Best Sup Forums apps for Android?

Best Sup Forums apps for Android?
Also can someone post a link to the 2.1.3 debug version of clover, the one with album view.

Other urls found in this thread:
full disclosure: i built this from source


Fallen angels (R.I.P.)
Party Van





I use Clover for 4chinz and Dashchan for everything else. Actually I'm using Dashchan more and more but I don't know why.

Naked Browser, bub



Chain is pretty gud

Dashchan by far

An user said something about making his own app recently but that's probably a ways off

I've had nothing but smooth sailing with Mimi, and I use the free version.

Shit man, it's bretty gud.

read the sticky

Album view? I'm on 2.1.3 from F-Droid and I don't see what you are talking about?

If you need an album / gallery view just use Dashchan

Dashchan is amazing, the only thing I want it to have is if I'm too deep in seeing a conversion with many replies I want to be able to close it out entirely (like clover) instead of clicking back so many times
But it's by far the best app to browse Sup Forums and other chans

Clover used to be the greatest but now I can no longer reply more than once without closing and opening up the app again. It's really annoying so I never use it anymore but if floens ever fixes it I will

Someone built it from source

are any of these on the play store?

i think clover was banned. don't want to install apps from other websites tbqh

I use an old version of clover. I like the old black ui design, and having a button that skips to the bottom of the thread.


Never seen anything better than Clover.
>you can see your posts highlighted
>clicking on a reply of anyone's post HIGHLIGHTS their No. so you don't get lost in shit
>clean, simple, easy to dl files, easy to post, option to post using captcha or picture
>Sup Forums pass enabled if ur a cuck

it's on f-droid, an app. It's not bad to dl from there.

You can literally press the 3 dots on the top right of a thread and press bottom.

what is this?
and why is my phone freezing?

Clover still seems to crash randonly but Dashchan is too bloated with information on screen, specially when you have tons of pages opened and favorite boards.

I don't know, it has nothing to do with my build. I'm running it right now.

what is different in yours?

All I did was clone the latest clover git and build it in android studio. The fdroid build doesn't have album view so I wanted the new one, and I didn't trust other anons builds. If you don't trust my build you can download android studio on your computer and build clover yourself.

ChanU is pretty much the go to app now.

Mimi. I like it so much I bought the premium version.

can you post?

Yup. You've gotta do the captcha every time but whatever

Mimi free version is good
No real need for premium

better than Clover's features?

It's got every one of those.

I'm wasting my time explaining this to you, because it'll take you less time to go download the app and try it than it will to take your cock out of your mouth and type more questions for me.

do webm's play in surround sound or will my speaker grill suffice for porn

Is it just me or does every app aside from clover take over 20 seconds to just load a new thread along with its images fast enough to see them while scrolling down.

Mimi won't improve your shit phone poorfag.

Is it possible to view the archive on clover?