Hackintosh Thread

Can we have a hackintosh thread? How many hackintosh users are out there? What's your rig? Were you able to do a hackintosh without the reccomended hardware?

Also, I'm building this [budget] setup to see if it at least can handle Yosemite:


hyperxgaming.com/us/memory/fury (specifically the 4GB 1600MHz module).


Yes before you ask I'm poor and live in a third world country.

OMg nice digits bro I've never seen 4 digits be the same digits in order that's radical

>poorfag trying to imitate retarded poorfags

Truly pathetic.

I was running a Hackintosh for a year or so before I switched to botnet 10.

It just werked 98% of the time, but I finally got fed up with the lack of software for OS X and how locked down the system is. After trying linux and abandoning that once it refused to give me a proper layout for my keyboard, I finally installed botnet 10.

Now that I'm using it, I really don't understand why you'd want to run OS X, unless you have some specific need for it (e.g. UNIX environment).
Not to say that botnet 10 doesn't have it's retarded parts, and parts that I miss from OS X, but overall I can't complain at all. I can choose whatever hardware I like and I can proper support for it too.

I have one, too.

Might buy another SSd and install windows 7 on it and use that for the rare video game like RE7 or Starcraft 2, Fallout or Skyrim

What softwares were lacking on OS X?

A usable OS.

PCB design software

if you're a serious chess enthusiast, your options on OSX face some limitations in your choices.

Yes here. Not at home but my setup is an i5, gtx 960 and a h87m board.
Apart from some quirks setting it up I never had such a stable system before. Updating works fine with disable the nvda drivers.
All in all: great, especially for people who want OS X for music production

Well, I'm not really into anything productive. I just want a comfortable and pretty-looking setup for my desktop. I mostly use Windows at work.

All I'm doing right now is web browsing, music and IRC. Not even gaming anymore. And if I ever come back to it, I could just dual boot.

>It just werked 98% of the time, but I finally got fed up with the lack of software for OS X and how locked down the system is.
You didn't use it

Why are you giving obvious bait attention?
Are you from Sup Forums?

Yeah os x is very comfy since there's no need to install bloatware just for things like reading pdfs or writing texts. Also dat font rendering

>tfw pressing spacebar twice in 10.12 inserts a period

Having run multiple Hackintosh PCs, I can tell you they are clunky or at least feel that way. I don't know if it's because of the hardware it's on, or if it's the latest OS X releases. I used to use Mac OS X 10.5.8 on an actual iMac and I enjoyed it. Hackintosh just doesn't seem the same.

I did actually.

Though what ultimately made me switch to winblows was that I one day just booted into OS X like always, and all of the sudden my main monitor has atrocious colors and font rendering. Turns out that OS X just suddenly decided that my main monitor is a TV instead of a monitor. Fixing this required me to unlock that rootless bullshit, in order to do that I had to enter recovery mode, which didn't work because lel hackintosh. So I had the choice of somehow trying to this issue that is apparently just about impossible to fix if you're running a hackintosh, or I could switch to windows.

I did just that and haven't looked back so far. Windows does everything I've needed OS X to do perfectly fine, and it even has proper hardware support.

U need dat dere trackpad.
I'll never go back to windows ever, just for scrolling alone

What the fuck did you do with it. It's already beautiful by default. There's no need to rice OS X.

Avoid Yosemite at all costs, the performance is horrible compared to Mavericks, El Capitan did "fix" most all of that however so choose Mavericks or El Capitan depending. Just don't mess with Yosemite, it's pure shit, seriously.

As long as you're using Intel processors and Nvidia GPUs (or Intel integrated GPUs in the Core processors) you'll be fine. If you mess with ATI/AMD CPUs and GPUs or chipsets you're not going to have much if any success whatsoever.

My current video card is an AMD HD 6670, and even though I choose to stick with the integrated graphics, some say that it's not really compatible with the Haswell family of processors. I'm buying the Haswell 4170, as described in the OP.

Doesn't Apple themselves use mostly AMD GPUs atm?


Older AMD cards work well. New ones don't work at all, and probably never will. Nvidia seems to be supporting it on all cards for now (albeit with a delay since they only release updates along with OS X releases)


i have it installed on a different hard drive. I can't get my second monitor to work with it so I don't use it that much. My keyboard also does not work natively with mac so it's kind of annoying

I have an x58/i7-950 rig for Final Cut, it runs good but has a minor defect as shutdown does not cuts the power from the psu, the screen gos black and all but all fans keep spinning until I hold down the power on button.

Final Cut is a meh tier NLE anyways, it's been months since I fired up the hackintosh, god bless Win10.


2 rupees have been depositet in your shill-account, Pajeet.

>lack of software for OS X and how locked down the system is.
Yea, you're full of shit.


And you people really fall for this even without buying Apple ?

Yes, but they have an OS X specific firmware.

2 rupees have been depositet in your shill-account, Pajeet.

Are you serious? I want to believe you aren't.


Go find me some good, free PCB design software that runs on OS X, yes?

Compare OS X to Linux or windows and it's a fucking Tumblr safe space in terms of not letting the user do shit with his system.

Shit, I forgot to mention Adobe, I could have 2 rupees more :(

of course, by people I meant people that don't buy Apple hardware, but still install it's software.

Can you be more braindead.

Look at the name of every major apple person.

It's always a fucking jew.

People always joke how only faggots use mac os x and apple.

You think it's a joke ? No.

It's jew propaganda to turn white people into faggots.


>unable to disable spyware that comes with vanilla win10 install
>calls OS X so locked doooown
Either you're a microshit shill or you're not aware of csrutil

>Go find me some good, free PCB design software that runs on OS X, yes?
Nah. Just because you have to pay for it doesn't make it not exist. Even if it doesn't exist, period, it's still niche software and not really grounds for saying 'OS X lacks software'.
>Compare OS X to Linux or windows and it's a fucking Tumblr safe space in terms of not letting the user do shit with his system.
But that's wrong, you just don't know anything.

2 rupees have been deposited in your loo Pajeet.

Oh, so you're just retarded then

how is this fun for you?

Dumb question: could I Hackintosh an old Pentium 4/Nvidia GT 610 system I have? It'd be slow and likely outdated, but cool.

>Be small minded
>Be unable to see any larger picture in the world
>Be unable to even think of the future
>Be unable to think that somebody is trying to manipulate you

AND you call others retarded

Fucking 'liberal' communists.

3/10, you're going to need to try harder.

I got stockfish running on osx what do you need?

Oh forgot: for anyway considering a hackintosh, wait till 10.12 is released. There's a big chance the new file system will indefinitely suspend the whole scene

2 rupees have been deposited in your loo Pajeet.


I only named 4 things dumbass

3/4, you're still a loser falling for jewish propaganda.

0/10 getting desperate now.

Got ThinkCentre M82. It is running OSX 10.11.5 without shutdown and sleep issue. My bro gave me GTX 730. It's playable with Hearthstone and Civilization V/BE but I'm planning get new motherboard and cpu next July because my gaming rig has died last sunday.

Are all this guy as well

How much are they paying you ?
Or are you really brainwashed enough to do this for free ?

Maybe you're also some goldstein

I know you are.

Go hide in your basement now little jew.

>Pentium 4
You probably will be able to boot it with a patched kernel, but it wont be usable. Osx requires proper intel shit like core2duo or core i.
>good, free PCB design software
There is no such thing on any os.
Btw you could run Eagle natively or Altium via Parallels.

OS X dropped 32-bit support a while ago, so probably not.

I've built one last week. It takes time to make it stable, but holy shit, its fucking comfy to use.

I'm dualbooting with W7 for games so all is fine.

2 rupees have been deposited in your loo Pajeet.

This. It's the only way. Since I don't gaym much anymore most stuff can be done in my win7 fusion vm too

>not just using the OS in a VM
>I mean really
>giving a fuck about the serial number in a VM
>I mean really

OSX is the system that has the worst performance in OpenGL. Can't be worse than Linux.

Will installing OSX make me popular?

no, but you will have a great OS which support comercial software (unlike loonix)