Is nvidia jewish enough to gimp their old cards in order to get people to buy their new cards?

Is nvidia jewish enough to gimp their old cards in order to get people to buy their new cards?

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Typical AMDrones at it again

[$5 has just been deducted from your Nvidia™ Shillwards® account.]

they've already been caught doing it to their 600/700 series cards. they'll probably do it again.

AMD will drop support for their old 200/300 series cards but people won't notice it because the support is almost non existent to begin with.

They can't cripple their cards, because they have no way of changing your driver software.

They probably wont since GCN was partly made so that doesn't happen as often as most have the core in common,where as with nvidia they make a new micro architecture ever 2 years and start supporting the latest one over the old ones.


They certainly stop updating drivers way before and does

No. Card gimping is a myth.

They'll just gimp the 600/700 some more, and then gimp the 900s in two months.

Card gimping has been debunked several times now. Nvidia cards get about a 10-15% performance bump over time out of new drivers.

The only supporting evidence people show is AMD gaining performance on some Nvidia cards over about 3 years after release. All this means is that AMD takes about 3 years to finally get the full performance out of their hardware. In other words, AMD is shit at drivers, which is nothing new. The only difference is whether you want full performance now or 3 years from now.

i dont see them dropping support for GCN cards until they completely switch out of GCN

AMD needs to do better.

fucking kek at that pic, OC of yours?

Its called futureproofing. Amd just doesnt unleash the fullpower at day one because it doesnt need to.

Yes. Pic Related

>updating your graphics drivers when there isnt a issue with the version you have now

Yes, last driver gimped my 960 so I had to roll back.

They have?

Witcher 3
Project Cars
Gameworks in General

Do you guys update your drivers if nothing is broken and you don't play anything that the new driver's increase the performance of?

Of course not. No point to installing a new driver that potentially has a bug in it for nothing.

gimping isn't required when goyim buy new cards every generation, amd fanboys like to spread FUD that the kepler cards got gimped because NVIDIA actually put out a proper successor to them instead of rebranding like AMD did.

wew lad

you have gimping on the driver side with heaven benchmark

you have gimping on the game side with gameworks pushing effects only the newest card can run well, and not being able to turn off, or turn down the settings on older cards

and you have gimping in no hardware updates with performance.

pick your poison as to which one you want to argue for.

im makeing a jerk off motion, considering 3 gpu killers, hardware attached to gpu killer, and broken day one drivers have all been whql

while i wouldn't use beta unless its needed, i literally don't give a fuck if the driver is whql or not.

oh, lets not forget the 500 series drivers where going back version improves performance several fold.

This is my main concern. Right now it's much wiser to buy a 980 Ti than 1070 gtx. You can get one with 2 years of warranty left for $300 or simply wait till Black Friday and buy a new one off clearance. However Nvidia gimping/abandoning 2 years old cards is my biggest concern.

This, still using 320.49 on my 770.

They don't "gimp" them, but they do drop driver optimisations as soon as a new series comes out, which results in some new gaymes running like absolute shit on older cards when they have more than enough power for them. My overclocked 780 generally performs around stock 970 levels, but there are certain titles, Just Cause 3 being a prime example, that run like absolute shit on it for no reason other than the 780 not getting Nvidia's driver fixes.

That article's dumb. AMD have literally always released "beta" drivers throughout most of the year, which are just perfectly stable releases that they don't bother getting WHQL certification for. Tech "journalism" at its finest again.

What a great idea for a business that wants to make money... "hey have this dirt cheap card and never buy a new one again, because we'll slowly update it to always be relevant." good for the user, deadly for the company

But 980 Ti is a housefire, especially when overclocked.

680 fag here, yes Jewvidia does gimp there cards

Games that used to run fine will now randomly crash (GTA 5), minimize (Overwatch), or have random frame drops (D44M) after a new driver has been installed

This, both of these points. I'd also like to add that nvidia self certify their WHQL drivers, which is what has caused their drivers to fry cards and ruin laptop screens.

Have a 780ti hydro copper.
Ran benchmarks again with modern Nvidia drivers and they are about 2% better compared to when I ran them in 2013.

Nvidia doesn't gimp older cards.

And this is comming from someone who used AMD for years

But they want to gain more market shares.
I'm sure that they would do the exact same shit if they were in Nvidia's position.
There were a few times where I considered replacing my 7970. It still runs most games in 1200p, granted I disable some costly cosmetic effects. I paid it 500€ or so 4 years ago, and it was the very high end of the spectrum.
But recently, the prices on graphics cards has really gotten out of control.
It's not really that I can't afford it, but putting 750€ in it for support to be dropped 2 years later is just a fucking waste.
It comes down to how much you're willing to budget per year, really.
My personal rule for updating is: it must be twice as powerful, for around the same price.
So I'll probably wait for vega. Not sure how much it will sell for, though.


my 660 ti still plays games just fine at 1080

I might upgrade to a 1070 in november if there is something besides Memewatch worth playing

Not OP, but it's an old picture made by someone on reddit. Here if you want the 1080p version.

Just because they work well now doesn't mean they never gimped it. They literally gimped it at one time, people noticed that they did and they released a new driver to not get flak. Even if nvidia is evil, they're not stupid enough to just leave gimped drivers around when people know about them.

yes the 256 bit GTX 770 is performing worse than the 128bit 960 and 950

the 1050 is probably going to blow the fuck out of the 980 or some shit

consoles are back in business it seems

>implying you're not a tech-illiterate shitbag spouting terms you saw other people use without knowing what they mean

Back to Sup Forums, kiddo.

They don't gimp their cards. They just don't provide valid driver updates is all. A 770/780 are still very good cards.

AMD keeps providing drivers for their old cards but the drivers all usually shit, so I guess both companies have their pros and cons desu

Note the absence of any developer reply, even though developers usually reply to topics


My fucking sides at this pic.

>graphics cars
now I understand all the car analogies!

If the question is "Should I get an older gen nvidia card" then the answer is no.

100% Bull Shit
My 7 series still gets driver updates. Also my 7950 from 2012 is more DX12 compatible then any Maxwell card. You should learn how GCN works.

I don't have one, but I've read in their forum (and some others that quoted them) that said it wasn't on prupose and that they fixed it.

I don't know if that was truth, but it's still a really shitty movement.

Idiots should have waited for the 1080 gtx Ti. But AMD is supposed to release a brand new cpu to compete against intel's broadwell-e series. AMDs new cpu codename "Zen" or 'Zen+" Either way Asus & Msi have been accused of using modified bios to demonstrate their gpus at conferences. AMD is supposed to release a better gpu than nvidias gpu, sort of like that 390x.

"My fps used to be better, I promise!" - random guy on random forum

OK m8

Nvidiots on full damage control

Well, a lot of people are claiming it to be real here but I can't help but notice the complete lack of any real source that's more than "this guy on that forum said they do"

Just look at their older cards.


Plus they give software tech to game makers that helps them with graphics making it even easier to gimp the old.

While it is not exactly gimping, nvidia does not really improve older generation cards.

what driver u on m8? Got a 960 too but only with 2gb since I don't play much atm