Scenario thread

>All A's top 5% in highschool
>scholarship allows you any pc under $2000 >must be prebuilt from common venders

I'd say pic related. Anything better?

Other urls found in this thread:

grab a bundle which includes a monitor, as that should take it up to $1800-1900, and while the GPU is a little lacking that should last you until well after you graduate.

>recommend me a pc thread in bad disguise
>1700$ for a 960
Lel you'll get ripped.

Mac Pro off eBay.

Much better gpu with peripherals for less found after 2 minutes searching.

theyre all shit OP, its only a matter of choosing the lesser evil

The scholarship doesnt allow custom built, It's not my money so im entirely not concerned.

Unfortunately they have to be at a physical building to buy it and have me sign it off, frys, best buy, office depot, etc, are my only options.

What's the problem with newegg

Wasn't meant to be diguised, it's kinda a joke.

For my custom all my parts are from newegg, I would if I could. But they want a retailer to speak with and sign me off.

Out of curiosity, why aren't you getting a laptop so you can take it to class?

Thank you, though the monitor is a different $300 budget which has been taken care of.


I get a seperate budget for a laptop of $500 which I have already recieved.

Tried searching through the stores you mentioned they only have shit.

Thank you lots user, a microcenter store isnt too far from here either. I didn't even know they did retail.

That scholarship is retarded wtf.

You shouldn't need a desktop so they should just give you a $2500 budget for a really nice laptop.

Just buy from a company that makes custom PC builds. Usually at worst you're paying them $100 to build it, often less.

I don't get why people are so retarded about prebuilts. Literally just buy one with the specs you require and ask them to build it for you for a small price. Problem solved?

No problem, got lucky on my first try. It's a shame they don't tell what chipset the motherboard you're getting has though. I'd laugh my ass off if it was a H170. But it's a genuinely good prebuilt.

And you get an extra $200 to spend on KB+M.

The guy wrote down that he doesn't have the option to buy from just anywhere. It has to be a big retail chain or his scholarship won't pay for it.

Oh god that disgusting, don't buy this.

I'm the person who posted it, what exactly is wrong with it?

Unlocked Skylake i7
2800mhz Ram
Under budget by $200

It doesn't have the k33t g4m3r looks so what's your problem? It's still ripping off the wallet but looks decent.

if you're gonna cry that it comes in an nzxt phantom, he could just buy a different case if it's that bad.
it's gaudy, but find another one with similar specs that isn't.

Oh okay just looked it up and the side panel and top embrace the /v look.

It'll cost you like $80 to buy a different case and 30 minutes to move the shit around if you genuinely care what it looks like.

You're getting a free $2k prebuilt. The only thing you should care about is the internals.

Buy a Mac pro (dat resell value)
Sell for even $1800
Get some gtx1070/i7Quaaad nigga

You could buy a lap with the same specs at that price.

980TI beats 1070.

If you think he cumes on those breasts FUCK YOU!

Not me but I don't care for the look at all since it will be under my desk.

That's really clever actually.

Do this OP.

OP, question for you, what's to stop you from buying a $1999 mac, and then returning it for cash a week later and building your own rig from scratch?

Yeee nice one do this.
But get a 6600k a I7 is for rendering not worth for gaming.

$500 prebuilt tax average.

Here's a better build for $500 less.

better yet: buy a Mac pro and keep it. It's a game changer.

>in school
why is Sup Forums full of neet gamers?

>top 5%
Is this like how Chris chan was on honor roll?

They likely have something with the retailer when I sign it so that it cannot be returned and have me be compensated for it, so in order to sell it id have to pick chraigslist or something, which I don't want to go through the trouble of that and the other user found a nice pc anyway.

Why would you need an i7 for school.

Do you know how to read, user? He needs to buy pre-built from an in-store retailer.
Yes, it is, but it doesn't matter here. Doesn't fit OP's needs.

>"extreme gaming"
>24Gb RAM
>GTX 960

muh rendering?

Read the threads some user recommended to buy a Mac resell it and get a self assembled pc. He was helping.

Top 5% and all A's is completely effort based. You don't need any mental edge except for self control. The difference between top 5% and others is top 5% are willing to do their flash cards and argue with professors for the extra points.

ITT: people who can't read.

>>must be prebuilt from common venders