Battle Bot General

/BBG/ Lets do something fun Sup Forums. Lets combine our autism and build an unbeatable battle bot. The show is airing again in the states and I think you have what it takes to win the championship. Im thinking of something like a turtle strategy using saws in a 360 degree domed shaped machine. Something low profile and wide so not to be flipped over and just sit and turtle and play the long game chipping away at opponents. What do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll make the logo

Robots aren't technology

I've got something to tell you friend

Bump. Cmon any ideas? Maybe a different overall strategy?

>large humanoid robot
>inside is a human holding an emp


>Large robotic human
>Inside is a robot a shotgun

No electricity weapons so im assuming emp's are a no go. You can pdf the rules on the shows site.

Jenny is best battlebot

No explosive weapons so gunpowder is out. You can use pneumatic/hydraulic pumps or batteries or gas engines for power source.

Also no humans allowed. These are drones run on radio controls.

Acid or napalm.

Alarm clock in a pencil case

No liquid weapons allowed.

What the actual fuck did I just post? Just look up the pdf of the rules cuz im too lazy to post it

Low pro with wedge + hammer/flipper like pic related is GOAT

Fuck me, pic related now

Sombody hook a brotha up and put this idea in a design program just to get brainstorming.

>no humans allowed
They don't have to know

>Calm down Sheldon Cooper, and it's Asperger, newfag, not autism.

Train your bot to fight on its own. Computers have faster reactions...

Make a robot that is like a forklift. Just hold the enemy bot off the ground and drive them into hazards without giving any fucks.

A sphere shaped bot with long spikes, like the head of a morning star, that just rolls around on the ground. With the spherical shape they would be immune to any tossing, and the grid of long spikes would keep nails/piercing weapons from reaching the core.

Hold up the enemy robot and fire a guass canon at it

I like this how would you get it to roll? And how would you inflict damage?

An upright wheel with arms. Inside the wheel is another wheel that is spinning quickly, which would make it very difficult to knock over because physics. The arms can do the damage. For movement, perhaps the outer wheel can spin too, and it can turn itself with its arms.

Gauss style weapon might be doable if its like a spike or ram and not an actual projectile because those are prohibited.

Hand grenade.

ITT: we bring back BioHazard

No explosives ya dick.

Are implosions allowed?

Only if your name is hillary clinton

hell yeah, the chaMPiONN

Can you use magnets?

Im guessing as long as they arent weapons using electricity. You cant use "snare-like" weapons either

I may be wrong here. You might be able to use weapons powered by electricity but not things like cattle prods where the electricity IS the weapon. Sorry Emperor Palpatine.

Well, can you drop a metal plate behind enemy bot and pull it towards yourself with a powerful magnet, so it collides with the enemy bot?

You could disable the magnet once it collides with the enemy bot so your own bot won't get damaged.

>Im thinking of something like a turtle strategy using saws in a 360 degree domed shaped machine.

Jaimey Hineyman did the whole spinning dome thing in Robot Wars and it was super effective.



Fagbot 9000

Bad Dragon


GentooBot 9001

>battle bot
Fucking Amerifatfuck!
If you're gonna do robot wars at least get the fucking name right!

I'll make the logo



Sexbot mk.666

Great design, but boring. Fuck it



Donald Trumpbot

Ur shits gon get fukt up big time

Stupid show with to many rules its boring as fuck always the same shit and you cant really get creative

New season when? Is Jonathan Pearce still doing the commentating? [spoiler]Will Jeremy Clarkson host again?[/spoiler]


Hope you've been welded like a rock!



>Is Jonathan Pearce still doing the commentating
I believe so.
Clarkson comeback would be cool.
Craig ain't in it sadly.




whats stopping someone from making a robot that kills people?

Jonathan returning makes me happy. His commentary was always hype

Please draw this for me senpai.

Thoee heavy spinning discs can fuck your own shit up too.

Power sources suck atm

Full meta-strat cancer please.

>wanna build a cool mikoto bot with a railgun
>it's not allowed
>okay how about flamethrower incinerator bot
>it's not allowed
>maybe a jihadi suicide bomb bot
>also not allowed
Nice rules /bbg/

>cool mikoto bot with a railgun
I'd just want one that I can fuck

>want to build a cool mikoto bot with a pussy
>it's not allowed