Wiping your ass is technology

Wiping your ass is technology.

How do we wipe, Sup Forumsentlemen?
I use two or three segments, folded, from the front reaching under my balls to sort of scoop it clean. Sometimes piss dribbles on my arm but idgaf

Used to be a filthy scruncher, since I stopped I have noticed my tp efficiency has risen.

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what the fuck

It's called shitposting user

I just use two or three segments, folded, and then go with my right arm behind my back and in one swooping motion swipe the tp through my asscrack until I feel that it touches my anus. That's where I stop and drop the tp. If there's still some poo after three wipes, I'll stand up and do the swiping in reverse. Usually gets it all out.

4 Squares folded. Wipe, Fold, wipe. Repeat if necessary.

You never go back to front user.

I spread my ass cheeks wide and wipe front to back in one swooping motion. Usually because of my medication it works out perfectly but if I ever get diarrhea I may have to stick a bit of tp up my anus.

Awww did you post this after watching a certain streamer yesterday user.

I shit at home, turn on the shower and use the shower head and my hand to clean my ass

Depending on the quality of your shits (i.e. if your shit is sticking to your ass hairs) this can be an absolutely massive timesaver. Not to mention it feels much better afterwards.

I love that toilet paper in public bath rooms

Who tf folds toliet paper like that, I wrap it around my hand.

moist wipe master race reporting in. i can't even imagine shitting in public without a pack of wet wipes anymore. come at me. the level of comfy is worth it

whats wrong with going back to front? i usually go with that and on the final scoop i go front to back from under my balls. back to front is way comfier, front to back had me slipping and running my finger through my shitstained asscrack a few times

Two squares, folded, wipe front to back.

Also, moist wipes when I have diarrhea or mushy shit, or when the anus is irritated.

stay pleb

I usually take 4-5 squares wipe and fold them until it's too small to wipe. I produced puc related about a month ago and got my asshole sqeaky clean using this method

Why does your toilet have so little water

Yeah I do that too, wipes are amazing but more expensive too.

What's the problem with wiping back to front if you're a guy?

>>He doesn't own a toilet paper cutting machine

Europe toilet
Im very proud of this one too


Fucking disgusting dude

>One segment, unfolded
>arm behind back
>ring finger goes back to front
>middle finger goes front to back
>back and forth, back and forth like a swing

Wiping dry for the bulk but finishing off with one or two moisties would be more economical.

How the fuck do you shit so big?


I dunno sometimes it just happens so I take a picture and send it to my friends when I'm mad at them
I think this is the longest one i've done


I call this one the Chameleon

This will be my last one. Named Fukushima II