What is the best book to learn C++?

What is the best book to learn C++?
I only have a little bit of experience with python and nothing else.
My platform of choice is Windows so i want a book mainly focused on that.
help Sup Forums I know there are a lot of C++ programmers here.
Bonus points if its written in the 21st century

Other urls found in this thread:

thepiratebay.org/search/The C Programming Language, 4th Edition/0/99/0


last bump


shit, now i have to choose for myself

98 pls

resisting not possible

None. Books are worthless if you've got a foundation in most any other programming language and have access to the internet. Just learn the syntax from tutorials and go from there.

Jumping Into C++. Great book to get running with it



Some douchebag crapped a huge pile of shit and called it C++. He also wrote a book about his massive pile. He probably has unique insight into the smell, taste, texture and makeup of his huge pile. You should probably read that book.



Jizzard... I'm ok with this.


If you can't make use of this then die in a fire


Starting out with C++ by Tony Gaddis

I'd try to learn some C first.

In any case, I learnt most of my C++ online. But I learned Java from the "Thinking in Java" book, and I liked it, so maybe you can try "Thinking in C++" from the same author.





looks /fa/ af to me senpai

invisible pls





Rolled European wizard... Bullshit

This roll for the lady.


Guess that means I'm getting the pussy tonight.

If you want to learn serious programming and serious C++ alongside:

Principles and Practice
Using C++
- Bjarne Stroustrup

2014 was the last edition last time I checked.

AGAIN if you don't want to study to become a professional programmer - just to know C++ for casual stuff - or even more serious stuff but not full time - it's not the right book - get something easier and quicker.

Something like: dude here's the latest tricks and updates in the language - use them, they worked for most of us and there's a list of special tricks you should also try to remember.

78 pls

rollin for bees

Anything by Bjarne Stroustrup is usually good for beginners.

thepiratebay.org/search/The C Programming Language, 4th Edition/0/99/0