Not a big fan of earbuds, so what we would be the best budget earphones you could get?
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Not a big fan of earbuds, so what we would be the best budget earphones you could get?
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sadly, the best earbuds aren't in production anymore and if you try to get them over ebay chances are that you get fakes which sound like absolute SHIT.
sony made the best one and they did cost like 9 bucks.
current buds and the ones in your OP suck hard.
Damn, thanks for the help anyway
Get these OP.
Cheap, and amazing quality.
Piston 3. They're discontinued though and fakes are everywhere.
The Piston Hybrids and the newly released Piston Capsule are good options too.
you posted them
unless you want those in-ear dildo's you completely shove inside your soundhole
Ask /csg/ and they'll point you towards several great budget earphones
Headphones general have list of cheap shit
Philips SHE3590 for like $9-15. Best quality for this price.
>ear dildos
Can't get better than them locally. Online there's things like Piston 3s.
Panasonic RPHJE 120
Rock zircons, I've owned pistons and kzATE'S before and they don't come close to zircon's quality.
Zero Audio Tenores > Pisston 3
VE Monk on Ali express for $5
I like my Cx300-ii
Closest $40 representation of the HD650 sound signature I prefer.
>tenore meme
enjoy shit build quality
also piston 3 are not even good, 2.1 and capsules are better
>using earbuds
>sound signature
i actually find audiophile memes interesting, is there any other made-up terms like that?
user, all terms are made up, that's how naming things works.
some terms can be measured though. those sound signature/sound stage and other bullshit are just meaningless buzzwords.
Got the hybrids off amazon for 20 bucks. The bass is crazy good and the highs are decent. Definitely an upgrade to the piston 2s which broke after abusing them. Just wondering how long these will last since they look kinda delicate.
Anyone else got them?
never ever compensate with budget shit.
either go big or go home, if u cant afford it safe up more.
i concur. Phillips SHE3590 Best budget heaphone ever.
l iterally have 5 spare pairs in my desk. I loose/break a pair every 6months and dont even stress. ZJust reach into the desk. i love the future.
Headphones definitely have tier. Under 50 they're all going to be pretty much crap. At around 100 bucks they're all going to be decent. Once you hit 150-200 pretty much everything will be great but past that you get diminishing returns and most of the differences aren't noticeable except by computers
just bought the xiaomi hybrids for 16$(14,xx€) and they are better than my 50€ Soundmagic E10s.
Can only recomment the xiaomis
IGNORE THE SHILLS. The best v shape earbuds with dual drivers and excellent build quality are the narmoo S1's. The ear tips suck but any comply tx400 eartip will fit.
SHE3590 are only good if you get old production since new one is garbage tier. And either way VE monks are better and cheaper.
Any Sennheiser earbuds.
I've been owning them for about 2 months and it looks like they are about to break, the cable is bended and went out of the kevlar...
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Can the ve monks do bass ? I love the Phillips particularly because of the earplug noise isolation.
Well desu it looks like you don't take care of your earbuds. I meant more along the lines of them just not working anymore
how stupid are you. I mean a not trebel ass fucking ear canon. I like pretty flat but leaning a little warm sounding. If you think that is a meme too. It means a little bit of bass and mid bass increase... is that too MEME for you? It means that frequencies 50-200hz a little boosted... and by boosted I mean to increase the decibels of by a small amount.
Fucking idiot.
Go to Aliexpress. Buy the Venture Electronics Monk Plus for $5
They are outstanding.