Is this true?

Is this true?

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I remember Obama saying something about this too

Wears the same suits or something so he has to make less decisions

Depends on how important and complicated those decisions are, but yeah for the most part it's true. Your brain just gets tired after considering all the possibilities.

Doubt it. During my time in college we all did hundreds of decisions on some days.

You don't just stop being able to make decisions.

They were all wrong though.

Even minor decisions have an impact.

Not sure what you're trying to convey but the picture in OP seems like bullshit.

Prove it.

fuck i had just bought a decision card off amazon and i used them all in one day. :(
this is more stupid than a star trek episode.

Time for the one final decision to rule them all.

the numbers are an example retard you can infer the meaning the numbers are there for laymen

Your decisions get worse the more you make

This is a well researched problem. Your thoughts on the matter are literally meaningless unless you're an expert in the field.

decisions based on how much battery your phone has? o.O

I am not arguing about that (although I also won't believe in it without properly researching the subject myself) - I'm saying that numbers in OP are bogus.

It's an interesting topic, but what does it have to do with technology?

Bunch of bullshit. Take some uppers and that shit goes away instantly.

Also as you make more decisions per day your tolerance for decision making increases. So how do you explain that?

Therefore, the solution isn't to make fewer decisions, it's to make as many decisions on a daily basis as you need to in order to function and to not deviate from this course. If you need to make 100 decisions per day and you spend the weekends jacking off to hentai then guess what you might as well be cucking yourself.

Someone decided battery/decisions is neither linear or exponential.

Reminder that you are trying to police the board for no compensation whatsoever

Right, but choosing what color tie to wear in the morning has a much smaller impact on fatigue than making decisions that could cost you hundreds of millions.

Gathering information about how brain works will help us get closer to creating proper artificial intelligence.

every moderately successful tech player wears the same outfit. prove me wrong

But not so much if you have hundreds of billions.

more decisions=more numbers
thats why math exists
and you can just say dont tire yourself and your brain with futile stuff on big days, or eat well etc.
only saying you need to make leas decisions is more retarded than an episode of x files.

He does it for free, m80

What exactly are you even trying to say here?

The tie becomes relatively more important when you have more money.

What constitutes a decision?

>I have to pee
>go pee

Is that a decision?

>checking email
>deciding to type and edit this post as i go along
>drinking a glass of water

it sounds like hippy shit

Might as well post rare Donalds here, too, since we're not talking about technology.

>actual interesting post and you want to ruin it.

>Prove it.
You're on Sup Forums.

There's no definition of what decision is in that article.
After reading a post, you always make a decision whether to respond to it or not.
That's thousands of decisions daily already.

what in the fuck is a decision fatigue?

Yes, no shit. It becomes even more important when your decisions go down in history books.

>What constitutes a decision?
Mostly it means thinking about alternatives before you actually choose which of them to do. If there's only one path forward ("I have to pee" -> "I'll go pee") so you don't have to think about it, then that doesn't count as a decision. If you have multiple options ("I could pee now, OR I could hold it while I turn off the oven") then that's a decision.

Do you understand?

I think it's about trainig the ability to make decisions. For example a manager has to do dozens of decisions per day. The Key is to put as much as effort as necessary in a decision, but not more.

The core of the difficulty of decision making are uncertainty and complexity. Both are hard to stand for most people.

So in order to stay calm amid the chaos you have to do two things:
1) Reduce complexity (putting a logical in it by using the appropriate strategies/tools, breaking a big decision down in subdecisions or simply ignore unimportant parts)
2) Learn to stand uncertainty (gather more informations by delegating parts or getting input from others)

Also keep in mind you can "undo" most decisions. Unexperienced decision makers tire out very soon, because they don't want to make mistakes. They try to get more and more informations when they face uncertainty.
But experienced decision makers know that mistakes happen. If you have 100 decisions to make you have to find out what the important desicions are and what minor decisions are. Most of the times you will find out, that out of 100 decisions only 4 or 5 are important. For the rest you can either delegate them (depending on your situation) or you just think 5 seconds about them. Surprisingly, the first thing we think about a case is often the right thing. Sometimes there is a nagging feeling and you have to take somthing differnt into consideration, but what most people do is just repeating the same arguments in their head over and over again..
Don't. Just breathe in and out and then do what you feel like.

Remember that it's better to do 50 "right decisons" and 50 "wrong decisions" than not deciding at all. Also you can correct your mistakes later 90% of the time.

>If you need to make 100 decisions per day and you spend the weekends jacking off to hentai then guess what you might as well be cucking yourself.
As if jacking off to hentai didn't involve at least 100 decisions. Do you know how many fetishes there are and how many publications for each fetish? You sound like a hentai casual.

>implying nearly every decision a business owner makes has a consequence of hundreds of billions.

Seriously, choosing hentai gets harder every single time.

I just stick with Sweet Mami.
Keeps things simple.

yes it is

Idk it's got battery images

Sup Forums - psychology


browser other boards. this place doesn't need to be everything for you. fucking go lurk other boards.

But taking a decision about $50 when all you have is $100 is more important than taking a decision about 400 million when you have a billion.


I can't decide.

No decision fatigue is bullshit.

Does the decision of not wanting to think still count as a decision? What if that decision drains all of your decision energy?

It's summer you fucking faggot. Now we rule.

You just plug the decision cord in your ass and wait until your decision magic dust is all recovered.

It's call paralysis by analysis.

No it's not. Paralysis by analysis (according to your silly wiki page) is when you can't make decision even though you're trying. Consciously not making a decision means you're free to spend your time on other things.

Nowadays I understand why women are so fucking stupid and incapable of doing anything on their own. They spend their daily decision quota just getting dressed.

I find it hard enough deciding whether to get up every morning. Whether to brush my teeth or not. Whether to eat breakfast or not. Whether to go outside or not. Whether to kill myself or not.

yeah, my battery runs out after 3 unmade decisions