Hey Sup Forums
Watch as I fail to install Gentoo on a Raspberry Pi.
Hey Sup Forums
doesnt seem that hard tbqh
First step is partitioning the SD card...
wut, go faster
I have no idea what size the boot partition should be so I'll just put 1000 MiB.
And the rest will be the root partition, also fat32.
Does this look good?
Looks good to me.
is fat32 bait? not bad.
Would ext4 be better?
>not 1024
it shouldn't piss me off but it does
of course. anything is better than ext4.
Also: you dont need 1gig for boot. I guess 200mb is enough. Think of dividing the root into root and home.
I'll be finding and downloading these while you people tell me all that's wrong with my partitioning. Then I'll fix it.
Should be ext4.
you boot partition should be ext2, the other one ext4.
The wiki says specifically to make it fat32.
Nigga, did you just make a 1GB boot partition?
I've made the boot partition 200mb and fat32
The root partition is the rest and ext4
No separate home partition.
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/gentoo_rpi
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/gentoo_rpi/boot
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/gentoo_rpi/boot
$ cp bootcode.bin fixup.dat start.elf /mnt/gentoo_rpi/boot/
Now what the hell should I put into cmdline.txt?
>Now what the hell should I put into cmdline.txt?
Meh, just use the example.
I have no idea what any of it means, but alright.
Downloading Stage 3...
By the way, I've never installed Gentoo before.
i came here expecting to have a laugh, it make me sad instead
$ wget distfiles.gentoo.org
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/gentoo_rpi/root
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/gentoo_rpi/root/
$ sudo tar xpjf stage3-armv6j_hardfp-20160326.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo_rpi/root/
Looks like nobody cares about my thread. But I've already started so I can't stop.
I care user
I care
I'm watching
>source based distro
>on RPI
hahaha wow
Keep going, might try this myself
This is pretty easy.
At least four people care.
Only watching? I have lubed up my dick. I am ready to go.
Still lurking, post progress
Forgot screenshot.
Should I do something with fstab?
well that depends on how you set shit up
Yeah of course I should. Something like this?
It's not as hard as on a normal computer, because the kernel and the whole OS actually, all come in one .tar.xz I believe, then you just extract onto the SD card.
Tbh, it's not worth using unless you have another system where you can offload compilation with distcc. I use arch on my raspberry pi now.
I probably should have added a swap partition, shouldn't I? Eh, whatever.
Alright. I think this should work for fstab.
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot fat32 noauto,noatime 1 2
/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 noatime 0 1
You seem to be doing fine, OP.
Now I just need to think of a good root password...
your bank password
How big is your swapspace?
I'll just use 1234
That's safe, right?
There is no swap.
you'll probably need one on a RPI
Doesn't really matter, just change it later on when you're able to ssh.
nah it'll be aight.
I'm shit at gentoo, why no swap? Because there's so little RAM?
Because I didn't think of it and because I'm doing this just for fun and it won't have any real use.
Fair enough. Keep posting pics!
It should have swap because there's so little RAM
Are you doing this because someone with trips in the other thread suggested it?
Very nice.
Here is a certified (you) for going with it.
Next is installing portage...
$ wget distfiles.gentoo.org
$ sudo tar xjvpf portage-latest.tar.bz2 -C /mnt/gentoo_rpi/root/usr/
tar: Cannot mkdir: No space left on device
Well then.
I guess I'll have to umount everything, resize partitions, and try again.
$ df -ih
/dev/sdb2 224K 224K 0 100% /mnt/gentoo_rpi/root
Need more inodes.
lol, nice try anyways.118
Reducing boot as much as it lets me and growing root. If after that it still doesn't work, that'll be the end. If not probably crosscompiling the kernel will be the end because I don't think I can easily do that if I'm not already running Gentoo.
The wiki was written by dumb neckbeards.
Well. It's not letting me resize boot. So I guess that's it.
This is where I failed, at copying files. I'll be leaving this threat to drift towards its inevitable 404.
Didn't have to do any of this shit, its literally unpacking a stage3 to a directory and building a kernel with genkernel, you edit one init file to tell busybox to switch_root to the right root directory.
tl;dr you could have just installed Gentoo into a directory on your current fs.
Boot should always be vfat/fat32 for efi compatibility.
>Using 4 GB micro sd card
Also you don't have enough disk space or ram to work with portage so you may as well give up unless you want to do this on USB storage.
Fuck off you stupid pedophile