Thinkpad users, do you get any weird stares/remarks when using it in a public place?

Thinkpad users, do you get any weird stares/remarks when using it in a public place?

Whenever I do, I just smash the fucker over the head with my indestructible laptop.


No, nobody gives a shit.
I haven't tried using it in a Starbucks yet though.

i've got an x201i
someone called it a netbook
someone asked if it can run windows
one of my normie friends liked it and asked how much i paid for it

No, most people don't care what happens around them and those who do would most likely have an insignificant impact to your life if they ever react so it's best not to worry about it


management consultant here.

i don't get why you nerds think thinkpads are some badge of honor or only for an exclusive club of hackers. almost every run of the mill office job hands these or a dell xps as a standard issue.

i was given one when working as an intern at a supermarketer, i was given one when working as a BI consultant, and now i was given one as part of my current job.

in fact most of the programmers i know use MacBooks.

Well now we know why you can't afford a new ThinkPad.

Stop being such an attention whore

It isn't a badge of honor its a common sense purchase. You can't get that kind of durability from any other line of laptop.

No, never. Do you fucking think that people care if you have a slightly unusual computer? Normal people are not autistic Sup Forumsmen.

>Pumpkin Spice Latte

People are too self-centered to care about someone's laptop.

thats the point, OP is asking if people will give him "looks" as if its something special to own a thinkpad.

even the most dull ass accountants have them. look around at any starbucks or restaurant around actually business areas and not in "artsy" parts of town and every single person has a thinkpad.

Yea I get lusty looks and get mad puss with muh tool

The Apple Macbook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.

Hes confusing Sup Forums with real life and ThinkPads with Macbooks.

>do you get any weird stares/remarks when using it in a public place?
No, because:
>a) I live in a country where people are mostly normal
>b) I am a normal guy, that does not look like some autistic fedora (they are probably looking at you, not your thinkpad)

Underrated post

>whip it out in college
>instantly get remark on having a nice wallpaper
>it's because T60p has an IPS display and that really makes the background shine
>they ask why it's so fast, SSD
>they realise I can show almost twice as many lines of code (vertically) than they do on their 16:9 screens
>a few days later one of them gets a new laptop for class and gets a Lenovo Thinkpad. Coincidence?
>I didn't tell him the new Thinkpads suck compared to the IBM ones though

>BI consultant,
>mfw I read that as BJ consultant
Damn, I really need to get blown by my gf. Got my too much pressure built up.

>in fact most of the programmers i know use MacBooks.
In my company, every programmer uses a rMBP. It's only non-programmers like a few project managers who use Windows. You can use a Linux laptop, but you have to supply one yourself

thinkpads are awesome. id ont have one :C

i get stares for using linux, i no longer have arch though.

this is the (dull) truth.

ITT: Delusional Applel cult members

I got praise for my good taste from random people in uni, including teachers.

I get weird looks at my college when I pull out my X220T and spin the screen around.

It's like they just saw black magic

You fucking should. Using that nasty shit, for shame.

I get weird looks when I pull out my cock and start doing the helicopter in public

This company which had nothing to do with IT I interned once at was ThinkPad only, they have really good B2B support and are partnered with SAP (ERP blah) which is a huge deal when the management systems come preconfigured right out of the box

Lenovo simply offers the best business solutions and the hardware isnt too shabby either.

In the real world HP probably produces better hardware (Elitebook) but those dont have that iconic design and the ubiquity of Thinkpads

> Starbucks
> cup without lid

What tea is that forgot?

Why would someone get weird looks for using a generic laptop in public? This whole board is a meme


What I've leaned from 4 years of browsing Sup Forums:
It doesn't matter if you use a thinkpad running arch linux, a gaming pc or a brand new retina macbook everything you own is a meme, everything you do is a meme and you are a piece of shit for it.

What else is new.

>walk to grocery store
>apparently walking is a meme
>so is shopping
>and acquiring food
>and breathing

Because most of Sup Forums is fucking poor.

Despite the memeing about bleeding edge hardware in Speccy threads, a large portion of this board is composed of NEETs and general poorfags who HAVE to get the absolute most value for every dollar they spend because they can't afford to waste any money at all.

That's why Chink Shit and "free" stuff is so popular here.

Not because of my Thinkpad.

But iCucks sometimes give me stares when I code in public. ("hurr, that isn't Facebook on his screen")

No, they look like any other laptop. You're probably getting looks because you look like a sperg.

>they look like any other laptop

Not really, some laptops will attract women.

>around actually business areas and not in "artsy" parts of town and every single person has a thinkpad.

No they don't.

Most businesses use crappy consumer laptops because they are cheap.

Enjoy your touch screen and un responsive keyboard

how's you piss doing

That's called insecurity and many people on Sup Forums clearly have it.

The keyboard is kinda shallow, true. It took some getting used to. I got the laptop for $700 off a friend though and I feel like it was worth it.

>attractive women with a laptop


I'm an engineer who works in LONDON. Everyone has business laptops.

Course not.

New Apple products are easily recognizable by young women as a sign of wealth.

>completely normal looking computer

have you ever been outside before?

Never. It's just a laptop.

young poor women*

Literally no one I know cares about the brand of whatever you use.

People consumed with the acquisition of shiny expensive things tend to be people for whom these things are a novelty. i.e. poor people.

>compensating for being a manlet

I bet you just sit in the corner of starbucks with your lil gayboy laptop waiting for girls to come up to you.

You must not know any normies then. Poor people? Have you met a woman before?

I'm 6'3". Nice try though. I'm just a normie who visits this board for fun.

Yes. I'm married to one (I think).

define 'normies'.

If you're associating with people who get buttpained by what phone or laptop you own, you're either associating with children or retards, perhaps retarded children.

I think "buttpained" is a bit of an exaggeration but you can't deny that apple products are considered a fashion accessory as much as they are computers and phones. They hold a weird place that most other tech doesn't.

>I'm a normie
>I spend so much time on Sup Forums that I became a Sup Forums meme

I outsmart the normies by increasing my networth with my 22 hour battery thinkpad

No. Also

Where I live, people largely don't care what computers others use.

I want to rape Misaka

>going to starbucks
what the fuck did you expect, the only people who go there are macfags and teenage girls

>implying i use a laptop outside

im not autistic

Those meanies always tell me that my t420 is a shitty and old-looking laptop

>too bad for them it's dirt cheap and good performing :^)

That's not a Misaka

Who is it?

How do you get those bookmarks to stack? my chrome adds a fucking arrow that expands into a panel, I hate it

For starters, that's not Chrome.

Thats not what I meant, your bookmarks show as icons only. And what is it if not chrome

Just remove the name.
(It's Chromium)

>sub $2k device
>sign of wealth.

thanks for the trick hehe

Duuude u live in akiba that's like anime irl

Duuude u watch anime, that's like, really gay

It's her clone
So not technically a Misaka

>"free" stuff
Are you trying to imply I'm a Bernietard? Get out.

>using a thinkpad for social validation in a public site
that's sad user

I don't get why Macfags think they're so special. Go to a college library and you can probably count the people that are not using Macs on one hand. Even Rajeet uses Macs these days. It's sickening seeing this mass consumerism, and is why I sold my mac. I'm not a fucking sheep.


>I sold my thing because other people also had thing
Very retarded.

Duuude are you white or a chink?

Holy shit
>whip out x220t to take notes
>guy next to me looks shocked, he asks if I broke it

No I sold my think because I realized I fell for the Apple marketing trap.

>at state university
>library full of plebs
>nearly everyone is using cheap laptops
>a few females are using macbooks

I guess you go to Bumfucknowhere State University then.

>university of washington
>bumfuck nowhere

Good post

Nobody cares about your thinkpad.

Pretty run of the mill standard issue laptop at most corporations.

Flyover state.

t. New York

>Implying there is only one UW campus in the state

They don't hold a charge.

like I would leave my room

I'm not poor but I buy chink shit because they make neich devices that sometimes are better quality than what you can get elsewhere (like mp3 players)
Also if you want a cheap computer to fuck around with think pads are often sold as ex-office equipment where I am and still post 2010 technology

What else would you run on a Thinkpad?

I get a lot of girls coming up to me asking to fondle my balls.

Even if they're attractive I tell them to go away beacuse most of the time I'm busy drinking coffee and stuff.

>University of Washington

Muh nigga

>management consultant here.
aka failure.

>fly over state
>not in the midwest
U wot

nothing wrong in using your brain to get a bargain