windows 10 love thread.
post your comfy windows 10 desktops, piss off the loonix users.
windows 10 love thread.
post your comfy windows 10 desktops, piss off the loonix users.
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It would be very great if you could theme Edge. Perhaps give it a colour theme.
There is a white and a black theme. Neither supports .webms though
>insider build
t. Mactard mad his "lets ban windoze thrads on Sup Forums" thred got deleted
This is how paranoid and neurotic the Linux crowd is.
i want to download win10, but only because i was reccommended to by a Sup Forumsentoomen because of my specs, and dx12 would be better for my rig than dx11 or whatever i get on win 8.1
i know i can remove most of the botnet if i do upgrade, but i need to know if theres a 100% botnet removal, or at least 96%
My monitor is an old HP w1907, got it for free from a friend.
Only on enterprise/education versions
You can turn off most of the spy shit when you first set it up.
just don't click "use express settings"
select what you want it to do manually.
>been proven to auto turn back on no matter what you choose
everything is still off for me, maybe some Linux users lied to you.
besides if you are really a pedophile you can always just dualboot Linux.
So the purpose of this thread is baiting and shitposting?
Fuck off. This is not technology
It's windows 10, it's technology.
This board is not a Linux echo chamber, Deal with it.
OP's description states the aim of this thread.
it's comfy ;)
What's the point in a Windows desktop thread?
I understand this is b8 but I see people posting their Windows desktops in Desktop threads.
I don't get it, the only customization you can do in Windows is change your background, it's fucking stupid.
Post that wallpaper OP
Hope you enjoy your baked into the Kernel non-removable spyware.
It's just the stock reflections theme that comes with windows 10.
not a pedo so I'm good.
That's like saying you have nothing to say so why have free speech?
>I'm not a pedo, I'll brag about a spyware in tech boards
Comfy as fuck
That is really comfy, how do you make it look like that?
The meters on the right and the music controller/visualizer are all rainmeter.
The taskbar used to be MAXIMUM comfort because I made it completely opaque, but something broke and it doesn't work any more, so it's just mostly see through to match whatever wallpaper I am using.
Small taskbar buttons as well.
Would you look at that. I fixed it. The necessary program is "Classic Start Menu". Tons of tweaks available.
>50 rupees have been deposited into your account
the most comfy things are always food
Ayy I have the same monitor
It's not too shabby eh
I wish you could disable MSE and Windows updates... That's the only things i hate about Win 10.
Block and ban all the MS ip ranges
Shit I want to make my shit look like that, is it fairly easy? How does it look when you are using Chrome?
Daily reminder this thread is unnecessary because all Win 10 desktops look the same.
Also daily reminder desktop threads are unnecessary usually because everybody in them uses fucking arch with i3 so they all look the same.
But hey check out this amazing wallpaper and rainmeter theme. It's so ricer amiright?
i have ZERO issues with my windows 10, have been using it since launch
Windows 10's start menu search is HORRIBLE. In Windows 7, you can hit the start menu, type all or part of the name of the program you want to launch (including shortcuts like "dev man" for device manager), and hit enter before anything has even loaded. You do not need to wait for the menu to appear and the results to load. If you do the same thing in windows 10/8, it will usually start an internet search for what you have entered. 8 and 10 will also shuffle the results around based on how often you use a program. This may be good for people who point and click after searching, but if you have a set muscle memory for opening a program it will not always work the same way.
Along with that the interface is horribly inconsistent and ugly, even compared to windows 7. The settings are fragmented too, some things require you to use the 10 settings app, and some require you to use the control panel.
Microsoft probably has thousands of unknown ips and a-records they can activate at any time circumventing the block.
Feels good working in education and tour district is selling Windows 10 edu for $10 to you
You're correct, they do, that was just a small snippet of tens of thousands of theirs ips they use
I did an experiment of letting it 'update' to a freshly partitioned drive and only connected it once I had a traffic analyzer and firewall running, then I started watching all in & out traffic to see what was calling to MS then started mapping their entire network and all their subsidiary IPs, that like you said, they do use when you cut their main connection paths
After banning all their NA servers, I started seeing their Asia & Europe servers attempt to connect, so blocked those too
Now I just have ban it all and run a whitelist, much quicker
how do?
How do do what?
To make it look even worse than it normally does.
How does it look bad? feels comfy to me ;^)
Some things are off center and the margins are weird.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>Windows 10 x64 Enterprise "LTSB"
>LTSB version is best
>is windows 7 alike without any MS trash
>loonix freetards with >GNU/Pedo/Jew/Communist stallman will >never know what is comfy
thats a nice pic. give?
My parents have it.
Slow as fuck.
You can't active Enterprise with a home user license key. I have Windows 7 and 8 keys from Dreamspark and they activated clean Windows 10 Pro install without issues.
What's that? I can't hear shit because Linux cannot into Audio and Wireless devices.
Fuck off nerd
>flowchart splits into two "no" choices
>"are you a gamer?" offers only "yes" choice
make it stop
Stop living in 90s, gramps
best os ever
Rate guys
u mad white boi?
Unity is a turd.
If they were going to rip off osx that should have went all the way and not half assed it.
I agree but its still the best and most complete loonix one
post the wallpaper unless it comes with that triangle in the middle, comfy as fuck
comfy wallpaper mate
>anime reaction pics
nobody can take you seriously if youre bent on posting cartoon images
comfy indeed
I usually have desktop icons
though clean the top of the page
i love window 10
dont forget to upgrade FREE before end july!!!
i am 2000000% mad
uninstalling linux
this thread is now 1 post closer to the bump limit
I have a question regarding Win10 upgrading.
Right now I have Win7 with a pending Win10 Upgrade that I don't want to do. Also got a Win10 install media/iso.
Can I now go ahead and Install Win10 with the iso on another system and put in my current Win7 key or do I have to upgrade to Win10 on my current system?
thanks i hiss on cat she cum at penis
>He doesn't know Sup Forums is a windows board for video games and phones
It looks like your animu girl is upset with your web browsing.
>saying fuck off, you nerd on a technology-board
i think you misclicked on the Sup Forums front page, user.
I like to use a comfy screenshot from a favourite game as my desktop background for maximum comfiness.
>haven't used Chuwi Windows tablet in a couple weeks
>boot it up
>touchscreen doesn't work, left-clicking on the taskbar doesn't work, it's in tablet mode but there are no tiles on the screen
>have to hook up a mouse and keyboard
>I can only go into settings with Windows+I
>update Windows
>works again
Is this a Windows problem or a Chinese tablet problem? Because I want to know what to avoid using in the future.
Am I welcome in this ITT? :^)
windows 10 is awesome. I don't care what anybody says. Let the NSA spy on me for all I care. They're here to keep me and everyone safe. There's nothing wrong with that. Windows 10 is better updated than Windows 8.1, 8, & 7. Even browsing the deepweb on illegal foreigner sites Windows 10 can screencap and collect data on the illegal immigrants and arrest them for: Hacking, stealing, piracy, Child porn, & drugs. I love America and I don't mind this distribution of this superior OS. Also not being sarcastic. This is really huge! It's a win10/10
what is the problem, looks good to me