Is this going to be the mass reaction to VR by our elders? Kicking and screaming not knowing how to take it off?
Old woman loses her shit to VR
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great video
Looks like they were having fun.
She's probably watching a 3D rollercoaster ride.
>mfw developing a 3d mario clone for kids with hidden screamers
VR will be like the electric car.
Hyped by many, used by few.
I hope it's free software, otherwise, you're getting sued.
I put on virtual reality and look around a bit, realize there's a big screen door effect, and turn it off.
>used by few
EU countries are banning production of non-electric cars. They will be the only option very soon.
How have I not heard about this.
Because you get all your news from a Scandinavian philately enthusiast site.
Holy fuck, I read that as:
>"VR will be like the electric chair."
>"Hyped by many, used by few."
You're not the only one.
I read and was confused for a half-second as to why the EU would ban non-electric chairs.
elders could legit get a heart attack from this shit
>poor women having a heart attack and everyone is just laughing at her
what a bunch of cunts
She clearly knew how to take it off you muppet. It's things like this that makes me think Sup Forums is genuinely populated by autists incapable of reading ordinary human emotions.
For fucks sake, you knuckle dragging mouth breather. You're an absolute idiot.
Source is the mistranslation of a clickbait article in a bad Norwegian (note, not in the EU) tabloid taking a tweet by a Norwegian minister talking about taxes to discourage internal combustion vehicles in Norway, which is, again, not in the EU. Give it another week and this will be a chain email talking about widespread bans on all petrol cars within Europe with Fox News coverage on the matter.
This will be great for porn use. Now to hopefully still be alive when they invent an actual holodeck like in star trek.
>EU countries are banning production of non-electric cars
Lay off the fucking drugs bro
Sued for making a 3D platformer?
Yeah we'll see how that goes.
The software and engines they use for VR are going to be pattened up the uss
Petrol means gas or something else?
What are they going to do with all of their extra military vehicles then? Give them to the police that can't even fill them up at that point?
It says new vehicles, so there won't be any new production diesel/petrol cars, so you can still drive older cars that are non-electric
Even if that weren't the case, obviously the military would be exempt to that kind of ban, and possibly some police units
>being so used to facism that you'd consider it normal for a police force to employ military vehicles
She's clearly laughing about it at the end
Yeah because the ride was over
If she didn't like what she was seeing she could have just closed her eyes. I swear some people are completely retarded.
Unity 5.2 and Source 2 (when they come out) will both have VR support added in and are both free (as in beer) to developers. OSVR, which " aims to enable headsets from all vendors and game controllers from all vendors to be used with any games" is open source and already has Valve's support.
what a champ.
>talking out your ass 101
Nuh uh
Dude chill
>being so used to facism that you'd consider it unacceptable for a police force or civilian to employ military vehicles
Literally a cuck mentality.
Kinda sad I guess
You should the video where they power the phone on
Will never happen unless the oil price spikes.
I'm from Germany and I haven't heard of this before. This shit is simply wrong, see here
Because that country is known for making good choices and not having the ones on power alongside with foreigners fuck them over.
Petrol will only stop being used when there is none even if the planet gets destroyed in the process.
>Electric car
>Used by few
>Literally all new sold cars in first world countries will be electric within the next 20 years
I'm from the Netherlands and I know Royal Dutch Shell is building hundreds of hydrogen fueling stations in Germany.
This decision came after Putin shot down MH17.
And the Dutch monarchy is major shareholder in Shell. So they said fuck Russia.
Putin vs the illuminati
Who will win?
>VR thread
>they argue about EU electric car politics
I love you, Sup Forums