Book thread

Book thread

Recommend each other books on how to be a better hacker!

I'm currently looking for books on logic tables and the nitty gritty about circuit boards and programming and what programming is in a physical sense. Also info on the internet and various networks would be great

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just install Windows 10, and learn batch scripting. You'll be a great haxxor in no time xD

Literally this is the only one you need

I may not know much but I know enough to know when I'm being made fun of.


Is this another troll post?

Have you even read it?

no, is it kucked?

bumping for research material

Reading it currently.


Best book for learning C ?

also wondering this

From my browsing, these are the general recommendations in their particular field, either as introductions or as definitive texts. I've read very few of them, however, so take these with the appropriate grains of salt:

Code (Petzold)

Offensive security:
Hacking - The Art of Exploitation (Erickson)

Cryptography Engineering (Ferguson, Schneier, Kohno)

Lower-Level Computing (OS to hardware level):
The Design of the Unix Operating System (Bach)
Hacker's Delight (Warren)
Structured Computer Organization (Tanenbaum, Austin)
Computer Architecture - A Quantitative Approach (Hennessey, Patterson)

The Art of Electronics* (Horowitz, Hill)
Microelectronic Circuits (Sedra, Smith)

Introduction to Algorithms* (Cormen, Leiserson, divest, Stein) [aka CLRS]
The Algorithm Design Manual (Skiena)

(Remembered a few more)
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach (Norvig)

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Aho)

The asterisks denote serious texts. They are not easy for a lay-person, and they will not introduce any of the required math (≥ Calculus II, iirc).

I'm happy to share other recommendations if anyone has particular topic requests.

C Primer Plus

saved, thanks

protip for searching books on google: [title] ext:pdf

What if I'm not a robot?

You are a robot, otherwise you wouldn't be able to post here.

That's why I'm asking. Tell me about the non-robot lyfe.