What to start learning programming?

What to start learning programming?

C# / C++ / Java or any scripting lenguage? Python , Ruby ?¿

Any experience learning to program a self-taught?

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I learnt python in a weekend, played with it for a few days, then moved on to java. It's pretty fun

learning to program is not learning a language. Pick up books on algorithms and software design that use a mathematical approach to designing programs and then apply that knowledge using a programming language of your choice

What do you want to program?

Java is usually a good start.

Start with something easy and widely used. Python should be a good start, or C#.

Try avoiding languages like C, C++.

Learning a language is only a part of programming, learn algorithms, some basic math, learn about different programming paradigms and such.

If you want to learn how to program: C.
If you want to make things: C# and python.

>Try avoiding languages like C, C++.


>What to start learning programming?
>scripting lenguage?
>learning to program a self-taught?
Rajeem please go.

C++ is way to complex for a beginner I think. There's so many things you should know before you can program in it properly.

There will be things like pointer, R-value reference, L-value reference. Some problems with constructors, many beginners don't really use container, algorithms and unique pointers, which could lead to unsafe and not really working code.

>There will be things like pointer, R-value reference, L-value reference. Some problems with constructors, many beginners don't really use container, algorithms and unique pointers, which could lead to unsafe and not really working code.
That's why you just use C

C could be maybe better choice, but it can be little hard for a beginner, there will be constant threat from memory leaks and you will have to think about little things, which will prevent you from abstraction.

Back to your shithole country, Alejandro

JavaScript is much more widely-used than Python.

I would say Python first to get your gears working syntactically, and once you're comfortable with that, move to C++.

C++ is a great language to 're-invent' the wheel on, i.e make your own binary trees and algorithms, and implementing other graph theory algorithms.

For example, youll learn about a dictionary in python. Then you can try to make your own in C++.

Not saying reinventing the wheel is good practice in the real world, but it is good as a learning exercise as you are just starting out.

Like others have mentioned, learning a language will not make you a very good programmer, and just doing that will limit you greatly.

Learn some basic logic, set theory and graph theory, and also data structures (when to use a certain structure for a certain task, complexities etc). Then it will all come together nicely.

what programming language is the most important and profitable to learn in healthcare?
After summer i'm going to learn SQL in school, but i have 2 month's of summer and want to learn something beneficial


My main issues with C are the need to learn the format specifiers for I/O, and the fact that many implementations don't support the modern for-loop syntax.

you're already not learning properly if you think that you need any specific programming language

Ayo what are some good books or resources for learning proper programming (not just writing code). My major was physics and math, but I never did much of the programming other than writing basic memes in MATLAB and fucking around in C.

Just learn how to
-hello world
-data type
-arithmetic/conditional operators
-for/while/do loops
then move to
-data structures
-basic oop concepts (its not a meme. you're using a oop language for fucks sake)
-this() and super()/base()
and also threading. while not really frequently used, it can be help you if you're autistic about performance.

google "cs50" and watch all the videos

literally the only good suggestion in this thread

Read SICP and learn Scheme.

for trash web apps

it's like saying there's more nails than hammers

people use vim on windows? It always seems super shitty on that platform.

learn C and python together

learn javascript and HTML

import std.Memes

honestly is the best answer. I found myself in the same position as OP and went thru a bunch of different books and the only one that resonated with me was SICP.

Java and Python are both horrible things to use
C and C++ are legit but hard as fuck
JavaScript is great but it's limited
C# might be the way to go these days

I'm on the fence with this.

I originally thought I had to learn all the programming languages on like codecademy or some shit to learn everything about programming.

Obviously I eventually realized that was wrong, but I didn't get into algorithms and higher maths until I realized I couldn't really do much else with my programs. I was already making useful scripts and things, but I hadn't done any programming competitions or math problems. Personally I would have had more trouble going from understanding algorithms and theory to implementing it in code, than from writing software, realizing I was being restricted and finding out on my own why I was restricted, then learning concepts that would benefit me.

any language is fine. stop being dumb.

You're fucking retarded as fuck.

how so?

explain how Java and python are horrible and especially why c# is the way to go these days

how good is SICP if I already know how to write code?

I also have good understanding of mathematics but didn't do any math heavy programming

non meme answers would be appreciated

If you have to ask, you're not ready yet.

its amazing. Just work thru it and google everything you don't understand

C isn't hard, it's just a lot to remember

You'll never learn how to code. Just give up, underage faggot.

How did u manage to learn it over weekend? Is it that easy?

It's easy but you can't learn it two and say you know python.

>java is horrible
>c# isnt
They're the same shit you double nigger.

It's pretty easy, but you can't learn enough for a weekend if this is your first language.

If you can't learn C as your first programming language, you are not going to be good.

Sure, go with python, and then fail to become good because you don't truly understand what's going on. That's what's going on in my university.

how should i best utilise this text, do i just sit there and go from chapter to chapter writing notes ?

iS iT eAsY to learn Coding when im aUtistiC, KEk. Does javascript provide a good grounds to learn game coding?

I don't think that qualifies as learning friend.

I would argue that you should go for C. The programming language does not matter much in the end, but C teaches you some important lessons in terms of discipline, memory layout and is very easily translatable to ASM.

Still, reading books about algorithms etc. is much more important.

Javascript is fucking terrible in every conceivable way. Don't.

Start with c and then go for the oop shit

>self taught
>literally every programmer

you can't be force fed the logics of programming like you can womens studies, dumbass

For writing physics simulator as well (^:

Learn JS it is a nice fast language that makes a lot of $

also read prog lang stats: stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2016

>using the backward smiley with a carat nose

What book(s) does Sup Forums recommend for learning algorithms?

Cormen and Sedgewick.

What's better for making a Pokemon rip off. Java or Python? I know the basics of both, understand OOP and have made rudimentary games in pygame like pong and frogger. Never tried anything other than algorithm exercises in Java but it seems like a better language to dive into.


Learning python doesn't prevent you from learning C. Any CS program worth a shit will have multiple required courses on systems and hardware related topics beyond their "intro to programming" course.

Thanks, will check 'em out. Do you only need to read one of those books to understand algos for programming? I don't want to make a million a year or something. Just get a job programming.


What course are you doing that you're required to learn C? I hope it's not computer science as computer science is not a degree in programming. Did you know that computer science can be taught with the help of any computer language, C is not required to teach CS.

Example on some books?

You have to learn how to think like a programmer before picking up any language. If you don't, you'll be "learning" programming the wrong way while learning the language of your choice.

Seriously, I fucked around with c++ when I was 13 and I'm still having nasty old habits to do stuff quick and dirty, more than a decade later.



>Java white guy here

>Algorithms Books
1) Algorithms (4th Edition) - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
2) The Algorithm Design Manual. 2nd Edition - Steven S. Skiena

>Java books for learning
Anything by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell - Beginner/Advanced books latest editions

>Java video tutorials (all can be found on rutracker)
The Complete Java Developer Course
Foundations of Programming Discrete Mathematics
Foundations of Programming Object-Oriented Design
Foundations of Programming Data Structures
Foundations of Programming Software Quality Assurance
coursera.org - Algorithms, Part I & Part II

Clean Code - Martin Robert C
Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving

>Any Questions?

the brainfuck movement begins...

>Java books for learning
>Anything by Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell - Beginner/Advanced books latest edition

Maybe I will extend a bit here:

"Core Java" series, both Beginner/Advanced version, the latest is 10th edition

Start with a high-level language like a scripting language.