So I have a raspberry set up with a 2tb harddrive with 800gb of movies set up to stream to anywhere using sftp...

So I have a raspberry set up with a 2tb harddrive with 800gb of movies set up to stream to anywhere using sftp. And it works fine using VLC if VLC wan't complete shit. Is there some other media player that supports sftp? It needs to run on winshit because most people have winshit on their computer and I want to be able to go to a friends house and use his PC to stream my movies.

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What's a raspberry.

>doesn't know what a raspberry pi is
get out you fucking normie plebbit scum

What are you dumb?
He posted a picture of a raspberry right there.


I don't only use my pi as a media server

allahu akbar

Raspberry Pi i/o tops out at ~60mbps, it's shitty.

Get a NUC

Uhh how does a fruit work with a 2tb hard drive?

Most of my 1080p movies has a bitrate of ~4MB/sec that's 32Mb/sec which is about half of what the raspberry is capable of putting out so a raspberry is plenty for my intentions. And a NUC costs about $370. I could buy 10 raspberries for that...

Just set up SAMBA

I did that, but its too heavy for the raspberry pi 2 and I got a transfer speed of 1MB/sec tops. Samba along with the NTFS kills the pi.

I have the exact same setup with a 3TB hard-drive and the RW speeds are normal

What is up with these answers? I have no problem with the speed.

My problem is that VLC is shit and I can't find any other media player for windows that supports sftp.


>using sftp
Good man.

I use sshfs to mount the drive and play files with MPV.

>and I want to be able to go to a friends house and use his PC to stream my movies
Do you hate security or something? Bring your Linux laptop if you want to stream shit.

If you're going to stream shit from anywhere like you want then just set up plain ftp.

Sure, so that any mitm can see exactly what I am streaming and sue me. Great idea!

I just downloaded MPV, now how do I play from a network stream? I passed the sftp link as an argument in cmd but nothing happened.

Also, the biggest problem is that since I dont want just anyone to have access to my files, I have a password, but if I use ftp, that password is also sent in plaintext and then I'm fucked.

Doesn't explain what it and what it does tho.

But you'll still type in your password on someone else's computer, which is WinShit, because that is safe or something.

Fuck logic!

win-sshfs then any player will work.

>I just downloaded MPV, now how do I play from a network stream? I passed the sftp link as an argument in cmd but nothing happened.

It's hell of a lot better than just giving it away freely, the only way someone gets my password then is if my friend has a keylogger on his PC and I am just going to assume that he does not.

I will try that.

Awesome it werks!
Thank you!

>dat freeze frame

It's basically a pretty cheap small computer running a Linux variant that is pretty much perfect to hook up to your TV to make it "Smart".