The cyberpunk future you expected never arrived

>the cyberpunk future you expected never arrived

where did it all go wrong, Sup Forums




This, another example why women and minorities shouldn't be allowed to use white male creations. They ruin it every single time.

Move to the east, Bangkok, Tokyo, Beijing, Hong Kong etc for the shway life

Technology matures faster than society.

>companies run the government
>everyone has future-tech
>it feels like a dystopia

Bruh, you're already here. Just move to somewhere that rains a lot.

>never arrived

>Everything is monitored 24/7
>Goverment spies and colects data for anything and anyone
>Global databanks with personal and private data from every human bean on the internet that are used to predict , and influence people behaviours and emotions.
>Never ending copyright
>AMD and Intel harware come with literally unavoidable botnet and rootkits at hardware level.
>IOS, Android and Windows are fucking spyware.
>Half the population don't express their opinion on the internet because they have fear of surveliance.
>The other half think that "Nothing to hide nothing to fear"
>Moral puritanism

Where's the future envisioned in the 60s/70s now?
>still no pill food stores which you get to via personal jetpacks

>wanting to live in a depressing cyberpunk shithole

Cyberpunk future is just starting shithead.

Give it 20 years and some bullshit nato-china war and we are there.

Just watch.

We're just going through the brave new world phase atm

>wanting to purposely live in a shitty cyberpunk society
you cybermeme posters are retarded and we're already living in it minus the "punk"
Retro futurism is the superior scifi

Minorities? Really? GTF out of here.
Minorities would have built the future cities you so wish to have had by now.

See this , most of those SJW or the majority of SJW are white females.
That's a social "made" up movement for them to feel needed, to make a difference.
Which is fine, but they really don't do anything at all.

While actual minorities never made movements, they live that shit everyday.
You know its true, the fact that you made the post with:
>minorities shouldn't be allowed to use white male creations.
What if a minority told you, you couldn't be using their creations?
Do you think you would be using the computer you are on now if they had the same sentiment you do?
I highly doubt you know who Dr. Mark Dean? or Garrett Morgan?, because if you did know.
You should stop using minority created things.

Were they designed by niggers? Were they designed by spics? Were the designed by shitskins? They were either white or chinks and even tho chinks are deceitful cunts they are still actually human.

Kill yourself upset nigger, you never put humanity in space or explored the earth. You are mud people.

>brave new world phase
>he thinks it's going away in the future

Back to pol child

He's right though.

Lol you really think developing and using techmology is human?

Try living with an untouched tribe and you'll really see how humans live.

We're lazy, radiated, our rhythms are all out of whack and you're bragging you're being cucked by the techmology jew?

they were designed by the jew you hate so much phamalam.

but i forgot they are considered white until stated otherwise.

get over yourself

>Do you think you would be using the computer you are on now if they had the same sentiment you do?
Yes, I imagine that spics and niggers couldn't possibly make a processor at 28nm scale, that's all done by robots. Would I have paid $1k for my laptop? No, I would have paid more. But at least white people would have gotten more of the money.

socialism and communism will lead us to worst than hell

I feel like Russia would be a better place if you're a Westerner. They seem to hate SJWs and I'd probably have an easier time learning Russian than Japanese or Mandarin, though admittedly they have cooler looking cities in the Far East.

What's the most cyberpunk city in the US?


