Why are chrome/chromium so ugly with so little options for customization?

Why are chrome/chromium so ugly with so little options for customization?

It uses a custom hardware accelerated UI engine.

See: chromium org/developers/design-documents/aura

It's getting a meme redesign, check chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md
Maybe it'll look better to you


why does this make extension icons so small

fucking idiot, you can use it with gtk under linux

Try Vivaldi, its actually more customizable.

Why do people say Chrome/Chromium is ugly? Every other browser looks much worse (with the exception of Safari, but it's just shit). Chrome looks just fine to me.

>implying vivaldi isn't chromium in a fancy shell

yeah Chrome looks way better than firefox imo

> Implying better Chrome on Chrome would make Chrome better

Don't they give you a shit load of themes in the google store?

If you're using Chromium, you care more about how it works than how it looks.

You can make firefox look like literally any other browser with minimal effort.

Thats what he watts dipshit

Who cares how it looks?
It just werks m8

I think Firefox does look better than Chrome after theming it.

But sadly, Firefox has turned to shit and is slow compared to Chrome so meh, using Chrome atm even if it's one of the ugliest browser.

> At least you get the best of both worlds.

Finding Chrome ugly is a bit weird imo, the interface is so minimal thats not really either ugly or pretty

It really has evolved in terms of UI if you look back to the old versions of it.
I'm running Chromium Dev build and no problems so far.

The new material design UI is an improvement. Chromium 53 uses it as standard now.

when chrome first came out i was like wtf, another internet explorer? code writers couldn't even get to costumize anything even if it supported extensions.
google let it loose more and more as the time passed but i still don't like it as much as i like firefox.

no fucking difference

It clearly looks very different, user.

I don't know but it's weird that all the customizable browsers are hacked together pieces of shit that barely run which Chrome isn't.

>so little options for customization
Customization for what? Chromium is 5 years ahead of Firefox. It does everything you would want a current browser to do.

what theme do you use?

I would say we're in the same state of browser stagnation with Chrome as we were with IE in the late 90s and early 00s, with the difference being Google actually cares about standards. Otherwise in terms of choice it is pretty much a monopoly of Chrome, Blink, and Web kit from here on out.



If you wan't the full meme redesign


It's a Shit meme browser made for normIes to browse facebook


on firefox you can customize the interface in any way you like unlike chrome

>install Chromium on Android for performance
>no addon support

Fuck this LGBTT earth

>Using a browser developed by SJWgle

>racial equality is bad

>"Racial equality" is good

It says "racial justice", and "justice" is at least open to interpretation.

>update Chromium
>See this mess

What do? Should I downgrade, or just switch to another browser? If the latter, which one?

that is pretty much the only reason I stick with sjwfox, cause you can actually make it looks however you want with a custom CSS, unlike the retarded UI on chrome

It can't make the address bar black with grey text.

Fuck off with your meme faggy opera-rebrand

You don't need to look any further.

Just set it to non-material design and restart.

its limited but i still like it

>Chrome OS
For what purpose?

just shitposting and listening to music mainly

it works, 100$ laptop so i cant complain


Well, yeah, that's precisely what it's lacking. It looks very bland and doesn't have many options for customisation.

For example, what if you want your tabs to be straight-edged, like those from Edge? There's no option to switch to another shape of tab.

What about those sound icons which show if you have a tab with some sound object in it. What's the use of just seeing the icon, if you can't also click on it to mute it? You have to right-click then choose from a menu...

What about a dark mode if you want to use your browser late in the evening? Why should you have to install a shitty theme, which adds all sorts of flashy colours, when there should be a nice, basic, native dark mode.

Also, why can't you resize and move all the UI elements around to customise how you use the interface? Like the address bar. It can't be made smaller, if you want to.

Stuff like this is missing in Chrome to make it a versatile browser from a UI/UX point of view too.