What's your typing speed Sup Forums?

What's your typing speed Sup Forums?
How important is it in your work or whatever you do

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't have a job

around 40 because I always have a cock inside me

~140 WPM, not that important while programming.

140 too, the limit when programming is how fast you can mentally think of the instructions you need
It's probably better to be slower, I bet they make less errors

Damn how do you go that fast. Did you train intentionally or do you just spend a lot of time typing and it comes naturally?

It came naturally to me, I've been using computers for 25 years and my main medium of communication has been a keyboard for as long.


1 minute Aesop's fables proof your claim.

23 wpm

Mines around 80 wpm, which is quite embarrassing. Those who can type fast, how did you learn?

10fastfingers makes my typing speed look way more impressive


It's not hard to fake you know. All the numbers are in the url.

not any of those faggots but I got 105wpm

also that test isn't wpm, as it has punctuation.. no, that is more than WPM.. my friend. that is punctuation and words per minute.



I get around 100WPM on that one, 120WPM on OP's since it's much easier.

That's bullshit, URL is the right term.

73 WPM on that one

Got 126 WPM on that one, it's case and punctuation sensitive.

I could push a little harder but I'm worried about breaking the flimsy new laptop keyboard.

I'm the guy who wrote 'url' and I agree with the dubs. I'm just used to explaining to normies, and it was a reflex.

I just did the same test again. Got it up to 80 this time.

There's no need to smash on the keys you know

~110 WPM.

I work as chat technical support for a large company, so it helps a lot

110 avg~ If I give it all I can get 120 with spikes a bit higher but this mostly comes down to finger rolls I know.

Site is broken can't type ' on german keyboard.

You can choose Deutsch instead of Aesop.

I got 44, which is pretty ok considering I never need to type much.

I'm the guy who replied to the dubs and you're wrong too.

The query string parameters are part of the URL of a GET request, the term GET request includes both the headers and the URL, "URL" would be the proper term to use for the thing containing the parameters.

Thats even worse, cant type ΓΌ

To the people who type 140wpm+

How long did this take you, like do you know how many years it took from going to 120~ to 140+?

Also how fast do you read/reading comprehension rate? I have a sneaking suspicion this whats bottlenecking me from typing faster, feels more like my brain hits the speed limit before my fingers.


I learned to write with 10fingers, but still ~60WPM.
How can I write faster?

I didn't learn to type properly in school, so I have a strange way of typing that comes to me naturally. Around 100 WPM with it, mainly using two fingers.

I can type about that WPM. I don't read fast or even try these tests often. Every time I try these tests making 1 mistake fucks the whole thing, I don't think they're really good at showing who types "fast".. Just who can type fast and accurate. In a realistic scenario I could hit 200 wpm then go back and check 2 errors with red lines under them. But in that test I'd get like 120wpm because I'd have to go back and then try again. Which totally fucks up the rhythm of my typing. If you can read and then input 5 words then read again you'll always be going.

Tl;dr being good at specific tests doesn't mean you type fast. Look for tests which allow mistakes but have an accuracy % and try go as fast as you can there with only a few mistakes

As for how long it takes, idk. My speed has lowered over the years. I type "properly" less these days. Used to spend hours in chatrooms and games that type a lot in my teens. now I don't do that. So I'd say it's just a habit you form at specific points in life, not a progressive thing.

It's just hitting buttons m8 not much else to it

Do typing trainer things work? I have a pretty slow typing speed for the amount of typing I do at my job. Should I just keep going and try to type faster in my daily work or should I do typing exercises?

I peak 60 WPM. I was around 30-40 a month ago before I decided I needed to improve.