WebMs thread

This is a thread dedicated to making WebMs and the best methods to encode them.

I have some scripts that I tested and think offer the best compression/quality balance imho. Please post better parameters if you think you can improve them. These are windows BAT scripts that use FFmpeg so they will not work with loonix, I'm sorry in advance but I could never get used to that joke you call an OS (I tried linux debian).

GIF to WebM:
for %%f IN (*.gif) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%~nf.gif" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 16 -b:v 1000k "%%~nf.webm"

MKV to WebM:
for %%f IN (*.mkv) do (
ffmpeg -i "%%~nf.mkv" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 16 -b:v 1000k "%%~nf.webm"

Sorry there are 2 scripts but I don't know how to make a script that accepts both GIF and MKV files and output a WebM. If you could help me resolve this problem then I would greatly appreciate it.

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Dumb question, that is just a random variable right?

I'm still using old WebM for Retards because fuck installing avisynth just to convert meme webms

I think so, yeah.

You don't really need much to make them. All I use is virtualdub+ffmpeg plug in and FFmpeg itself in a BAT script. You can trim, crop, enhance, apply filters to videos in virtualdub just fine.

had a webm academy thread a few months ago which was all about doing it right and so on. Here's the archived version: 4chandata.org/wsg/WebM-Academy-a810990

Very informative, but sadly the example files are all missing.

OP you should move from batch to Powershell unless you are running a dinosaur. for loop construction is more like in other languages and it's plain more easy write and debug once you get more complex.

Ooohhhh, so that is this strange symbol comes from.

Fuck that, I prefer Bash, less brainfuck.

Btw when are we getting SOUND with webms? There is absolutely no reason not to have site-wide. All concerns are non-existent, other imageboards have paved the way and pretty much beta-tested it for community reception.

Addition of sound would increase page view times as people wouldn't have to go off site to look at sound-based linked content. Page views will lead to bigger userbase, more ad and 4changold money.

>that ugly shell
>that ugly 2 loops

i just had to convert it

for f in *.gif *.mkv; do
ffmpeg -i "$f" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 16 -b:v 1000k "${f%.*}.webm"

why not just use Shotcut for conversion?

Or just use the new WebM for retards that allows you to crop, add subtites and shit in a single program.

But of course this is Sup Forums an everything has to be done in the most arcane and impractical way so you can show offf how leet and tech savvy you are

Sanity at last.

An even better idea - now it only converts if the webms don't exist, making it perfect for a cron job (a scheduled task for you Windows users)

for f in *.gif *.mkv; do
[[ -f "${f%.*}.webm" ]] || ffmpeg -i "$f" -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 16 -b:v 1000k "${f%.*}.webm"


>making something in a way allowing for automation so you never have to touch it again like in
>the most arcane and impractical way

This reminds me that's it's summer now. God I hate kids.

Holy fuck, are you an admin? How long did it take you to be this good in powershell?


Nice now I can automatically convert all the gifs and mkvs in a folder into webms.

Now, if there only was a program that let me extract a single, specific clip from a video with just a couple of clicks for quick shitposting purposes...

>not superior bash

this is bash

you can install it using MSYS

That's what you get by using Linux.

Fucking powershell is from Windows idiot. Bash is from superior GNU/Linux.

Get your facts right telemarketer.

Aww man. I thought it was a powershell script not some meme script from a meme OS.

you can literally install it by typing "bash" into PS

I know, that's why I said that by using Linux you get knowledge about bash.

This was for

Can anyone turn into a powershell script or are meme OSs and meme scripts all you nerds know?

Sorry dude, my finger couldn't hold the rage. This guy is like doing it on purpose.

I mean, pwnedshell? Over bash?

bash is open source, that means everyone, even you proprietary-loving Windows users can use it.
Powershell is only there to provide lock-in to Windows.
The script is now in maximally portable form.

>I'm sorry in advance but I could never get used to that joke you call an OS (I tried linux debian).
Fuck off OP. You're always a faggot, but not this kind of faggot. We don't need a thread for people too retarded to read a slight section from a manual.


You mad nobody takes linux seriously even on Sup Forums. Year of the linux desktop amirite?

My very autistic set of webm commands I use for encoding. I change the bitrate based on the video.
ffmpeg -i input -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 1111K -speed 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 9999 -tile-columns 0 -frame-parallel 0 -c:a opus -b:a 256k -cpu-used 0 -threads 8 output.webm
ffmpeg -i input -y -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 1111K -speed 0 -aq-mode 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -g 9999 -tile-columns 0 -frame-parallel 0 -c:a opus -b:a 256k -cpu-used 0 -threads 8 output.webm

VP9 isn't allowed on Sup Forums for some inane reason unfortunately.

in powershell it would be more like with the addiitonal check if the exists

gci -filter *.gif -file|?{ -not (test-path "$($_.fullname.replace(".gif",".webm"))") }|%{ ffmpeg -i $_.fullname -an -c:v libvpx -qmin 0 -qmax 40 -crf 16 -b:v 1000k "$($_.fullname.replace(".gif",".webm"))" }


I don't use this for Sup Forums things. This is to encode stuff to save space.

turn off the CAPS LOCK grandpa


Same reason why sound isnt' allowed. Moot struck a deal with google so they don't lose youtube traffic. It's still in effect.

EPIC meme bro xD

BTFO wincuck

desu the batch version looks better

the first result in google (yeah I know, too hard) says that you have to toggle on some "Developer mode"
Wow, is windows turning into android now?


What modules do you have installed power/g/irls ?

run Get-InstalledModule to see

pic related are mine

You know what's even harder?
You not understanding that I already have that enabled.

I have Win10 Enterprise and there is no "windows subsystem for linux" on this version.

single pipeline commands look messy, batch or not.

>Wow, is windows turning into android now?
rofl wtf

>opus 256k in a webm
Why? ~190k is completely transparent, and 128k is stupidly good. You don't need archive bitrates in a webm.

that's retarded

also why do you need to convert files to .webms using a work computer?

>I have Win10 Enterprise and there is no "windows subsystem for linux" on this version.
That is because it is in the developer preview build.

How to convince Hiro to finally include sound?

Because Enterprise is the only version of Microsoft BOTNET 10 that have the function to at least disable most of the BOTNET.

But some boards already do.

lel, windows users

What the fuck is powershell anyway? I've been using BAT scripts almost all of my life and I've never heard of powershell.

lel, windows users




That's not a convenient solution. Neither is linking to other sites.

Then install Gentoo and write a script that posts your audio WebMs and come back to us in 10 years.

Powershell is literally fucking trash. It's the only modern shell which unironically passes raw binary data between commands, with all the problems that this entails.

On top of that it also acts as a regular shell which can execute regular programs.

There's a reason the UNIX systems use text as the standard output of programs.

Scripting environment built on top of C# and .Net for Windows. Mainly targetted at administrators it's also useful for anyone who does common scripting. I advise to look into it.

>On top of that it also acts as a regular shell which can execute regular programs.
That's good, I want to be able to start programs through MS DOS look-alike so I can be Sup Forums-tard and prove muh skills in hackzorz

install gentoo am I right? :^)

Why do lincucks have to ruin everything?

PS is Microsoft's shitty approach to a shell and it fails miserably at it, so much that Microsoft admitted defeat and made a translation layer for ELF executables (Linux Subsystem for Windows).

That's not what I was saying you fucking idiot.

Can you code your insult instead, I don't understand unless you talk in gentoo le Sup Forums meme 2016 summer language.

for str in Kill yourself you fucking faggot I fucking hate you \\n; do
echo -ne "$str "

use Premiere Pro to make WebMs

no need for this thread

LOL I came here ONLY to post this, and you beat me to it. Congrats.

I want to convert a video (mp40 to wemb.

Care to post a pic of the available options in Adobe PP for WebM encodes? Kinda interested.





webm export plugin


>2nd pass enconding

what's the point, just run one pass



>unironically doing it non-programmatically

You fucking plebs, jesus.

Go ahead and also do all of your video editing programmatically, you autistic mouth breather.

Have a nice life, kid.

I didn't say I would do all my video editing programmatically you faggot. I said that conversion from anything to webm is such a simple task with such consistent required inputs that not doing it programmatically is retarded.

swear all you want no one is going to ban you for it

I've seen some do 1-2min clips but are under 3mb.
How do they do this.

2 minute clips at that resolution and in good quality? I don't think so.

Actually, if you read your post again, you said absolutely nothing in that post about conversion being a simple task.

Also, I think you're confused. What you said didn't even make sense, unless you're agreeing doing it the way you're doing it, is in fact retarded.

BTW... I shoot most of my own footage... and.or make my own clips.... so very rarely am I simply converting someone else's material.

btw, how's the 8th grade going?

Webm for retards on Linux when?
I'm retarded

is there away for to input something like %length% into command variable for ffmpeg? i don't want to input seconds manually..

Just use ffmpeg. I don't see how it's that difficult. You can also create an alias so you just have to type
instead of
ffmpeg -abc 1 -def 2 -ghi 3 -jkl 4 -mno 5

>install ffmpeg
>ffmpeg -i $i -c:v libvpx -b:v 2M -an $o
>$i is the file you want to convert, $o is the output filename
Come on man.

The OP literally starts out with conversion to webm. Why the fuck would you manually set settings for every single webm you encode?

Encoding to webm can be done very easily for hundreds of files by using the ffmpeg command line tool and a shell loop.

There is a webm converter that some user made for OS X. It's like a stripped down version of FFmpeg for Retards. Converts .mov and .gif to Sup Forums compatible webm's


>tfw too retarded to use command line
why isn't there a good webm frontend software with all kinds of useful options? the webm converter for retards is useful but the quality of webms is shit

all of the ones ITT are open source. just fork them

Actually, fuck, even the simple cutting you're doing now is easy as fuck to do on a command line. The process doesn't change much even, except that you're typing in two timestamps according to the video stream you're playing off somewhere (with a media player that has far better seeking mechanism than dragging a fucking dot on a timeline btw) instead of marking two points on a timeline with a GUI.

You are absolutely retarded if you think that paying $2000 for software is necessary to do simple cutting and cropping of a video stream, and even moreso if you genuinely believe that the way to re-encode 100+ h264 streams to vp8.

I would get it if you were doing actual video editing, but using Adobe Premiere for this is outright retarded.

How the fuck do i record my screen into a high quality webm?

Which OS?

be a slav

What does Sup Forums think of my command?

ffmpeg -i "file" -ss 00:00.000 -to 00:0.000 -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -vf scale=550:-1 -quality best -threads 7 -slices 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 16 -an -pass 1 -f webm firstpass.webm
ffmpeg -i "file" -ss 00:00.000 -to 00:0.000 -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -vf scale=550:-1 -quality best -threads 7 -slices 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 16 -an -pass 2 -f webm output.webm

When I use subtitles, I do

ffmpeg -i dal.mkv -ss 04:37.021 -to 05:49.182 -c:v libvpx -b:v 2M -vf subtitles=out2.ass -quality best -threads 7 -slices 8 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 16 -pass 1 -f webm firstpass.webm