What's the most you can do with a DS that has a flashcart, besides downloading ROMs?

What's the most you can do with a DS that has a flashcart, besides downloading ROMs?

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Dude there are DS homebrew wikis

However, the short answer is: Not as much as you think

There's chiptracker software and I think that's neat.


Almost nothing 2bh
Its hardware is pretty weak


Emulate consoles. You can also play DScraft, a homebrew version of Minecraft for DS. There's a Quake 1 port, a Doom source port, and a 2D version of Portal. There's also a Quake 2 port, but that one requires a Ram expansion pack (that goes in the GBA slot). I think there's an internet browser that needs that as well.


Windows (remote via Win2DS)
DOS/Windows 3.1 via emulation -- plain DS can pull off a decent 286; with the CPU in the DSTWO flashcart it can emulate a 386
Old console emulation
Dump DS and GBA ROMs and saves from retail cartridges

irc, chiptune tracker, playin' music, this thing has pretty serious DAC, reading ebooks and of course... playing games... there is like... storage of storages of ds games.

If you've got a Supercard something-or-other (can't remember the model, the one with the ASIC in it) you can run DS2x86 and run Windows 3.1 on it. If you've got an M3 SD for GBA, it can act as 64MB of ram for the system and you can run GNU/Linux pretty cofortably. You can run GNU/Linux with the official 4MB expansion memory pack, too (included with DS browser), but I think 8MB of ram isn't even enough to bring up X.

A good slot 2 device is the EZ Flash 3in1. It fits flush into the DS Lite's GBA slot, and works in conjunction with your flash cart.. It's called 3in1 because it acts as a RAM expansion pack, a Rumble Pack, and can play GBA games (By playing them from Slot 2 as a native GBA game).

There's also a 3D Portal test.

DS2Linux can also kinda do PS1.

>this thing has pretty serious DAC

They all have a FPGA for whatever reason.
The DS2 has a 300MHz MIPS core and 32MB of RAM onboard.
DSLinux is almost unusable, it's just a toy. No MMU, barely any program works and no GUI.

Apparently, all DS comes with cpython embedded in them

the first gen ds was the shit, me and my friends in elementary school use to all play lego star wars multiplayer hosting from my ds because i had the 8mb ram expansion pak and could have up to 16 people on it at once
for years i use to shitpost from NDSB opera because the first gen DS for some reason never needed a password to get into any wifi connection

i just looked up a video of dscraft, that shit runs on 4mb of ram and a 61mhz processor?
thats amazing

Now look up ASDS

There's also a 33MHz processor in there, too.

Watch movies, play emulators, learn programming, etc.


this literally belongs on

if the 3ds' hardware wasn't so potato we could have a legit Minecraft port for maximum autism on the go

Moonshell can be used to view images/text or play music.

Not much, but I found use for that, before I bought more powerful portable devices.

But back then, it was a shock for me, you know?

You can run Inferno OS

This literally is technology
Fuck off

it doesnt, fuck, when will faggots like you die

this is technology.
not fucking /r/computers and /r/components


Ps vita

Get eye cancer from the screen

Fuck off

>Nintendo DS
kinda sounds like a piece of fucking technology yknow?


I want to gut one and put in a raspberry pi (or faster alternative)

think it's feasible?

Easier, and leaves the possibility to upgrade to an odroid.

True. That method seems a lot thicker though

I remember using homebrew called "DSOrganize" many years ago, which did all sorts of stuff. File browser, images/music, and other shit like a calendar. Seems like it had some kind of lightweight web browser too, but I might be remembering wrong.

Also, try the two homebrew games on this page: beyondds.free.fr/index.php?Everlasting-love

Well look at that it has irc

haven't gotten the browser working yet though


I would start hoarding any roms you can get your hands on. Many sites are getting bombarded with copywright requests

Unfortunately I never got that to work.
It doesn't seem to like DLDI.

I got some mileage from using moonshell, NES emulator, SNES emulator, homebrew alarm clocks, various free and pirated games. The DS has great castlevania games.

connecting to internet is a major pain though, since it only supports up to WEP

Yeah, wifi was an afterthought on the DS.

yup, i had to temporarily set up an extra router and all

cry that you can't escape your shitty nostalgia and get any sort of android based device for the cost of the flashcart alone and a BT controller

>can't play half the GBA library
>can't play some fucking SNES games

Is there like a datasheet on the hardware that NDS/N3DS has?

I use my DStwo for DS, snes, genesis and nes. Tried it with my DSi and DSi XL for mp3s, but the sound sucked.

It also kind of sucks that that it only support only 32gb of microSD. But it's still one of my better investments.


Has anyone here ever gotten their hands on this?



We might have 3DS brickers soon.

I bought a flash cart from Ali Express for $8 for my 3DS. It only plays NDS and not 3DS games.

Because you got a R4 or something similar, those are designed for DS games. If you want to use a flashcard for 3DS games, you need a Gateway or Sky3DS.

3ds supports WPA2

Not for DS softwares.

>no 3DS
I guess I'll have to fill in that part. I wonder how the guys from no$gba came up with this.

It's just one guy. All cam through his RE efforts.

For 3DS check 3dbrew.

Yeah I read entire books (in plain text format) with Moonshell. Works pretty good for music too, because you can shut off the screen and conserve power.
Other than that, I played some emulators and homebrew games. I think the gameboy and GBC stuff is best, because the DS screen resolution is big enough. I guess Master System and NES too. But 16-bit consoles don't fit and the screen is either compressed or cropped (at least that was the case on my Lite model).
There's also a pretty cool paint program.

I heard that one has some major bug that can corrupt the SD filesystem (unless you use it strictly in read-only mode).

I've searched for it numerous times, but never got a hold of it.

I paid only $20 for my flashcart.
Also the NDS is much better for games. There's no substitute for real D-pad and buttons.