Mozilla finally rising from the ashes again

So, Mozilla was right, that after making the browser work and look like Chrome, people are coming back again.

Let's face it, ricing is dead, privacy and security features are the future.

This comment is only the beginning of Mozilla's rise from the dead! It is the first step to finally beating Chrome.

Welcome back!

So what's different from chrome? The logo?

Wow it's fucking nothing.
You could do this for over a decade ago with any browser than supported standalone/portable installations.

I like Opera's version of Chrome best
Look how fucking elegant it is

both are still fucking bloated

Opera is fucking shit, literally Chrome with an Opera icon and no features. Why even bother?

Sure, but that are features n00bs today want. As Mozilla is targeting the Firefox experience to a large degree to that kind of users these days, implementing features like that makes them gain Chrome's number 1 market share position at some hopefully not too far point in the future.

That's not a chrome feature though.
Also, This does not effect ricing. You can pull off ricing and still make the browser look like chrome. e.g, mozilla making a chrome theme.

Just wait and see. What is upcoming is a massive market share degree switching from Botnet to Freenet.

This is the point where things do change from worse to great again.

Looks better than Chrome. The smooth professional gray color makes me very happy.

Compare to Chrome here.

Of course it is. It is a modified variant of Chrome's ability to switch users while the browser is running. Only better and more flexible.

Firefox can only gain massive marketshare if somehow they can make mobile version more enticing

User account management is not a container.

It's already perfect.

Read the comment.

When have you read Chrome users being so enthusiastic about a Firefox feature? That's right, so far almost never.

Get a real browser faggot.

Jesus, What the fuck is that piece of shit?
Why in the fuck would you waste all that space on tabs?


That is called ricing. That is what Mozilla is removing to a big part from Firefox. That is what Opera has removed.

To be like Chrome. Vivaldi may be botnet, but it is botnet where you can rewrite the whole UI, as it is basically a web page.

ya but why the fuck do they have to waste like 50 pixels of space with the title bar?

Nice SJW tier browser where you didn't even rice Sup Forums.

That looks like shit I could never use it.

>uses horizontal tab shit
>talks about waste of space

It's not a big deal for me. If I truly need the extra pixelz I can turn off titlebars using ahk or fullscreen the window, or tone down my DPI scaling

Being able to see a whole single line of text extra isn't a big deal to me, I only browse Sup Forums and I can just scroll down the page to see the next awful post.

Meant for

That post is not about other browsers. It is appreciating the fact that Mozilla will finally beat Chrome and make it lose their number one position in the browser war.

Stop talking about other shit browsers and use Firefox!

> pocket
> hello
> privacy and security features

>that wasted space
>dark as my soul theme

see then kys

Just use pale moon queer. It's for power users.

Well, it doesn't spawn a million processes that devour your ram, for one thing.

Still doesn't have search pips on the scroll bar.