Start taking python course in uni

>start taking python course in uni
>thinking I'll be doing some sweet pair programming just like pic related
>class is all pajeets
>only 1 qt azn
>no pair programming

Why is this nothing like my Laotian comic books

Because you're going to a shitty college.

I was pair programming with some guy who had a t450s with arch and i3 on it but he didnt know how to to use the university internet with it so it was useless.

just go talk to her.

Not into 3DPD desu

I attempted to do pair programming with a girl but I stuttered and came of as an awkward so I backed out before I completely fucked it up

Explain further

>Manage to make a good first impression with cute girl in my class

>Start to develop feelings for her once I know I have a chance

>Now I can't talk around her without getting nervous

>Try to talk to her but now I notice I'm stuttering "H-hey how's it going?"

>Also hands twitch but I kept them in my pocket

>Try to shake off this feeling while talking but I can't

>She talks about how hard the class is ( hint it's not) and how she takes all day to do the assignments

>Plan to say in my head "I'll help you out if you need it"

>Instead say "I-I-I-I'm sorry I think I should go. I-I-I'm n-not feeling so well. See ya"

>Then rush out

The thing is I never went to highschool like a normal person, was home schooled after my freshman year. No dating sim or eroge could prepare me for social anxiety
I get around girls I find attractive

jesus christ man

You're doomed. Might as well pack your bags for Hogwarts right now.

>No dating sim or eroge could prepare me for social anxiety I get around girls I find attractive

You just havent gone through enough

Talking to women has become far easier after I realized I'm a lolicon.

what's the source on the pic?

it got new chapters today

i only really dabble in that type of stuff, so i don't really know how i would find that
no need to spoonfeed, all i need is a title

use saucenao newfag

I bet you use ganoo slash loonux

its called SE


i tried that before asking

You act nervously because you've trained yourself to act nervously. If you want to improve, then you're going to have to retrain your act. Retraining old habits takes time and dedication to do so unless you take your behavior seriously, you'll be not fucked for the rest of your life.

I know, it hurt to type this

I still have 10 years to go

This is actually true I haven't played any in awhile

I wish I had something that would make it easier to talk to woman

Oh fuck, time for a reread.
The last thing I remember was him chilling on the her house.

Sage for SE.

>something that would make it easier to talk to woman
such item exists; it's called "a penis"

Quit trying to be an anime character you skinny fat faggot

Is there anything I can read/do that will help me out? I want to make a change but don't know how.

I'm fit, but yea I do have a bad habit of acting like a harem protagonist

Pear programming is the gayest shit ever. It only works if both people are at the exact same skill level. If not, the slower one is feels lost and useless the whole time, while the faster one feels he/she is being dragged down and doing all the work. If both are equal then it's like if the work was just evenly split. I would only recommend it if... nah, fuck that, it's never a good idea.



Only attracted to 2D children desu

Most use lolicon to refer to 2D lolis. I can't even remember the last time I came to 3D porn. Maybe VR porn will entice me.

>implying there won't be 2D VR porn

Right, I'll be playing the waiting game. Japan will surely deliver, but I'll be dammed with censorship.

Talking to girls is easy, pretend you have no motives and show as little interest as possible. They get freaked out when you defy the natural order.


read the thread nigger

Fuck it man. Stop being autistic. I'm literally a diagnosed asperger's but I have a girlfriend and have no problem talking to women.

Stop giving a fuck.


>I have a girlfriend

Then why are you here? Fuck off faggot

Shame only half of it is translated

man, my ex girlfriend is better at programming than I am, she has a job at Microsoft, and dat ass too

i fucked up you guys

>ex girlfriend
>dat ass

Couldn't keep the poo in the the loo?

Shit! You gotta get rid of this neediness. Why do you even act like you have to do this? If you're into programming enough to be good at it, chances are you hate these nonsensical time-wasting bullshit human interactions. Why put yourself through this bullshit just to get a pussy to fuck?

To piss you off.

It works with some really experiemced programmers (≥10 years experience, who communicate well - many do not, don't hire them - spot each other's bugs and aren't afraid of admitting when another solution works better) and hard problems which neither would approach in quite the same way, which require inspiration.

It doesn't work well with teams whih prioritise shipping code over correct code; some of those teams are extremely large, e.g. Facebook.

It's a poor learning paradigm at lower rungs unless you get really lucky and you get two people of similar level who click. Like pairwork in creative fields, rather than academic ones.

This is the reason why you should watch animes.

>find manga
>NCIS 2 idiots 1 keyboard anime edition
>their hands touch
>she enters almost raped mode
>he's embarrassed and apologetic

What the fuck these characters are somehow more autistic than you OP

First time reading a manga?

>she enters almost raped mode
>he's embarrassed and apologetic

Thats how Japanese men and women typically interact.

I don't know how you even got that far 2 chapters of this tripe and I'm done

Literally me, I just don't care about 3D bitches anymore.

When will they finish the translation. ;-;

It's been a while, actually. Been watching some recent western series I missed and it restored some of my sense of normalcy. Jap shit is nearly always beyond fucking autistic with some rare exceptions. If only I wasn't a sucker for the 2D girls.

I landed directly on OP's page.

>having shit taste

I'm not sure why I think I let my emotions get the best of me

I'll take note of this

>bouncy typing
too much effort, not healthy

no mechanical keyboard, 0/10 would not fug

breeding japanese is like breeding giant pandas

>No dating sim or eroge could prepare me
Yeah I think I've found your problem, you're fucking autistic

How does that work?

I always see Japanese people sexualizing everything and somehow they actually have trouble breeding. If I didn't know that fact I'd think that it's a complete opposite actually, that they masturbate each other as a greeting and such.

Silly american. Raping a woman is hello in Japan.

so how do two men greet each other?

>the vague stereotypes I picked up from anime and websites for autists accurately represent an entire nation of 130 million people

They jack each other off while their female classmate takes it from the white English teacher.

It is pretty accurate though. Japanese men are beta as fuck.

There was some documentary that said that men just watch animu and play loli vidya (like tamagotchi, but with virtual waifu) and that is the reason why they don't care about real women. "Because 2D girls are more pure".

Well they aren't wrong. 2D girls are perfect

They would be perfect if I could actually fuck them

except that they would not be perfect anymore if you could fuck them

Well I'm not here to sit around worshiping some idea of girls. I want to put my dick into them

>Was also homeschooled in highschool
>not this retarded
jesus man, just breathe and be natural

I can't find the source on that

If you were a harem protagonist you wouldn't have issue talking to girls and they'd all be flocking to your dick, but you wouldn't even realize that they wanted to fuck you.

>Mfw I had a t420 with arch and i3
>Mfw eduroam was a shit to configure
I also was that guy. Then I discovered the bliss of graphical network managers.

Don't be a spergasaurus rex.

>hey oniichan can I touch your penis

Keep this in mind and everything else is pretty easy.

search "lolicon shotacon femdom english" on the sadpanda

Being able to talk to a girl is fine, but if you can talk to one without spilling your spaghetti and not have anxiety trying not to be a complete autist you don't belong here.


That just result in me never talking to girls ever. No girl ever paid attention to me in my life and Im too socially retarded to talk first
I dont think Im ugly either

sauce on that pic

Just post the link you retard.

They would be perfect if they were a robot or AI.

bump for sauce

bumping for sauce

bumpungo for saucungo

It's ITT you dummy.

eduroam is shit to configure if you dont know the settings because the're nowhere to be found but once its done you never have to touch the config except for password changes. I tried to ask our IT desk but he started to look for a gui.

No it isn't. They said "SE" and search on sadpanda. I can't login on exhentai. And i can't get anything with SE

It's not on sadpanda. Try the goddess.

What's that?

NetworkManager provides a ncurse interface called nmtui

Answer me pls

Therapy, seriously. Speaking of is there really no kind of therapy or services that helps these kind of guys develop social skills and combat anxiety? There is obviously a market for it.

Sauce the pic

ITT we sauce the picture that OP posted

What pic?

OPs pic.


I honestly have no idea where it is from. Does it matter?


So from that picture, are they talking about a program that goes through your pictures and finds similarities between them to determine what you find attractive? Does something like that exist? A website that gives you tons of pictures of women/men and you rate how attractive you find them. After you finish it determines what features you are attracted to, gives you a list of them, and maybe gives you a picture of your "perfect" guy/girl.

It would be kinda interesting I think.