
>manufacture cost $5
>sells for $199

>manufacture cost $7
>sells for $599

Why are AMDrones so stupid? It's obvious that Nvidia is the winner. Even with less sales, they're selling a product that's at the top of every benchmark and is significantly better in almost every single way.

Not a shill, Just pointing out the obvious for you dumb fucks.

Other urls found in this thread:


>>manufacture cost $5

I don't know where you got that number from but you also have to account for that fact that it cost millions of dollars, resources, time, and creativity to create the card so that has to be factored into the cost.

>90% overclock

Fake and gay.

It's just guesswork, but don't they make a shit tonne at once on a wafer?
Material costs are almost insignificant, that leaves only R&D costs which will be spread out across the hundreds of thousands of GPUs that'll be sold in its lifetime worldwide.

Manufacture costs for those things are closer to hundreds of dollars.
It's like saying that 'well water is cheap so clearly a magnetic containment field containing a kilo of pure protons is just as cheap'

Materials are the absolute bottom of the barrel on the cost list. It's the multi-million dollar manufacturing plants, research and development, and employees that cost money.

The overall material costs do add up but the bulk is R&D and manufacturing.

Which is spread out across many many sales



Planned Obsolesence Driver



Gtx 480 512 edition


Fake marketing

Lying AIB partners

Fake publicity

Fermi no voltage regulation

500 series added the voltage regulator and dissabled it after the 600 series came out technically becoming fermi

>Material costs are almost insignificant
Do you know how much a massive pure silicon crystal costs to grow?

fucking /thread right here folks

Extreme shitposting this is reaching [S4S] levels

say that to my wallet, faggot

>manufacture cost $5
>manufacture cost $7
uhhh idk where you faggots get these numbers but they're wrong

About tree fiddy

Whats so stupid is i'm the guy who made that fake chart this morning and you nvidiots post it -=)

The cost of the litography steps is a lot higher than the cost of the silicon wafer.

Another shitbait thread, what a good initiative.

Half of them don't work, also the bigger the die the less you can have in a single wafer, and it's more probable than the chips will be unusable
Being a smaller chip Polaris will get better yields
AMD is shooting for volume this gen, capturing most of the market means that devs will cater to your cards, effectively neutering Gimpworks

What's better, lots of cheap sales, or fewer more expensive sales?

both have their bonuses, cheaper doesnt last long so they keep on earning. expensive shit usually means more quality which lasts longer than your average cheap shit.

Guess AMD chose the first option of selling alot of cheaper products, this will ultimately come down to drivers and general usability to prove successful.
nVidia and their enthusiast approach is yet another risk i personally wouldnt have wanted.

When you want other companies to co-operate with you and support your products, higher volume is better.

Holy shit, that overclock performance.

I'm buying that 480.

>comparing 480 and 1080

they aren't meant to compete and honestly I just root for amd because cba paying 5k for a high end card.

>cba paying 5k for a high end card
You're right!

It's only $3939.27 for high end AMD card!


>It's only $3939.27

god bless amd


stopped reading there bud.

Are your eyes too blurry to make out the rest of his post? Or are you just lazy and incompetent?

Those 480 meme threads get better and better.

Fix costs are very small for companies which sell millions of products. Even if they spend that much money in RD, they dont have any competition and can redistribute the cost among all the sales.

They now believe 480x will beat Titan x, kek

I'm fairly sure the profit margin on a GPU is in the low double double digits.

Making chips that large increases the failure rating exponentially rather than linearly, they'd be throwing out a large portion of all chips or making lots of lower end cards with them.


AMD's RX lineup or more specifically Polaris is just for entry and mid tier gaming, their main benefit will be in crossfire. Why are people fanboying so hard for? Vega in 2017 Q1> will be the high end cards that will compete with nVidia's cards.
