What text editor does Sup Forums use?

What text editor does Sup Forums use?

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not emacs

vim or sublime

visual studio for work


notepad++ because it's better than notepad



vim, of course, everything else is pleb



emacs, obviously

I use Vim.

I've been trying to use emacs, but I can't get into. Guess I'll stick with based vim

Mostly sublime, sometimes vim.

Vim is pretty comfy with my oculus rift.
But I get headache after 30min only...

Sublime but some retard recently has convinced me to try Aptana studio 3, I haven't installed it yet.

Is it any good boys?


nano masterrace

Atom text editor is nice.

Sublime right now. Was hoping to learn Vim but that doesn't look like it'll be happening soon unfortunately.

I use emacs.



GNU/Emacs, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Emacs.

So since strawpoll is not using captcha is it safe to assume that now Google is getting poll data on everyone that uses it?

Looks like it's time to find a new site boys.


Sublime in my workstation, nano when I have to ssh into a real server, usually only for testing changes because I'm not a fucking loo pooer and use proper config management.

sublime, lol


emacs with evil


it's vi improved.

This, everyone using vim should really just use emacs with evil or spacemacs if you're lazy.

Having been using vim for a year now. But I'm now trying spacemacs. The only problem is that it is a little slow on my x220.

Sublime Text
Although the intelisense and scroll bar in vsc is neat

>So since strawpoll is *NOW using captcha is it safe to assume that now Google is getting poll data on everyone that uses it?


For normal programming? Eclipse

For webdev? Memeweaver

Pluma and Netbeans