Ugly Tech

What's the ugliest tech you know of Sup Forums?


please leave


G3 macs were quite nice though, especially compared to other machines of its time.

>Sup Forums

Please leave.

I'm the only one that miss clear plastic? I loved how that shit looked back in some joysticks, memory cards and usb drives

>liking macs before they were born


>liking how something looks makes you a hardcore Apple user
>implying there's anything wrong with using Apple computers anyway
Only a few more months and you retarded summerfags will be gone


>>implying there's nothing wrong with using Apple """"""""""computers"""""""""""""

You can like their traditions machines without liking their portables.

Oh it's you. Posting the exact same image and reply again? Doesn't that get tiring? Wouldn't you like to actually try instead of regurgitating the same stale memes night after night?


>Summer maymays
>Aplel is bad maymay

Oh boy do I agree with you ! :-D I am also TOTES frustrated with all these 16 year old kids who come to this super secret message board and can't understand WHY APPLE SUCKS!!1 LOL! Fucking kids on their summer holidays. At least I KNOW that ARCH LINUX is best served on lenovo chinkpad (pre x240 model mind you, because of the keyboard LOL!)

PowerPC Mactard* :^)

Mah nigga

>apple in the 90s
>anywhere considerable to modern apple
>having the same sort of fans

Spot the underaged

Have you ever used a PowerPC mac?

Triggered macfag

honestly people seem more triggered about apple over the summer than any other time of year. it's making me think that being a frothing zealot and having conniption fits about a brand you hate is a distinctly high school thing

Of course he hasn't. He's just a 12 year old that shitposts in every Apple thread he finds with the exact same replies and images because it's cool to hate Apple but he doesn't have any actual reasons as to why it should be that way.

gentoo linux is a horrible distro

Agreed. Absolutely disgusting.

I can never hate them for nostalgia alone. I remember when the school I was at upgraded from Macintosh 128Ks to the iMac. The mice were not great, but I just can't bring myself to hate them.
Makes me still wish I had my old Compaq as well.


Literally the brand of faggots and queers since 1984.