Offical /g cringe thread

cringe /g edition

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i think the bolt is hot


Holy fucking hell, what is the source of this?

idk found it on shiteddit. the user claimed it was russian.






at least its clean!

woodscrews strike again.


absolutely disgusting

Top cringe

what did u clean it with? a fucking wire brush?

Fuck you little nigger

You wish. Fuck you normalfags.

>has literally the comforts setup on Sup Forums
Don't you have a dick pic thread to post in on Sup Forums?

this guy(?) looks like he's living the dream, user

The cringe is the shitty moe VN waifu instead of a real kawaii kanojo like Asuka

Get with the times, old man!

And who is your waifu, kiddo?

I don't have one




as an electrician i cried when i saw this


What the hell is going on here?


good old joule

a building is about to burn down

I was wondering why would they connect bunch of wires to copper rod

Looks like they swapped it out for a jelly nut and bolt

What will happen?

I thought that was a plastic nut at first





Sysadmin is a fat faggot.

>theres a couple bugs in the system







I'm assuming it's a common ground for a bunch of appliances
but since there's a fuckload of current through that bolt, either something's majorly fucked up or it's a bus bar.


to take a quick break for normal tech, here is an engine with 84,000 miles and never had an oil change.

it was an audi.

Checkout the thinkpad threads for quality Sup Forums cringe

Sup Forums BTFO

>Be a petrolhead
>See this shit
What the actual fuck mate? You'd think a fucking Audi owner would know when to get their oil changed.


What are we looking at here?



woodscrews attaching the monitor stand to the display.

Did it belong to a woman?

OC here


It was an Audi TT so let that say what you want.

doesn't this technically make for better thermal performance because of more surface area?

it's just the lid, doesnt even look like he scuffed up the substrate around it, it should work fine.

>rakesh narayanaswamy

nigga that better not be a compressor burn out in an outdoor unit



>No trackpoint
That shit was one of the only selling points of a Thinkpad outside of the business world.




Wasn't he pinged for like HARDCORE pedophilia, and like 99% of his responses to 'Why did you say you'd like to fuck a little girl?' were 'I-I was joking haha I didn't mean anything'.

>what wrong with this? Literally nothing wr-
>no clit






Hey, I found him! I knew I wasn't crazy!

I actually don't mind current Google.


I'm happy I pirated that game, on windows 10, kek.

>all these imgur filenames


You've never heard about Thad and his quest for loli catgirl sex slaves?

One simple reverse search shows the dude is just taking shit from some subreddit where people post dusty PCs and pretend to care.


Nah, I had, of course. I just couldn't remember exactly where. Of fucking COURSE there's an ED page for him. I'm going through it now. jfc he's stupid on a level unseen by science before now.
> haha out of jail
> posted on Twitter

how does that happen?? hd failure?

If it pops, they'll have to disassemble it to reset it.
It's still safe, probably so noone accidentally turns off something important

I could probably get used to that, as long as the keys are physically separate instead of being placed under a single piece of plastic.

joking aside, best laptop i have ever had.

i want to see the front. how deep is that monitor

molex to sata converter. there are many cases of this happening.

what am i missing?




You forgot to screencap the bit where he says he respects her and doesn't think of the girl like that.