Getting into programming

How does one get into programming (for smartphones). I have no previous knowledge of any programming language except for some very basic visual basic bullshit when i was a lil kiddo who wanted to be a "pc guru"

What languages should i learn (for both ios and android) and from where and in what order?

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without these you won't get a job

learn COBOL in-between c and turboc

How much time would you say it would take me to learn all of this?

give up if you can't do it in 2 months.

Honestly, once you got a foundation on any programming language syntax, it's somewhat trivial to learn another programming language that uses the same paradigm. The most learning you'll have to do is getting familiar with standard libraries.

you program Android apps with Java so it's good to know Java first. And even when you learn Java sufficiently you still have plenty to learn about Android programming on its own.

If you're just starting programming, pick something easier like Python or Ruby, make desktop programs or web apps with those.

It's a lot easier to pick up a second programming language than it is to pick up the first.

But if you want to do it anyway, go to Udacity/Coursera/Udemy/EDX and just search for "android programming for beginners " lol, or "java programming".

Udemy has the best courses I found, but most are paid so what you do is search on Udemy about android and see what's the most popular course and then just paste the title of the course into kick ass torrents and torrent that shit senpai

Also screw this faggot , fuck finding a job sonny we're going big or we're going home! Make something on your own. pic related

OP don't listen to these faggots Pick ONE language, and get good, don't jump to another language because you already the syntax.

Android development is done in Java unless you want to use some weird framework or some shit.

iOS development is done in Objective C or Swift unless you want to use some weird framework or some shit.

My advice is python to learn how to tell computers what to do, then optionally C, if you'd like to know what they're actually doing, then the language of the platform of your choice, then the actual app development framework of the language of your choice (i.e. learn the bare-bones language first, then make an app in it with android studio/xcode)

You should never have to learn the following (not exclusive) if you don't want to, but they will likely make you more competent:

- Any assembler
- Javascript
- Lisp
- Haskell

You should never have to learn the following (not exclusive) if you don't want to, and they probably won't make you any better of a programmer either:

- Basic
- Pascal
- Fortran
- Cobol
- Algol

>- Javascript

>smartphone related
Natively, iOS and Android use different languages, one using Objective-C and the latter Java. However, if crossplatform apps is your goal, you might also look at two additional options:
- Xamarin platform, which is essentially using C# and the mono runtime to create crossplatform compatible apps.
- HTML5/javascript together with some framework like Apache Cordova, essentially turning a web app into a native app. Frameworks like Cordova help with packaging and adding functions for accessing device features.
My suggestion is to pick one and stick with it. Personally I'd use C# and get that O'Reilly Head First C# book to get learning.

1 month for the first, teachibg yourself HOW to program in the first place
Week or less for each following if you're determined.

10 years

I'd say go with Javascript. It does introduce you to some simple core concepts of programming without it getting too complex, and you'll pick up HTML, CSS on the way too. Plus there are plenty of frameworks around to keep you busy. Speaking of which, look into hybrid apps using frameworks like AngularJS and Ionic. It's easier than Java and will motivate you to keep going.

It won't take that long to understand JS and once you've got that, get into Python, Ruby or Java, depending on what you want to learn programming for. Just jump into something and stick with it for a while.

Listen, I'm not claiming that it's a good language (although I am a fan of the prototypical class model and node's take on callbacks), but you can't deny that it's ubiquitous. There are many better languages, but not many more common languages.

I'm and I second the JavaScript idea. It's not as good as Python but a lot of programmers drop out because they don't see real-world applications of their work. JavaScript is the quickest code-to-application language out there, and if you are hard to motivate, JavaScript is good at keeping you interested.

>OP wants to learn Mobile development
>Better suggest webdev shit

Java = Android
Objective C / Swift = iOS

Above tip to learn python first is smart to introduce you to programming concepts and thinking algorithmically. After you have a decent handle on it decide if you'd rather focus on android or iOS first as they are mutually exclusive.

Hybrid apps are built on JS. Did you not read the post?

Start with C and then jump to C++, I'd say don't bother with Assembly. After that you'll realize that to get a job you need something that gets the job done without additional effort and you'll pick C# and also simply because it has all the facilities to quickly whip up GUI applications with WPF, because writing the same in Win32 API would take 100 years and MFC is just the mother of all clusterfucks.

If you are going to program for a smartphone you really should do it on a smartphone (or tablet). It's kind of like if you were to build a house, you'd build it on the ground it's supposed to stand.

So get this app, it's worthy getting premium but there is a free version

>getting into
Here you go.
