Want to build a PC

>Want to build a PC
>Have no idea what motherboard to buy

Get a good one.

First and foremost:

> Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.

If you must ask this on Sup Forums, at least do it in

Also, you need to include more information, i.e., what are you going to be doing with this computer, what CPU are you going to use, budget, etc.

First things first
>fuck off, not your tech support
Having said that you gave no information for anyone too help should they feel inclined

No. Fuck you.

This is not a stupid question. A thread discussing the aspects of what makes up a good motherboard is not a /sqt/ subject. People like you are the reason we only have threads about GPUs on this board. Why aren't redirecting every one of those shitposts to your little thread?

Fuck you.

You can't answer this retarded question without knowing what processor you want and what case you want.

Things to consider

>does it have PCI-E 2.0 or 3.0?
>does it have sata 2 or 3?
>what is the CPU socket?
>will the CPU be expensive?
>does the board support overclocking?
>how many RAM modules are supported?
>what type of RAM is needed?

PCI-E 2.0, SATA 2, and DDR3 ram are not deal breakers. They're still plenty good enough.

Anything under 100 dollars.i found 70 is a good price point.

Make aure your ram can fit in it (ddr3 ddr4)

Make sure your cpu fits the socket

There you go op

Check logical increments

>A thread discussing the aspects of what makes up a good motherboard is not a /sqt/ subject.
I agree, but OP didn't ask, "What makes a good motherboard?". He said simply "Have no idea what motherboard to buy", which I take to mean, "Tell me what motherboard to buy."

They mean the same thing, user.

Not that guy, but you are just splitting hairs you cocksucking piece of shit.

OP here lol can't you just give me a name I don't have any idea what those words mean.

>A thread discussing the aspects of what makes up a good motherboard
OP didn't ask this, rather he tweeted on the wrong site. A more accurate summary of OP's post was "I'm dumb, think for me."

That kind of lazy passionless bullshit is the real reason we "only have threads about GPUs on this board" and it should not be coddled. There are many more places where OP can blog about his laziness, we don't need more of his kind here than we already have.

If you don't know what they mean, learn, you dumb faggot.

Who's the cocksucker here? The user pointing out a shitty post or the user so desperate to apply his basic newegg surfing skills that he sucks off a retarded half-ass like OP who can't even use fucking Google?

Since this is Sup Forums it is implied OP means what motherboard will run my game fast. This belongs in the stupid questions thread because everyone knows the more you waste on GPU placebo and peripherals with razer logos, the faster your gaymes go.

I think OP is a dumbass, don't get me wrong. Doesn't mean I can't think you're a faggot too.

This is Sup Forums, if OP can't take the heat for being a retard, he can go to any one of the innumerable hardware and support communities that cater to this kind of shit in a way more informative way than this unmoderated chat room ever will.

ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 and a Intel i3 Processor, dont forget a NH-D15 cooler for that hot motherboard.

kill yourself

>They mean the same thing, user.
>you are just splitting hairs you cocksucking piece of shit.

"Heyy guiz i wanna make a cumputr lol wut mobo shoud i get?" is not the same as a discussion about the various trade offs of modern motherboards.

Proves my point..

gain height, faggot

buy a lap