e-reader/e-books thread.
Why are e-books still so expensive compared to their physical counterparts?
e-reader/e-books thread.
Why are e-books still so expensive compared to their physical counterparts?
Because one is an electronic device, and the other is a few sheets of paper, you stupid faggot.
e-books, not e-readers.
>I don't know how to use #bookz
Because they can charge more for new technology
Because material costs are not what you're mostly paying for.
I've heard that printing a book costs about 1€, transport and so on another 50 cent, so the physical book is less than 2€ (or $2) more expensive for the publisher. The author, the publishing house and the seller however still want to earn the same out of a book, and the costs for editing etc. are also not cheaper.
However e-books could become cheaper if you buy them directly from the author and skip all the instances who want to make their share of the price of the book as well.
You only have to pirate like 10 best sellers to pay back an ereader, it's not more expensive
why there is no e-reader that is simple to use ? i mean just to transfe your files and read it like on tablet, you have to re-encod with calibre and the result is always shit. And they are more expensive than tablet.
They're priced based on the expectations set by physical books but don't get put on sale as quickly is all.
Still fucking waiting for a service like Google Play Music for books before I stop pirating.
Like Kindle Unlimited?
Are you legitimately retarded?
Never had this problem not on Kindle nor Kobo.
I do use Calibre for metadata and shit.
Fuck me I had no idea this was a thing.
I mean something like pay 10 bucks a month and get unlimited reading and shit.
Google Play Music provides a subscription based service for music. He's looking for a Google book subscription service. Unlimited reading, but no ownership of individual titles.
You fucking Berk dipshit.
>You can only keep up to 10 books from Kindle Unlimited in your account at a time.
ANNNNNND it's shit.
>i can't read english: the post
ironic considering it's a fagpost in a thread about reading
you stupid faggot
Quick question.
I'm planing on buying an old gen Kindle or Kobo. As far as I know you can upload anything to Kobo, but Kindle only accepts purchased books, right? Are all Kindles rootable?
Any general advice before buying one?
>but Kindle only accepts purchased books, right?
No, you can convert any epub file to mobi (Kindle's format) and just use it right away, no need to root or something.
Just found an add for a Sagem Binder.
Is it a bargain for 30€? 4 years old (hardly ever used). I can't find anything about the screen resolution? Do eink displays have standard resolutions and only differ in size?
>not torrenting your books
Relevant thread
Any alternatives to pic related yet? I would really like something like this for college, but I don't want to spend upwards of 700 dollars or get something that's obviously designed for capacitive input.
>tfw rocking a Kobo Glo HD
and i was scared i was going to regret not getting a paperwhite
Answered my own question.
>200 bucks
Seems like it's worth it if I can go full paperless and still read ebooks.
This shits going to be more vaporware than the panthom.
reading is for eggheads.
Also, how good can 2010 ereaders handle 800+ page ebooks (40MB)?
Looked it up.
So basically, they somehow marketed the fact that they were selling a computer... but as a console?
I have an Air 2 but I mostly read comics/visual novels on it. Is a Glo HD/Paperwhite 3 worth it for normal books?
>Why are e-books still so expensive compared to their physical counterparts?
But they're not, like at all.
I think so, i have a GLO HD and it's pretty good. An ebook reader isnt that exciting but it works well, no complaints.
I have a Glo HD, it's pretty great for regular reading and mangos. You'll need to change an .ini file on it to get rid of the fuckhuge header/footer on ebooks, but the font customization is fucking comfy.
Paperwhite has more mature software overall, so you're far less likely to experience small annoyances like that, but it's a bitch to use non-preinstalled fonts.
Library-wise, just pirate your books on #bookz or #ebooks and mass convert them to whatever (MOBI for kindle, EPUB/KEPUB for Kobo) with Calibre.
>buy eReader, £50
>pirate 5 books
You got the eReader for free.
>why there is no e-reader that is simple to use ?
You what? I've got a kobo aura, and I can literally drag and drop shit onto it, never had a problem with it.
Because businesses are greedy. Do lower costs EVER translate to lower prices for end customers?
>kindle oasis
>you have to pay almost $300 for the privilege of page turn buttons
Touchscreens are cancer.
FLOSS ereaders?
Oh, economics fag
>Why are e-books still so expensive compared to their physical counterparts?
They were getting cheaper until publishers colluded to keep prices high.
Plz I need help :(
I'm waiting to see it drop below $200. If I can get it for that, I'll consider it.
The refresh rate is too low to make writing on it confortable. Maybe in a few years...
Install KOReader on a Glo HD?
I know fuck all about eReaders. Are there any I should avoid if I have no intention of legally obtaining the eBooks?
same question. I think I'm going to get the Kingle paperwhite 3, but I don't want to buy e-books
Calibre can sideload books onto just about everything, but most books are formatted in epub, which you'll need to convert to mobi for Paperwhite. If you don't feel like doing that, Glo HD has the same screen but supports epub. You can also sideload fonts onto it.
What format do you guys usually use?
EPUB is what I use whenever available.
I think it's made for all Kobos, and the Kindles. Kobo's a bit more open, though. CoolReader is FLOSS too I believe.
many thanks
No problem fampaitchi, enjoy reading FREE
Why would you read 10 books at once?
Don't want to redownloading them
No, I mean, why not just read one book at a time?
I don't know about you, but I usually just read a book once if it's just a casual read, twice if it's a little more complex.
If I'm travelling I'd like to just download a ton
I have a kindle voyage, it's pretty good desu.
Does Kindle Unlimited include all tech/programming books?
I have a Voyage with like 15,000 books on it.
No idea what the fuck you're going on about but there's a high probability that you're a literal retard.
You can put anything on a kindle, too, pretty much.
Only it requires some stupid fucking extra steps. Kobo is just plug and play by comparison.
Using calibre ameliorates most issues with any ereader though.
Kobo respects your freedums (or at least your property):
Amazon can remote delete your shit at any time. Kobo can't and will not.
That, and the fact that, back then at least, the kobo could actually turn the light off with a flick of a switch rather than going through a cumbersome menu, means that I will only buy kobo units.
Fuck amazon.
What app is that?
Ever since I got an one of these things, that agonizing charade of deciding which books to take on a trip has been eliminated.
>>I don't know how to use #bookz
Go home folks, thread wrapped up on post four.
With the newer Kobos, you still don't need to go through a menu, you just slide your finger up and down the side to adjust the light, all the way down being off.
I'm using a Kobo Aura HD, pretty nice for manga.
Glo HD here, but it really is, isn't it? I'm surprised at how comfy it is, been reading DB.
Moon+ Reader
I had a Kobo Aura but fucked up, I would recommend getting a case if your going to bring it with you outside your home.
I got one for free, they were giving out Cream SleepCovers along with Glo HDs a month or so ago.
>With the newer Kobos, you still don't need to go through a menu
But that's my point.
With my kobo globo you didn't need to touch the screen at all but push a button. On/Off.
If kobo have changed the mechanical switch for the light to use the retarded kindle system then they are fucking stupid.
>Kobo Aura HD
Is the Aura H20 just the same but with added water resistance? Or is the aura hd still king of the hill?
The hd isn't as easily obtained compared to the h20 these days, which is why I ask.
>but fucked up, I would recommend getting a case
What happened?
The HD has a 6.8 inch screen, I think it has the same resolution as the h20 though, I got it off eBay for about $90.
I left the aura in my fuckhuge pocket like a retard, the screen didn't break but the e ink panel did
>buy the old kobo glo as its giving out of line
>all my friend's old kobos are dying
>keep getting more worried about when mine is biting the dust
I had it for about 2~3 years now and while the battery isn't the greatest anymore, it's working perfectly fine
You dumb cunt.
PW master race. Mine literally flew out my car window the other day. Was certain I'd be buying a new one. Apart from a few minor scrathes the thing is perfect.
You don't have more than one book on the go at any time?? I'm usually reading a novel, a couple of manga and one or two reference books. Screw lugging that around. I used to be a book luddite. Swore I'd never use an ereader. Had to eat my hat. They are the bomb.
paperwhite master race here. this thing is literally perfect and flawless, i'll use it till the screen or the battery dies. why the hell amazon keeps coming up with new and retarded designs i'll never know.
also whoa i thought only people older than 50 actually bought books on these things. what's wrong with you?
>uses it for manga
Glo HD here, not the same product per se, but the same screen. It's so nice for manga, isn't it?
Is that your setup? kB and Kindle? Is the Kindle connected to the kB? I saw this pic the other day on Mech kB thread.
I just don't know which one to choose between the Glo HD and the Paperwhite.
bookz banned me the second I joined and I don't know why
so fuck it
Well, name some features you have in mind that you'd want? Go broad if you have to.
Lol, you're retarded.
#ebooks is an option
last time i checked they were free
What was the first book you searched for?
What is a good e-reader to get that isn't as expensive as a Kindle Voyage?
Paperwhite, Glo HD, Aura H2O
So I've never really thought about these before, but they seem nice and I think they might be good for books and the occasional manga
only problem is, I have five gigabytes of manga already and the Paperwhite has 4 GB of storage.
Why so low? Are there good ones with an SD card slot?
this was years ago so I have no idea
some programming book probably
Technically, the Kobo Glo HD has an SD Card slot, internally. The back pops off, and you can place one in there. There's a few guides online, I have a 32GB one.
is it a nice reader?
My Kobo Touch has a microSD card slot. Funny a more advanced model doesn't have one.
Noteslate has been a joke for about 4-5 years at least.
It's basically the same thing as a Paperwhite hardware-wise, but the software has some tradeoffs. If you're willing to mess around a little in the beginning of having it, it definitely beats the Kindle out. Was thinking of writing a guide to using it, but mobileread has a lot of good information.
I know, it's even worse with phones. Kobo Touch has a bit better build quality too imo.
they're basically the same. the glo does support epub natively but converting books for kindle isn't an actually hard task. i'd choose paperwhite but at the end it's more about which design you find more appealing.
Does anyone know if that Oasys "premium" kindle is worth the 300$ price tag?
Can't you download one book or whatever from KU and eliminate the DRM?