Autonomous car thread

>I just luv da feel of da pedal under muh feet
>Da roar of da engine, da pure power
>Dey will never take my manual car
>I'm one of the good drivers

"Good, responsible" drivers, your time is over. You WILL be riding in autonomous vehicles in the near future.

And no, you are not a better driver than an autonomous car.

Other urls found in this thread:

The day these things take over is the day I become a full time cyclcist.

I could ride as I like and none of those auto-cucks can do anything to stop. They wont even be able to stop or tear their setbelt off because they are locked in for the trip.

Sitting there.
Strapped in.
Forced to watch my ass as I ride slowly in front of them making them late for work.

Is it even legal for a cyclist to do that when there are bike lanes?

Not every country has good infrastructure of bicycle lanes.
This is a great idea, I'm gonna do the same thing.

Things that aren't going to happen

>People on Sup Forums cycling
>People on Sup Forums having the balls to anger other people in real life

wait and see, my friend, wait and see

>And no, you are not a better driver than an autonomous car.
I am though.

No doubt a responsibly gun owner too.

>And no, you are not a better driver than an autonomous car.
I highly suggest you get a clue about the actual state of autonomous driving technology and the problems involved when you want it to be on par even with a novice human driver. Pro tip: That involves learning actual technology, robotics and AI development, not just reading buzz articles from Tesla and Google.

My hobby will be to chill out next to traffic lights, wearing a shirt with an image of a big red traffic light.

Already better than human drivers. Stay mad though normies. I'm sure it'll be a tough day for you when you have to act selfless for once and create a more safe environment for yourselves and other people by using autonomous vehicles.

you are an evil madman and I love you

Like this?

When all vehicles are autonomous they won't decide to stop and go via traffic light image recognition.


I do enjoy driving, but I'd rather be reading or doing something productive while I'm commuting. I welcome cars with full autopilot, but I don't want to live in a world where I can't own my own vehicle or go places that are off the map.

You do realize that going a certain speed below the speed limit is just as illegal as going above it, right ?
You do this, and I guarantee you will be busted for hindering/slowing traffic.

Since OP believes in a world where manual driving is illegal and incompatible with autonomous driving, the cops would be directly behind the green car in
until their autonomous police car decides to just find another route to the donut shop.

>implying there won't be autonomous bicycles

This would be pretty cool

>you don't get to decide how it steers
>which route it takes
>how fast it goes
>still have to supply constant energy by muscle action
The ultimate cuck device. There may actually be a market for this.


Make no mistake here mate, cyclists are cucks regardless. The ultimate losers.

>implying cops would be riding autonomous cars
Nope. You'd be chased down either by motorcycle or bicycle there.

literally women

Hopefully they'll function like aeroplane auto pilots, which allow manual control if you wish. And hopefully they'll look better than the cuckmobile in op's pic

I'm not using these because google have proven themselves over and over again to be a malicious company who don't give a flying fuck about their "users". taht and the flat out orwellian aspect of it.

[Posted from my Nexus 5]

Why are cyclists always so far up their own asses?


because someone stole the saddle

Autonomous drivers still aren't very good at defensive driving, i.e. preventing someone else from hitting you. If you're bad at defensive driving, other people will hit you, and it's technically their fault. I still haven't seen any proof that autonomous drivers can do this. Companies like Google show records of accidents being other drivers' faults, but how many actually could have been avoided by an experienced driver?

If all cars were autonomous, then this wouldn't be an issue. But since there will be a transition period, autonomous cars need defensive driving capability.

>wanting to drive something that could potentially kill you against your own volition

>And no, you are not a better driver than an autonomous car.
I am right now, and probably will be for the next 20-30 years. They don't even have the slightest fucking clue as to how they're going to handle something as simple as fucking snow.

For the daily commute? Hell yes, I'd take an autonomous car. But for the weekends, well. I'll keep my SL65, thanks.

Shit car

There has been 0 incidents caused by autonomous cars. There were cars who rode into autonomous cars though. 7 or something like that.

Implying they won't overtake you

Lol orwellian? New cars can allready be shut off at a distance and can be tracked. So i dont get your point taht this would make car transport more orwellian then it allready is, maybe if the car decides which qay is best for you.

I made an autonomous boat for a project it used a combination of a lidar and sonar, if it works on water which is much more dynamic then snow it should work on snow.

The only reason we "need" no driver cars for safety is because not enough people ride bikes as scooters. The safety problem on roads will be solved if cars were restricted to just families. If you drive, you're part of the problem.

Or maybe if you did anything wrong it will automaticly drive you to the police station without telling you or something like that.

Well if you enjoy the feeling of the pedal and stuff why do you americans drive automatic? In europe your the biggest pussy ever if you drive automatic, only old people and people who cant drive do that.