What's the coolest technology today that's worth spending a ton on? Assuming one has a ton for some reason

What's the coolest technology today that's worth spending a ton on? Assuming one has a ton for some reason.

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for what?

A metric ton doesn't necessarily mean it has a high value, that depends on the material.

VR porn


i dunno, something that's really fun or useful

100GHz oscilloscope from Tektronix's .

Used for Cern level quantum computing design and troubleshooting.

Ideally you would use it to build network cards and switches for a quantum computing.

Could also be one hundred bills or even pennies. Not specified what.

Dru/g/s and manufacturing dru/g/s are technolo/g/y

with lasers on their heads

>i dunno, something that's really fun or useful
nothing's worth spending a ton on just for fun. useful is not a great answer to "for what". that's like me asking "what do you do for a living?" and you saying "oh i work for a living".

>Lasers with sharks on their heads

motherfucker not you again

I raise your sharks with robo laser scorpions

Use the money to build a dysonsphere around the sun
Use the energy from that to power your own sun, with blackjack and hookers

this guy gets it

the blackjack and hookers makes it almost worth it

needs more sharks

naw bruh more robo scorpions




guys guys its all just a jewish conspiracy

I fuck the what now
what fuck I but the fuck what?

Just buy all the jews
then you'll own everything

buy bitcoin

Will you own the harem?

buying the jews saying that like its possable

no bro you use the money to build self mining self assembling robots that build mega structures for you, get your Dyson sphere, rings, anything you fucking want forever into exponential eternity

>fails green text

as if the jews would let you do anything they would conspiracy the shit out of you

a gf

>inb4 hitler was right

>implying hitler did anything wrong

Buy a Kurata mech and compete with other mechs in the ring of honor!

some fuck deleted muh post


Genetically engineer some catgirls

alright Sup Forums tiem to raid some camgirls
69 gets to choose

Hillary Clinton? All her opinions are bought anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard. A pretty worthless technology tho


holy shit this is now truth

dem repeating digits


rockets, fpgas, pay scientists/engineers to invent some cool shit with solar energy, whatever




open it its right in the video

probably Sup Forums or some shitty site like that

it isn't

metadata: Watch4beauty - Naked In The Bathroom

ah right, thank you very much

>spoonfeeding the lazy

don't thank me, just git gud next time

With laser beams attached to their heads

I'd probably get a newish phone if I had money to burn.
My Xperia Play is chugging