're better off using a ps3 controller with that SCP mod (if you have one that is).
Input lag and weird placed buttons. I didn't really like it, especially when I can just use a regular controller with xpadder and get the same thing.
Mah Steam controller gathers dust.
Just get an xbone 360 controller. best PC gamepad imo.
How long until a version two? Or any sort of hardware revision? Also, is it comfy to play Fallout 1 & 2 with it?
the good thing about it is that it's fully customizable.
however most controller games require the right analog stick and the trackpad does a poor job of emulating it. wanna play civ 5? yes, the steam controller is great for that. wanna play trine or team fortress? good luck, you'll need it.
i wish i would have gotten a second xbox 360 pad instead.
I love mine, most versatile controller ever made imo. And the software is amazing, and it keeps getting updated.
I got mine on sale, and just the software and configurability justified the price completely, never mind the actual hardware.
You just need to take the time to learn to use the trackpads and configure them to suit you. It won't feel good the first time you use it.
The person who said the trackpads are cheap was just wrong. Probably didn't try out all the settings,
This thread seems like a good place to ask, what is a good, relatively cheap controller for a PC(nothing wireless plz)?
It really depends what you want to play. I mostly play 4x games, city builders and RPGs with mine, and it is really comfy.
But if a game has native controller support, i'd take that every time.
It is complete fucking garbage, I have one.
it is uncomfortable as fuck and the controller fills no niche.
I want to play a shooter? I am going to play on M+KB since it is better in every way.
I want to play some shit like, I don't know, Devil May Cry. The Steam controller has no precision and misclicks more often so it is better to just use a regular ass Xbox Controller.
Not to mention that most of the default profiles are garbage so then you spend even more time configuring the piece of shit.
I thought it would be good to play XCOM 2 on the couch but NOPE. That idea went out the window when for some fucking reason it decided to change the direction of a grenade throw on a button click. The original XBOX controller worked better in EW.
Also I forgot to mention that they must have picked the cheapest fucking plastic to build this godawful thing since I can probably snap it in half without much effort.
>the controller fills no niche
a-at least you can play civ 5 with it
>The primary demographics of Sup Forums 20 something males. Just like you're going to have to deal with anime reaction pics on all boards, you're going to have to deal with most people playing games here.
Besides, Sup Forums is horrible for actual technological discussion.
>The primary demographics of Sup Forums 20 something males
[citation needed]
the main demographic is much, much younger, just look at the majority of posts.
>The Steam controller has no precision
It's so fucking precise dude, your thumb isn't precise enough for it. Lower the sensitivity or increase the trackball friction.
It sounds like you haven't practiced with it enough, or haven't figured out what all the settings do.
Most of the profiles I've used have been fine, and took maybe a minute of switching them around till they were perfect.
Sup Forums has had this thread 100 times with the consensus the controller is shit.
You could have checked the archive.
Stop thinking of the track pad as a controller thumb stick and git gud.
No you fucking garbage shill. For a controller to be good you should just be able to pick up and use it. Not go through fucking 50 games to get used to it.
It fills no niche except for playing something like Civ.
OP here. Am 20 something male
also nice dubs
>You could have checked the archive.
But I'm not OP.
This, OP. The Steam controller isn't bad but the hype turned it into a meme.
Good for strategy games
I basically use it to play xcom exclusively
I'm literally on Sup Forums right now
Is working at Valve as nice as people claim? How are the salaries and flexibility?
it's NOT meant to compete with other controllers.
if you're going to be playing splitscreen/console ports/emulators, then the xbox one controller is going to be infinitely superior to the steam controller.
the steam controller is meant to be a controller to be used for games that don't traditionally have controller support.
if you need one cheap, get a wired xbox 360 controller. if you want something with some premium feeling build quality, get the xbox one controller (can use any micro usb cable)
Does anyone know when the non customized new Xbox One controllers with bluetooth will be available? Are the customized ones shipping now or is it just a pre order?
Hand your controller, or mouse and keyboard, to your mother and watch her fumble with it.
Regular controllers have learning curves too, you just don't remember it. What about fight sticks? you aren't going to pick one up and be great with them first try, but everyone acknowledges how good they are.
For me the biggest niche that it fills are third person shooters like GTA or max payne.
It's also great for driving games, using the gyroscope to steer is fun, and using the dual stage triggers for boosting is great too.
I only take out my 360 for souls and fighting games.
very original.
the non-customized ones with blutooth come in august, the customized ones ship in september
I don't have children yet.
Hell, I'm not even married yet.
Why would I need a "Steam controller" if I have no children?
It's pretty fucking fantastic desu famalam
Thanks. And do you know if using it over bluetooth on PC you can use the headphone jack?
there's probably not enough bandwidth. normally the controllers use WiFi Direct or some variation to connect. every other time I've seen something support something similar it's been using WiFi Direct.
I first used a fight stick last year. I had no issues. I am 26.
My dad, who had not played a game since the fucking NES, picked up and played CoD 2 on the 360 no problem.
Stop shilling. When 90% of people think your product is garbage, then it's garbage.
I'm not "shilling", I think people haven't given the controller a fair chance. This is relevant to me because I want to see continued software support for it, and to be able to purchase a similar controller in five years.
Good for your dad. My mother tried to play portal 2 with a controller and couldn't move properly, never mind solve a puzzle.
Sorry that you think having to use something for a few hours to git gud is a crazy time investment, I'm sure that attitude will get you far in life.
So what's your schedule at Valve? Do you ever crunch?
The only reason comments like this get to me is because I'm NEET. I wish I did work at valve, and I'd be happy to be reminded so.
> cheap
they're the most advanced track pads I've used. The haptic feedback puts them above anything else.
I just got my second Steam Controller.
It's worth it just for the experience if you've never owned one.
Its a pile of shit, you have to pretty much spend an hour tweaking it for every game you have. The back paddles are so easy to hit, theres no explanations on what settings even do what so its trial and error for a while, its designed piss poorly too. The bumpers are so far raised up compared to the triggers that you couldn't go from trigger to bumper quickly. The ABXY buttons are too small, the d-pad is atrociously big when you think about how little you would use it, and its all around just a shitty controller, I sold mine to my idiot friend who browses v all day for $40.
Previously Recorded's Steam Controller review put it best: its like a spork. A spork is not as good as a spoon and not as good as a fork, and the steam controller is not as good as a controller and not as good as a keyboard/mouse.
>git gud.
Or, he could, you know, choose an input device better suited for the task.
For those of you that don't like the Steam controller, do you think that there is potential with what Valve was going for and it's just a shit implementation, or do you think its impossible to emulate a keyboard and mouse in a controller?
The gamepad was the only good thing to come out of it
Do I need to install Steam? I just want to have a wireless alternative to keyboard and mouse.
Yes you do.
The original x360 cuntrollers used to do it
I hated it at first, but after I got accustomed to it it's pretty neat for FPS games. For games designed for an xbox controller though it's a little hit and miss, especially with the awkward button placement.
Damn, so you can't use it with non Steam games?
you can if you add a non-steam game to your steam library
I was thinking of getting one to use it when I'm lying down and don't want to get up to type something.
Should I consider it?
You can use it with non steam games, and you can use it just to browse the desktop without having steam running or anything.
I have the buttons on mine mapped to media keys. But you need to steam to configure the button mapping and stuff.
same. I bought it thinking I was gonna use it for DS3. But its worse than kb+m for that game.
fuck you
>$50 for trackpads, haptic feedback, motion control, back paddles, and crazy customization
>too expensive
u hit ur head, bruh?
This really doesn't belong in Sup Forums, c'mon now.
I was the one shilling the steam controller ITT.
But I totally agree, it's shit for souls/
why do we talk about microsoft and apple here when it should belong in /biz/?
Looks like I made the right choice going for a DS4, InputMapper does a pretty decent job with compatibility as well. Only caveat is no audio on the audio jack.
I can't stand the analog stick placement on Xbox controllers, just because I'm used to the Sony way and never had an Xbox
>only allowed to talk about computers
>no cookware technology
>no gaming technology
>no vehicular technology
this is why this board sucks.
Technology exists because of needs in other fields that aren't exclusively technology. Technology doesn't exist in a vacuum just for technology's sake. Sup Forums would be empty if you could only talk about technology for technology's sake and not it's applications.
I have one. After I bought it I realized the only way to make it run was through Steam.
To configure it you need Steam in Big Picture Mode, otherwise you cannot configure it.
For the controller to do anything you need Steam running.
To use the controller on non-Steam games, you need to add the game as an external game in Steam, and run it through it.
I already reverse engineered it completely and wrote a library to interact with it, plus a basic daemon that supports Steam controller configuration files, but the daemon only works on Linux because that's what I need (plus /dev/uinput is glorious compared to anything on Windows).
If you're planning to use it on anything that won't run Steam, don't buy it, it's just a paper weight.
Not many people know, but there are already two hardware revisions.
Revision 9 was the one given to people who pre-ordered it and to other unlucky chaps.
Revision 10 is the one you'll get now if you buy it, it has much better haptics, other than that I'm not aware of other differences.
Steam works on Linux tho, and it makes the controller work on it.
Also for the record, it actually has a good reason to require the games to run through Steam itself.
Most games on Windows use XInput to work with controllers, since Microsoft is a bunch of turds there's no way to inject XInput events.
This means for a controller to work through XInput it needs the driver/firmware to follow its specific protocol, but that's easy because common controllers aren't made to be mapped to complex or random shit.
In the case of the Steam controller, it's just a common HID device, it uses the generic HID driver, and the driver that actually interacts with it is in user-land and implemented by Steam.
Now to go back up top, what Steam does to make the Steam controller be mappable to XInput events, it just does DLL injection, overriding the XInput functions with its own.
This means any game where you want the Steam controller to send XInput events, it NEEDS to be ran by something that can inject its shit, which in this case is the SteamGameOverlay or whatever it's called.