Why haven't you switched to Pale Moon...

Why haven't you switched to Pale Moon? How much more bullshit do you have to deal with on FF till you switch to the better open source browser?

Other urls found in this thread:


bullshit like?

literally perfect

Can it use all the FF extensions?

On the contrary, I've been using Pale Moon for years and I'm thinking of switching away from it now because more and more websites and web applications don't give it support

But does it work on Windows?



> not using elinks
fucking pleb

Because for some reason triple click didn't work for me in it.

Because Cyberfox


If the extension doesn't require australis (FF 29), it will definitely work on PM. If not, there usually is a fork of it to work on PM.

What's a good alternative of this for loonux

I want to switch to palemoon. What's up with their proprietary binaries? It that just on windows, or Linux as well? Don't really want a proprietary browser.

Qupzilla is pretty good.

That's just if you want to redistribute the binaries. If you download it from the PM website or compile the source code, it's still under the MPL license.

>outdated POS
>better than Firefox

you do know it works on nix too, right

95% of my browsing is on this thing. The other 5% are either not working because of noscript, or because they need the cancer flash. So I dont think that I managed to actually encounter a website that doesnt work because of the lack of the spying features on this thing.

The only weird thing for me is marktplaats.nl, which spazzes out after a bit. But I am too lazy to hunt for the exact cause.


>tfw The Pale Moon Devs are fans of memebient

Oh okay cool I'll switch to palemoon then.

Pale Moon doesn't spend millions of dollars to rewrite their documentation to not use words that trigger them.

I use Pale Moon but it's pretty slow

Missing a lot of codecs for YouTube

Scrolling becomes laggy once I have several Sup Forums tabs open, doesn't happen on Firefox.

>Better open source browser
>Not Chromium

>Inb4 botnet


You do realize Chromium and Chrome are not the same right?

tell me reasons why should i prefer it over firefox


Both are made by jewggle, user is correct.

That is true. Palemoon is also an outdated POS.

What's a good fast compatible with good add-ons browser that isn't botnet?

>outdated POS.
Prove it

Still the best one tho...

Chromium is open-source, and "jewgle"'s contributions to the project are under a BSD license.

Are you afraid it's haunted by corporate ghosts or something?

Try using Gmail or google drive faggot.


>no OS X binaries
ill stick to chromium


I prefer SeaMonkey, but once XUL is finally deprecated by WebExtensions I might switch to PM just for all those addons.