First time build

hey building a desktop from the ground up for the first time, any huge donts?

>posting memetron

you have to go back

Don't buy AMD ever, its garbage for poorfags.

didn't. have a 6600k ready to put in,should i worry about standoffs shorting the mobo?

Standoffs are literally there to keep you from shorting it.

alright,really dumb question but you cant short the mobo while its in its antistatic bag right?

You can't short shit period. Seriously this is a meme perpetuated by those wristband companies to sell their bullshit. PC components haven't been vulnerable to static discharges since like the early 90s.

1). There are huge capacitor banks on almost every circuit.

2). Microprocessors are extremely durable now and can run at extremely high voltages and temperatures and even though they're insulated... even a 1000 volt static jolt directly onto a cpu pin won't damage it at all.

alright really appreciate you helping out have a good one

have you bought the parts yet

Meh not true I fucked up my stand offs 5 years ago when trying to build my first and I shorted the mobo, it's dead

mobo was prob DOA

That's because you're a retard and installed them wrong.

Yes I know, that's what I just said

Don't cheap out on the PSU, get seasonic.

Don't use any case apart from this one.

Shit, ive always used standoffs, but ive never shorted shit. I have always put my computer together on carpet, and sock. Not purposely. But this most recent one I build while laying on carpet and all the parts were out. Nothing happened.

i said short by static discharge not fucking contact with your case by running current through it.

this, my PC is on carpet and I wear socks every time I work on it, I've never had a static discharge problem.

>radeon desktop
>m-muh crossfire
>"these dual 390s are faster than your 980ti!"
>have to install a side fan to cool the cards
>"look at my dollar per frame!"
>all of those savings are sucked up in a month on power bills
>no upgrade paths
>micro stuttering
>try to play doom, no crossfire support
>"at least im not sucking nvidia's dick"

>Being this fucking retarded that you can't tell that's just a photoshopped nvidia case.

this case is just one of the many things that AMD rebrands

>Being this fucking dense to realize the AMD meme
Butthurt AMD fan detected

Not him btw

Install Gentoo