Google is manipulating Hillary Clinton google search results.
Google is manipulating Hillary Clinton google search results
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House of Cards was right.
Please focus on the content being discussed in the video.
Lies. Trump and Bernie are also equally manipulated.
No they aren't.
>le edgy shit bro
Back to your containment board
Yes they are.
You mean this video that they ripped off?
No they aren't.
Why are people talking about this now?
I heard about this a week ago.
It should be well known by now that Hillary has shadowy ties to Google
No they aren't
+1 good catch
...they are
that bitch can't even enter a fucking plane plane without faceplanting herself
>Wants to be President
>Can't enter a plane without acting like a retard
lmao, she deservers it
That's three different results though.
If the sex scandal was also displayed in bing you would've had a point, but alas, you don't.
Also, what the fuck, is Sup Forums leaking in here for. Take your Americano election they aren't
According to Google, more people are likely to associate Donald Trump and Sex and the City over sexism and sex scandals. Why am I surprised to see this.
We are anomalous
We are a region
Forgive and forget
Expecto Patronum
That fact that you're in massive denial despite clear evidence speaks volumes. So butthurt over your candidate losing hard?
>losing hard
5 cent has been deposited in your bank account
>clear evidence
Haven't seen any of that yet.
I won't lie, I'll take great joy come November when that Trumpfag loses hard and Sup Forums gets eternally butthurt
t. cuck
>saying what the polls are saying shilling
Maybe you should use an os that supports 2D images.
You'll probably also take joy next January when she expands NSA powers, the Patriot Act, and nationalizes California's anti-gun legislation so that you can't fight back.
This was just a swing at Google. Fuck you guys. Check for yourselves for once. Fucking automatons.
If trump won he'd do the same thing, but people would like him for it