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>t. Nvidiot who doesn't know about the clock speeds.

Holy fuck Nvidia BTFO, how can they compete when none of their similar cost cards are even on the list?

How can AMD even compete?
>44% behind 1070 in artificial benchmark
>88% behind it in actual games

Stupid AMDrones.

Well, that's how. IT's better than my 770

>the significantly Superior product costs slightly more

>new card
>literally just slightly faster than it's 2 year old card
Of course it is, with the die shrink you'd expect it to be cause it's half the fucking size and uses less materials.

>ask stupid question
>get obvious answer

top kek

it's significantly more

>44% slower
>40% of the price
It's confirmed, AMD owns price/performance and the mainstream market for at least the next 6 months.

>tfw 480 8GB version costs 319€
>can just get a 980 for that much and OC it instead of waiting

Just wait, some AMDumb will pretend that TDP and power consumption suddenly matter.

They've always mattered, somewhat.
Remember fermi?
Nvidia fanboys mock AMD cards for using 100W more and being warmer, but fermi cards were fucking housefires, dual 8pin monsters

By getting a GTX 1070 over a RX 480 your total PC cost increases by like 10% (assuming an average $2000 build) while giving 44% more performance.

More like AMDead

He just said that you retard

A 2000$ build easily fits a 1080 or a dual card setup. Your argument is retarded

The RX 480 would only be better value if the total build cost (with the RX 480) is $450 or less.

>$2000 build
Nigger, the 480 fits in a $500 build

my gtx470 pulls like 300 watts, run at 100*C, and it has been doing that for fucking 6 years without any hassle

And do you mock AMD's 200/300 series for using more power than nvidia's 700/900 series?

If the answer is no then you're not part of the problem are you

like nvidiots did for the last few gens even though on closer inspection nvidia consumed 180w on a "150w" cards while amd consumed 225w on 250w housefire cards.


kys pajeet

I'm sorry but is 180w greater than 225 watts?
I don't understand how your math works in your dimension.

Look nigga, either wattage didn't matter during the past few years or it always matters

>average build

you must be retarded if your build cost that much and the 1070 is the GPU you picked

Still a great upgrade from my 480

Just wait for Zen and my poorfag build is ready

Nvidia confirmed for bankrupt in 2 years

okay, so its competing with cards that cost twice as much while being a midrange card that is marketed as a midrange card and amd hasn't even revealed their highend or enthusiast options? what's this thread even mean?

it's about how the shoe goes in another foot.

when maxwell was good at tdp/perf, efficiency mattered, now that polaris is king at it, it suddenly does not. and how nvidia lied about the real tdp to incite the image that maxwell is so much more efficient than hawaii

AMDrones confirmed gullible idiots

$2000 really isn't much

>$250 CPU
>$50 Cooler
>$100 Board
>$50 RAM
>$200 Storage
>$400 GPU
>$50 Sound Card
>$50 Case
>$100 PSU
>$50 Mouse
>$100 Keyboard
>$200 Monitor
>$400 Speakers

>71% of people are poor
Sounds about right

>the slightly superior product costs significantly more

Welcome to fanboys. You are confused not through fault of your own but rather that this dumb fanboy crap really doesn't make sense.

but pascal is still more efficient.....

>71% of people have their priorities in order

Yup you're retarded, not surprising that you picked Nvidia

>Sound Card

Assuming the RX 480 also performs well in actual real world benchmarks, I don't see how this is not a great card, especially given its price.

It means AMDumbs like celebrating their favourite company's bankruptcy.

>not having spare cash for a gpu
Wow, it must suck to be poor

literally children then?

>perfect 1080p card for $200
nvidia is ruined.
hardly anyone even uses 1440p monitors yet, 1070/80 will dominate the enthusiast market while the 480 dominates the market as a whole.

nice trips

but i don't understand, if it's their midrange aren't they pricing it accordingly? especially if it's a brand new architecture and everything, making last gens cards obsolete essentially?

>hardly anyone even uses 1440p monitors
Your kidding right?

>-$200 Monitor
>-$400 Speakers
>+$600 1440p 144hz Monitor


the 480 will probably be outperforming the 980 in real games 6 months to a year from now just because nvidia will drop support.

let's have that conversation once aib hits the streets. maxwell 2.0 is stretched so much, top tier cards will struggle to match perf/watt

390x or 980 are great for 2560x1440 monitors. RX 480 is good at that, too.

lots of kids bought cheap 1080p monitors and don't see a reason to upgrade.
To them, 1440p and 4k just means they'll need a more powerful PC, so they're content.

>brand new architecture
It's a die shrink of their old arch probably, it isn't as efficient as they like so they're busy making a new architecture and releasing this shit to remain relevant. The fact that it's priced so low stinks of a rush to market job.

oh, alright. so vega is the new architecture then?

and doesn't that still make it a good card for the money or am i missing something?

seems like it, makes no sense that they're not releasing a high end card because those make the most amount of money,
They come up with an enthusiast card then bin accordingly,
Just like how a 290 is a failed 290x who didn't pass the silicon grade etc etc. but AMD recycles all it's architectures so you end up buying 3 year old cards with new stickers.

.t 180 watts card

>Wasting cash makes you rich
Made enough money to buy a couple GTX1080 by speculating on AMD stock. Still going to buy a 480 because it's by far the most fps for your money. It's not like any games actually need more performance than a 480.

>suddenly TDP and power consumption matters

never change, amdumbs

>not having a 4k monitor

>not having a 2560x1440 144Hz monitor
wake me when 120HZ 4k Monitors hit the market

>suddenly TDP and power consumption don't matter

never change, nvidiots

For what purpose? Not everyone's a manchild

>GTX 480 gets released
>power doesn't matter
>Power doesn't matter
>R9 290 gets released
>Power matters
>Power matters
>Power suddenly doesn't matter anymore

Nvidia fanboys really are annoying.

being this desperate using videocardz as a source while this site was saying 1080 will have hbm will be 100% above 980ti and 40% faster than 980ti sli


>wake me when 120HZ 4k Monitors hit the market

Dell UP3017Q

Don't tell me you're too poor to afford it.

You're too poor to afford it

they really have no idea

Efficiency has always mattered, TDP and power consumption always mattered.

Pascal is more efficient than Maxwell, and also more efficient than the RX 480.

>Not yet released

>hardly anyone even uses 1440p monitors

that's gotta be me. I would only upgrade once 1440p becomes the norm like 1080p, and it's still quite a while away.

>gtx 1070
>150w max
>1070 is 44% better
>uses 44% more power at least
how is it more efficient?

This, I'm not paying the early adopter tax.

>How can AMD even compete?
by having the Fury x2 and 295x2 dumb arse.

why do you think shills don't add those GPU's in on benchmarks

why is nvidia's consumer cards so shit really?
>no Dx12
>No hardware Async
>gimped video cards

good luck poorfag nvidioit

not only that your Nvidoits are getting cucks in the high end and low end.

the high mid is all your friend.
Rx480 is a entry mid card so what is the matter the CF boogyman trying to get you again.

to be righty honest i'm still unsure if i'll get a 1070 (back to being cucked by Nvidia and get nothing in return) or RX480 (cus powerdraw and saving 250$ for a spare ssd)

How to you brand loyal idiots do it ?

forget the 1070. the 480 is slower than the 2 year old 3.5 meme 970.

AMD are fucking retarded (as usual). you can find second hand 970s and 290s, OC them and get 480 performance for less.

i was holding out, once i saw these benchmarks and now that the hype machine is starting for zen i opted to keep my 970 and bought a second hand 2600k. intel+nvidia for the forseeable future i guess.

You do know that power efficiency scales poorly with performance right?
If you want it to shit on the RX 480 then underclock it to RX 480 levels of performance and it will probably use 80w

me too, considering lots of fucking console ports actually limit you to 1080p anyway I don't see to much of a point.
Down the line I'll have more disposable income and it will be more standard.
it's not really early adopter anymore, 1440p has been around for awhile.
It just hasn't become the set stanard, partially because it was never marketed to the mainstream very well.
It may never be the standard, 4k might set the bar.

wrong pic. looks like i'm the retarded one.

>It's been around for awhile
So have white elephants, and they haven't caught on yet.

>relevant at all to anything

>Not having an elephant
what are you? poor?

Pascal is just a die shrink overclocked maxwell.
Nice non 480 synthetics you have there

>he fell for the elephant meme
lol, enjoy property damage and food bills.
Tapir-partician here, I laugh at you pachyderm pussies

>Pascal is just a die shrink overclocked maxwell.

nice FUD amdrone, you don't get 2x the perf watt and 30% more performance over last gens 600mm2 flagship die from just a die shrink.

wot m8?

>max consumption 154w
>max consumption 216w
so who's lying?

yeah i can imagine amd being a lot efficient if they removed their hardware sc as well


Neither, one is the draw from the card, the other is total system power.

fanboyism aside, these things will never not be funny

one is total system consumption at the wall and the other is just the GPU.

reference nvidia gpus since the 600 or 700 series use shitty locked voltage controllers and low tdp limits, my reference pcb 970 has a 187w max tdp and is locked at 1.212v. it's probably the same with the 1070 and 1080.

>Watts at wall
Learn to fucking read

Well one's consumption at wall, i.e. the entire system. So the AMD shill above is comparing the consumption of an entire system with a 1070 to the TDP of the 480 card.

apparently you dont even need to do a die shrink to do it though

nvidia never gives max tdp they calculate the average

1080 with 2 6 pin connectors will have 300watt max tdp obviously they will be around 250-240is

>250w at wall
>it's an 8-pin card that definitely uses 250w
are you saying their test build uses 0w for its other components?

Let me just check my 380X

yes today we learned nvidia is the first company to succeed fusion

their cards generates so much power that people dont even have to connect the rest of the components to the wall

god people dont even try to be sane some times..

This die shrink is kindad shitty compared with the last one

Real talk.

If I have a 290x and I'm moving from a 1080p to 1440p, would a 480rx do the job or am I looking at a 1070 or higher? Also, how are 980ti at 1440? I see the prices are going down around $350ish.

It's a $200 card you fucknut.

$200 for a card that performs as well as a 390x or 980 is a fantastic deal and will sell like hotcakes.

If there's anything to laugh about, it's that $400 of crossfired mid range cards is FASTER than the MUCH more expensive 1080, which you cut off the chart because you needed to jerk off to Nvidia or something.

They don't have to beat themselves, they only have to beat team red.

>For this test, we measure the power consumption of only the graphics card via the PCI-Express power connector(s) and PCI-Express bus slot. A Keithley Integra 2700 digital multimeter with 6.5-digit resolution is used for all measurements. Again, these values only reflect the card's power consumption as measured at its DC inputs, not that of the whole system.
