

RX 470 will cost the same as that and be twice as powerful.

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Not in this shit-ass country I Inhabit, friend.

Get a RX 460 then, the 9 series are dead men walking. Everyone knows what happens when Nvidia replaces a series.

Basically this. If you can afford to hold off a little longer I think it'll be worth the wait. Unless you can get that for a steal.

Only fools wait

But you gotta think a out length. Maybe he needs a shorter card for his case. We don't know how long the 480 will be exactly.

I use a 950 for gaming and it's good for me. I got it because it was nice value for money, draws fairly little power and offers good performance relative to the sorts of games I play. I'm into the whole "patient gaming" thing so I'll buy games several years after their release, once they're deeply discounted on Steam/GOG/etc. It handles those 3-5 year old games on top settings with no problem.

If you want to play recent games then I wouldn't suggest the 950. I don't think anyone who cares about keeping up with recent releases would also be able to tolerate medium (or lower) graphics settings for them.

>buy 7970 as everyone is telling me to wait for the gtx 680
thankfully i saw through this ruse.

i'd just buy a GTX 970 used.
950s are slowww

and don't fall for the "Nvidia will gimp the last generation" meme

get a 380

It's one poo long, user.

not OP, but this is babby's first PC build
r8 and criticize and advise

final msrp would be ~$335


6 months ago I'd have said yes, but just wait a couple of weeks to see how the new cards turn out.

What the actual fuck are you doing. Get rid of that horrific GPU and the pentium. Get i3-6100 and use the built in graphics, it's far better and good enough for casual shit.

It's not worth buying any card right now that's not 14 or 16nm.

That means your options as far as a video card ARE AS FOLLOWS

RX 460 (200% performance over 750 Ti, 100$)

RX 470 (400% performance over 750 Ti, 150$)

RX480 (500% performance over 750 Ti, 200$)

GTX 1070 (700% performance over 750 Ti, 440$)

GTX 1080 (800% performance over 750 Ti)

These are the only cards right now worth buying. You don't have any other options because none of the other options are even somewhat worth it in their price range....

600 vs 7000 series are not even remotely like this

this would be like

>buy a GTX 200 series, don't wait for the 5000 series to launch in NINE DAYS

here, pick a graphics card
as you can tell, this is a low-end build


Just buy that and use on board graphics for a while until new cards release.

are current GPUs that fucked?

current 28nm GPUs are literally half the performance and twice the power usage, and twice the heat.

RX 460 for 100$ or RX 470 for 150$.

You don't need to worry about getting more ram or anything like that, just get the base model.

Yes. You're just fucking yourself over if you buy a midrange card this month.

just get a console

Unless you're buying a 980ti / 1070 /1080 any card you buy before the 29th without seeing official Polaris reviews is fucking retarded.

I would tell op to build an am1 platform and throw an rx470 in once it releases to go full broke ass, but with the brand new carizzo chips and zen right around the corner, even that would be dumb.

Yeah that's why I suggested the i3, it won't bottleneck anything he can afford and will be plenty fast for at least 5 years of general use. AM1 is a bit too gimped.

Get the RX 460 if you're gonna fall for the board power only meme

dont shitpost all over my carefully constructed shitpost friend.

GTX 1060 & GTX 1050

What is the difference between EVGA, MSI, ASUS etc?

I'm thinking of buying EVGA GTX 970


What happens mane?

they gimp them

They drive the cards into the gimp abyss

>(500% performance over 750 Ti, 200$)


You're going to get new drivers that will make your card run like shit forcing you to buy their newer cards.

And sometimes even kill the cards of unwarned costumers that don't use 3rd party softwares.

Wow and I was about to buy a 750. Thanks lads.

Anytime, pal

>upgrading drivers

Yeah, the pentium is a fucking diamond, but without at least hyperthreading it won't last long with modern titles. I am seriously considering building an am1 system just as a dedicated emulator machine, though. If that little thing can handle Ps2 emulation it would be tits.