What do u think about codecademy?

What do u think about codecademy?

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must be very simple if monkeys use it.

Niggas with thinkpads ¿? WTF

A place where you go to learn the syntax of a computer language, but not programming.

It's like taking a foreign language class that teaches exclusively grammar. "I know where to put an adjective relative to a noun, but so fucking what? I don't know words and I certainly can't become Shakespeare."

And where you can learn "programming"¿?

From a book.
It's a wide field.
You have to understand Software Engineering practices, as well as fundamental data structures and algorithms that you can draw upon to create more complex data structures and algorithms.

With a basic understanding of computer architecture, you understand the reason why "Test and Test and Set is better than Test and Set", even though mathematically they should produce an identical result in identical time (they don't.)
I could go on, but the short of it is that you should look up a university curriculum. You sound like you're from Brazil so I'm going to immediately tell you that Richard Feynman thinks schools south of the US border are garbage.

It the only thing durable enough for Africa.



It would be misleading to tell someone that they will understand what "programming" truly is after completing this course.

>a course for python 2.x in the current year

Six weeks of Front End 101. Only useful for syntax and flow control for high school students and social activists.

Social Activists¿?¿ WTF

Why do you beaners use that upside down question mark? Is it to emphasize the question?

This. Tried learning python from Codecademy, had no idea what the fuck I am doing. inventwithpython.com is the site I used to learn the words.

have you guys heard of pythontutor.com ?

not really a place that teaches you stuff exactly, but it lets you visualize code in various languages (started with python)

Why not just use the IDE and another site side by side?

que⁉️ ¿¿¿???

Portuguese doesn't use upside down question marks. Seems like schools above the southern US border aren't that good either.

i learnt coding through it six months ago, new job starting @ 300k on monday

it's actually pretty smart. you know it's going to be a question from the beginning. it's probably not that helpful when reading silently, but if you have to read aloud to an audience, your inflections will be correct from the start

>someone "taught themselves" something using tutorials/guides made by other people

I've never understood this phrase.

When I was little I was always impressed at anyone who "taught themselves" something, even if they weren't that great at what they did. I genuinely thought that just picked up an instrument or went on a computer and fiddled around until they learned how to use it. When I got older I realized that they were just using tutorials like I had been doing, and I realized that most people are stupid and can barely learn to do anything despite having countless resources available.


¿por qué no preguntarías de esta manera gringo?

teaching yourself is impressive . It shows you are dedicated and interested.

>giving a fuck about spic language or spics in general
Moonman moonman, black lives matter
>no they're worth less than fecal matter

¿what the fuck are you talking about gringo?

>implying that's not teaching yourself

what's the difference between it and 3.x?

En ingles no deberian ni tener el signo de abrir pregunta.

>pensando que todos son negros de mexico hacia abajo

Pendejo ignorante.

Son blancos hasta Monterrey N.L., y a partir de ahi hasta argentina puros negros. Menos las Malvinas porque ahí son Británicos.

Pendejo ignorante.

So did you teach yourself by looking at a text editor until some divine intervention hit and you suddenly knew how to program?

As if I care about languages used almost exclusively south of the border.


>I realized that they were just using tutorials like I had been doing

Reading comprehension?

There's nothing impressive about using a tutorial to learn something. I do it all the time and have since I was little. Being unable to use tutorials makes them stupid.


you are welcome famalam

What the fuck is wrong with you? a tutorial? Do you enjoy reinventing the wheel? Would you also figure out evolution, algebra and your country's history without going to school?

>almost exclusively
>among the 5 most spoken languages on the world
Ameritards, everybody!

they don't have questions as like english questions afaik, so as you said it helps

what is yorur name?:
¿your name is?

ps: I may be wrong

This sounds right. French has both styles, i.e. They have both:

Peux-tu me dire ton nom?
Can you tell me your name?


Tu peux me dire ton nom?
You can tell me your name?

Both ask exactly the same thing. The top is more correct but the bottom is just as commonly used.

The bottom sounds like when they attempt to speak in English, ive talked with many Europeans not just French and they would often phrase a question like that

good intro before properly learning a language

What's the best way to learn Python? Don't have any prior programming knowledge but I'm interested in learning Python.

Tons of motherfuckers "learn to code" but most of them never get jobs as programmers.

>What do u think about codecademy?

I don't have an opinion.

Wow such a cool guy, fuck off back to Sup Forums you edgelord

So are the token varieties of Chinese, but it doesn't make them relevant to anyone that isn't a greasy shyster.

Face it, your language is worth nothing and the only thing you have going for it is drugs and construction.