What's Sup Forums's Mobile Music Player?

Which MOBILE music player does Sup Forums use?
Phonograph here. And I love it.

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CyanogenMod Eleven, the default one.


I just realised that there are two default music players, Apollo (com.andrew.apollo) and Music (com.cyanogenmod.eleven).

Weird, why not just have one?

I'm forced to use GPM streaming service in order to download and decrypt the albums by myself so I can kept them forever. Can't complain, I get infinite album downloads directly from Google's servers at maximum speed.

I kinda miss BlackPlayer EX UI


Dark Material is the datest skin of all time.

Best skin/player coming through.

Any good skin other than Material ?
Poweramp is such a nice music player.

Built in black skin is okay too. Paid skins are cancer by definition.

spotify premium

Just got an .apk of 'Now Dark'.
Pretty neat imo.

Everybody knows that the best skin for Poweramp is Kit Kat Transparent.


I knew that someone would notice ugh

Play Music

Pic related it's what you all are


May I ask where you got that Apk from?

Wait, what's so special about this?


My nigga

superior operating system coming through

This link globalapk.co/apk/0/18904-poweramp-skin-5in1-now-dark-v103
Google is your friend thought.

Windows Phone ?

spotify number #1


Just tried to buy poweramp and found out it doesn't actually stick to your account and need to buy it again every time you reset your phone.

Into the trash it goes. Lazy moronic developer.

>buying apps


Holy fuck who bought this

Phonograph is easily the best

Phonograph is incredible. I use it as well.

Neutron for my parametric eq