Windows users write something positive about Linux
Linux users write something positive about Mac
Mac users write something positive about Windows
Windows users write something positive about Linux
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Windows looks like shit and the font rendering is poo.
t. Windows user forced to use this os because of specific software.
Windows provides a convenient well-rounded experience for the average consumer.
I can't say anything positive about macs because there's nothing positive about toddler toys for retards too scared of real computers. :^)
Linux has a kick-ass terminal that you can do pretty much anything with and it costs 0 bucks
Missing point of the thread
I use Windows on one machine and Linux on another so I guess I'll do both
Linux is super for everyday computer use.
Apple have good customer service.
Missing point of the thread
Missing line of the thread
>Missing circle of the thread
it jus twerks
good privacy build in
unix shell
t. Lincuck
Mac users have an ability to find wonderment in the simplest things. Way to go, mac users!
You can't compare apples with water melons.
Windows > An OS
MacOs > An Os
Linux > It's a fucking kernel you little nigger diarrhea.
It's 2016 for the fucks sake, learn the difference already.
Mac's have some interesting features and streamlined software. Also the camera on the massive iphone is amazing
I use all three because they all fill a different need :
Visual Studio is god among IDE
Apple makes the best laptops
Linux is the best server os around
linux not reporting every keystroke to microsoft
Windows telemetry is great because it improves the user experience :^)
Do you realize how much data Microsoft would have streaming in if they tracked each keystroke for every user of Windows? They'd probably need a warehouse the size of Texas and to analyze that data they would probably require a few billion years with today's PC.
Tinfoil hats make me giggle
Linux is better for running Servers
keep using the botnet then, just remember to poo in loo
Linux has BB
I use all three equally. So here goes:
Mac: Get it together with Alt Tab. I just want my other Chrome window to reappear. IT WAS THE PREVIOUS TAB!
You are very powerful, support developers, and care how you are used.
Windows: why does restarting you, fix you? It should be running the same way, all the time. Get it together.
Snap screens is great and intuitive. Snipping tools is even better.
Linux: I love you. You never fail. You are steady and you are true.
I hate you. Every time you fuckin break, I have to scour the internet for one stupid SO thread just to find out you let me save a bad apache2.conf ;-)
>Mac OS
Solid Unix base, friendly UI for normies.
>Linux users write something positive about Mac
Amazing design. Good philosophy behind the product and the decisions they make.
It's also better than Windows
Windows has games and applications. It'd be easier for me to write something positive about linux. I sorta like Vista's Aero over the tackiness of pre-leopard(post-10.2) OS X versions.
OP, you should've written OS X or macOS over Mac users.
Mac > a fucking computer line
Mac looks nice and is really good for productivity
Linux. You can make it to whatever you want. You can change anything and make it exactly how you want. You can make it run on anything. Its awesome.
Windows user here, for longer than any of you would care.
Good thing about Linux: it's free.
And that's where anything good about Linux comes to a screechin' motherfuckin' slam-into-a-brick-wall kinda hard stop.
>Linux: I love you. You never fail. You are steady and you are true especially after a reboot like all the other OSes.
A mac provides a great platform for simple and/or tech illiterate people. Without it this site, and perhaps the whole internet, would be nigh unaccessible to such people
>Do you realize how much data Microsoft would have streaming in if they tracked each keystroke for every user of Windows?
>look kids, someone that's never heard of Zip compression that can do up to 99% compression ratios on text which is made from keystrokes
t. windows user who never used Linux
I've never, ever had to reboot my Linux machine to fix a problem.
look up the definition of the term 'operating system' you fucking low-tech pleb, linux is an OS
Linux, as defined by Linux himself, is a kernel - an operating system requires much more than just the kernel to actually "operate a system."
It's ok that you don't grasp this simple concept, but it's not ok to excuse your ignorance just because.
That's when you become known as a stupid fucking person.
>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
Aww you snoozy cuty. Come come now, go back to playing your preinstalled candy crush.
CMD + `
Mac: Coherent, multi-device connectivity for easy moving of data.
PC: Easy to use (most of the time with the more prominent versions) for the average end user, with fairly easy access to huge amounts of software.
Linux: What's not to love? You win the game of life.
Mac: Stop fucking changing your entire virtual presence with every new OS, making the previous setup 100% obsolete and forcing users out of old hardware by forced, code-brought slow downs.
Windows: WHY THE FUCKING, COCKSUCKING, ASSGOBLINMUNCHING HELL CAN YOU UTILIZE GENERIC DRIVERS?! A NETWORK DEVICE IS STILL A NETWORK DEVICE. Seriously, utilize basic drivers so users aren't stranded with a non-connecting machine after a fresh install. Additionally, your upgrade process and reinstall process for Windows 10 is geared towards forcing people out of Windows 7 and 8, disallowing new hardware updates, which will just "accidentally" move people into buying keys of Windows 10.
Linux: Stop trying to emulate Windows. Build the basics of a GUI and then BE UNIQUE! Don't go all out Unity, because "lol dude hold my beer", but seriously, just build a generic UI and then move the fuck on to better stuff.
Final Note: Apple, Canonical, Google, etc....pour some money into OpenGL. Let's get rid of Windows stranglehold with DirectX and allow people the freedom to play games on Windows/Mac/Linux without the need for ports/wine/crossover/etc.
-Linux SysEng
Good, now analyze all that lovely compressed data and output something useful.
Fine, we'll call Linux GNU/Linux but in exchange YOU need to call Windows MS/Windows and you need to call OS X Apple/OS X.
If you don't comply with this then we have no choice but to continue using the term how we see fit.
Mac OS is a very well-polished and generally usable operating system.
>[...] Linux himself
>not knowing zips can be decompressed
You must be 18 or older to use this site, kid
Linux is pretty cool, as a kernel. Android is the top in this relationship, though.
Mac has a bunch of unix tools, though they are pretty outdated. At least it isn't windwd
Read my question again. Maybe you'll get it the 2nd time around?
Macs are comfy to develop on because *NIX, while still being mainstream enough to have programs nobody ever bothered to port to Linux.
>Linux users write something positive about Mac
I like how polished it is
I like how it looks
I like how it has shit like the Adobe suite
Signed: Linux user who would use macOS, if it was easier to get running
>Windows users write something positive about Linux
I would be using Debian Gnome primarily if there was native support for VSTs
>Apple/OS X
Holy shit,user.
You're either implying one cannot get compressed data back, or that one cannot find out anything useful by analyzing keyboard logs.
I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you meant the least retarded of two very retarded claims. I guess I forgot I'm on Sup Forums.
Third option, you're too stupid and not educated enough to understand what I really mean.
Try and analyze gigabytes of data. Hard? Now try to analyze terabytes of data. Harder? Good. Now try petabytes of data. See how long that takes you. Oh, and all your data is compressed, don't forget.
>Linux users write something positive about Mac
OS X has most of the things we like about Linux, but it's got a very nice default DE and requires hardly any initial setup. Plus, since almost every apple computer has a very nice monitor, it gives normals a way to be assured they're getting a high quality monitor without having to know what key features (IPS, high pixel density) to look for.
Apple makes hardware that's very pleasing to the eye, as well as a UI that's very easy for the average person while still providing the power of a full Unix system.
How does resolving library dependencies work on OS X? Suppose I need libwtfbbq_3.1; on Debian I can sudo apt-get install libwtfbbq-dev and immediately have it available globally with automatic updates; is there is a similar option for Mac?
>something positive about Linux
It's FOSS. When you use it, you don't feel like you are using someone elses workstation.
>something positive about Mac
Great hardware, integrates well with the software. Has unix utilities
>something positive about Windows
Stability. It has kept a stable desktop paradigm for 2 decades now.
So much circlejerk over really trivial stuff that no one cares about, init systems, display manager, packaging formats, desktop environments etc etc.
You pay for the well-integrated hardware / software. You lose out on the sturdiness and you lose out on the performance.
Lacks polish in terms of UX and in terms of driver integration. Linux is actually better at integration when present.
Apple has customer support for retards... And that's it. I guess the UX is fine but it allows stupid people into the tech world, shitting it up, so it's bad.
That's about it I guess.
Windows has breddy guud gaymes I don't actually play. Also cs go runs like shit on my hackintosh
>Windows users write something positive about Linux
It's free as in beer.
>Linux users write something positive about Mac
It's over priced garbage, but if they lower prices significantly, the hardware is't actually that bad.
>the hardware is't actually that bad
Eh, yeah it kind of is. The CPU, GPU, and monitor are good, but the rest of it is junk. They use top shelf on the *PUs because people look at those when shopping; nobody considers the quality of the motherboard, yet that's the main factor in how long the computer will last.
Spoiler: macs don't last very long.
Isn't this some kind of gay ass therapy technique?
Linux makes configuring a server on a low-resource/valuable-resource machine very easy. Raspi print server+NAS with samba in 30 minutes, the /etc/network way of doing shit gets an honorable mention for being so simple my 12 year old nephew can use it (sorry redhat gaylords).
OS X is basically the linux+gnome experience but better. GNOME copies OS X so much because OS X has good UI design ideas.
Windows has uh, video games, I guess
Macs tend to retain high resell values though, so you don't need to keep them long. (No, my labtop is not a Mac. Only Apple product I ever owned myself was an iphone 4s)
>Linux users write something positive about Mac
you guys don't eat too much shit out your hands
It's a pretty good OS if you like Orwellian nightmares and not owning your own computer since it does what it wants.
no, you didn't.
A mac comes with unified drivers and hardware. Keybooard, mouse/touchpad, wifi, screen, audio, video all works fine.
It's good there are people using Macs.
With so much security holes it's easy to hack into their systems ;^)
Too bad there's only gay furry porn on Macs.
Linux user here
Good gaming OS if you use it with GPU passthrough.
Industry standard media creation OS.
Good looks.
OSX has very nice font rendering, a good set of supported multimedia hardware and applications and is a solid unix system which is fun to use. If it were libre, I'd run it on at least one computer.
> Linux users write something positive about Mac
well, at least some of you know their way around the bash shell
OS X pretty until the faggots cover the desktop with folders and selfies.
linux user here.
Hardware of Mac is pretty nice (even if too expensive) and a solid system to work on. Would also try it if it was free as in freedom.
Hate to say it, but OS X really does just werk. As long as you stick to Apple hardware and don't stray too far from the walled garden, it's the most idiot-proof thing this side of ChromeOS.
Apple's cables are just about the worst I've ever seen. They're fragile and ludicrously expensive.