Why the hell does windows explorer never remember this setting after each power down...

Why the hell does windows explorer never remember this setting after each power down? I have to either sleep the PC instead of powering off or keep re-adding it in options if I want to sort my folders by date modified again.

What the fuck is this shit?

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Are you running some kind of "cleaner" which is wiping your registry changes?

Not to my awareness no

do a registry dump
switch that setting on
do a registry dump again
diff them

I'll try that then

did you find anything?

no I'm way over my head messing with the registry like this, I dont know what I'm doing I'll just deal with the mild annoyance of this shit resetting, I think others have this problem too with windows vista and 7 so maybe its just a win 7 bug that microsoft never patched

reg export
change it
reg export
diff 1 2

I don't know how to diff on Windows but on linux you diff

Unfortunately there is no took built into Windows for Diff'ing. You can use a tool like Winmerge or BeyondCompare to do it though.

Can't you just type "bash" into Powershell to get a Linux-like enbironment?
Doesn't that include the GNU diff?

So I exported the entire registry into txt and am trying to find the diff with diffchecker.com/, but each text file is almost 600MB so its gonna takeawhile

and it finally loaded in notepad but its too big to paste on the website, nothing happens

Does it have to be the entire registry thats exported? Not just one folder or something

what the fuck
Windows users

GNU diff!

fuck it I give up, whatever, its not that big a deal, I thought maybe there was a simple fix for it but there isnt, just ignore the thread thanks.

Windows explorer needs a revamp


what the actual fuck


It blows my mind that Explorer still has no tabs whatsoever. I I use kubuntu now, and dolphin's split feature is so great.

I've been using win7 like this for years now, the right click, scroll down three times and chose date modified has become utterly ingrained by now. Shit sucks but hey at least everything else works great with this OS

look as next windows user fails to run 3 commands

You could if you're on Windows 10 and have the Insider Preview needed to get Bash. Unless they moved it out of insider preview, which I haven't really paid attention to.

So, you can if you update tour system and turn a flag on? That practically means you can.

You could. But that also means opening yourself up to fun bugs like the one they had a few builds ago where any file operation such as copy, delete, etc, didn't popup the progress bar anymore. Or an even buggier start menu.

I mean, I'm running an Insider Preview, but I wouldn't exactly recommend it to normal users just to get Bash.