Post your battle stations

Post your battle stations

Coming in from a PS3 superslim

Other urls found in this thread:

gotta be honest the only issue is that I cant make the threads auto update, bummer but other than that it works 100%

Coming at you with a 3ds, my personal battle station of choice

Coming from a 8088, screen screen monochrome or nothing!

That's sweet

green screen*

Holy fuck lmao
That blows my PS3 shitpost out of the water. Take your place at the helm

Well, it ain't the best for viewing pictures, kind of pointless on a imageboard

forgot pic



its funny because it squishes the sides in to make it sqaure

Yeah, its fucking CGA program on a EGA card with a MDA monitor, kek.

Yeah but it's still 10/10 shitposting

Gonna need sauce for this spaghetti in my pocket




Some terminal emulator connecting to a desktop?

SSH most likely.


Are you that leafbro who got that big-ass stack of microchannel shitboxes?

Null modem cable into a *nix system or something else that can hang terminals and run a browser like lynx or w3m, used to do this shit from my 8088 shitbox all the time, can't post without a pass though.


Etherlink III RJ45 connection with Lynx and LxPic for pic viewer.

I'm not leafbro, sorry, that's the only 8088 I got.



That's hot

Breakfast at noon edition.

Other thread up and died. Posting again.

Idk what that is but now I need to go make myself a hamburger. Hamburger, garlic toast, cheese, egg, onion, and tomato. Should give it a try.

>>ITT: faggots browsing Sup Forums on all kinds of shit

thought this was a battlestation thread, not a virginstation

>Gaming manchildren are so dense they don't realize the thread is a joke, and are actually posting their expensive toys like a regular /bst/ thread

/bst/ threads belong in In fact, there's one already there.

You mean These right?

bit of a mess currently as im upgrading this thinkcenter out of the pentium 4 era and into the pentium g era

We already have a /bst/ thread why?

>being a jerk on Sup Forums

>pentium g
Pentium Sup Forums

Perfect processing unit for shitposting

it will work for what i want to do, which is basically just playing terraria and ricing windowmaker on ubuntu

its going to be this when im done:

already got the motherboard, gpu, ram and im reusing my old heatsink+fan, HDD and case fan for now, a better heatsink, fan, ssd and such will come after i get the important stuff

Why only a 60gb ssd? The basic sandisk 120gb is only like $5-7 more?


i never used that much space, i dont download and keep most stuff. I have that 80gb HDD i plan to use for actual storage and the SSD will be for the OS and maybe 3-4 games.
120gb, while not much more expensive, i really wouldnt use anyway.
My t42 has 40gb, my R52 has 40gb, my x41 has 60gb, my R30 has 3.8gb, and chromebook has 16gb, and i never fill them.

Even the t42 which ive got loads of music, games and other stuff on still has like 24gb of space left or something.

The idea of something like a 1tb HDD is mindblowing to me, because id never use it all.

I'm getting a desk next week I think. Gotta get a few more things moved out of storage first so I can measure the space I want it in.


macaroni crusaders/10

how did you know I live in virginia?

>drinking anything but beer and water for any meal

Sup Forums is for people who are 18 and older, kid

Beer gives me watery shits


>drinking beer means you're an adult
Nigga I only drank that shit when I was in highschool

Having the overhead extra space is nice and required for SSD's to work. And if you really don't use that much, paying the extra couple dollars would basically future proof you.


Looks like you have a sad life then, my friend.

Hello Jamal/white kid who wishes his name was Jamal.
Don't you know we hate niggers here?

ill look into it, but why do ssd's need extra space to work with?
i mean looking at prices, yeah it wouldnt be a big deal to move to 120gb or even one i found thats 80gb would be plenty for 3$ more and i might as well go with that

I have a sad life because I think beer tastes like mud water?
I have other drinks

>Don't you know we hate niggers here?
fuck off back to Sup Forums, edgy underage faggot

Found the triggered tumblr faggot. All non whites belong in gas chambers like hitler wanted.

sure thing buddy

Don't respond, he'll get bored eventually

Your entire vodka shelf screams pleb and wine is for faggots.

there's a difference?

Ugh, buy better alcohol man. I'm a scotch and vodka guy and that vodka selection is piss poor

Sure thing kiddo

>fuck off!!! Leave me alone!!!!
>Stay away from my safe space!
>n-no I'm not underage you are!

>belong in gas chambers
Except there weren't any gas chambers.

>black label
>grey goose
You have some good drinks, and some awful drinks.

Chopin and Titos is where it's at

>Buying Johnnie Walker unironically

I'm not going to waste good stuff when there's a larger party, that's only for BBQs with friends and important people
I probably should reorganize to only show off good stuff and hide the crap in the cupboards

>there's a larger party
You're on Sup Forums, you don't have to lie here user.

My nigga, titos goes great in a gimlet, such a nice after taste.

you seem like someone who knows their alcohol well, what is your opinion on bombay sapphire over other mainstream brand gins?

No idea, I don't drink gin


I prefer beefeater

Overhead, the more space you have in your case to pack the easier it is to pack.


You fucked up man, you fucked up....
That's like the bar cabinet of a ex-alcoholic


oh, i see
thats a good analogy

>bought all of le Sup Forums memes
>no money for a desk

Overhead... As in extra SSD storage space. If you have a full SSD they won't run properly. I don't remember the exact reasons. Something to do with files needing the space to move around or something. This other user is leading you on.

having extra space isn't a big deal, i keep my 120 gb ssd almost completely full and it works just fine.

I dunno user, see if I care