Sticker thread
Sticker thread
Where did you get them?
I got these on my MacBook.
>implying OP made that picture
Sikk dude, i like how you put an Asus logo on it too, fucking radical.
Well I want some fucking pepes on my purple gentoo laptop
Print them yourself, fag
Yeah then cut around them like that perfectly, not even a high tier autist can do that
>that picture
every time
Thanks g
There was a filter to refine the search but cannot post link cause apparently it's spam
should have gotten a reddit sticker too
I didn't want to be called a homo for owning a Mac but Macs are superior to ChinkPads
Chinkpads are cheap and comfy and they can have riced out arch installs, that is all a Sup Forums nigga needs
Your post gave me cancer.
No stickers is best stickers