Who here on Sup Forums has actual autism?

Who here on Sup Forums has actual autism?

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when i attempt to learn real programming, i feel like i have autism. Thats why my ass is a web dev.

I don't think I have autism

My daughter does have genuine autism. I still find it funny the way you kids throw it around as a general insult and I know for sure none of you actually have it.

Some asshat in another thread thinks I'm an autist. That's false to the bone.

Janney pruned the thread.

Make a survey.
Also I wonder how many people here would like to be a little girl

^^ autist detected

I have autism (albeit very mild)

i believe i don't have full blown autism, but definitely on the spectrum

too bad i was born in a third world shithole where assburgers isn't real, so i just have to be a burden to my family or just kill myself. i probably will anyway.

doctor people say I do
I got a paper and everything
also reported and saged for not be tech related

Asperger's is high functioning autism. The overload can be sectioned off and pushed down. The remainder isn't whole, but it's enough to sketch out parts of the world.

I take it your daughter went down the hole and pulled it in with her?

I do, has always been unable to make friends, get a gf, or hold a conversation that would last longer than 10 seconds.

I have Asperger's. Diagnosed twice by two completely different doctors. I had to tell the second one to change the test, since she was going to do exactly the same as the first one. Including the book about the frogs and the slides with the monkeys and the coconut. Whoever drew the book knew his shit about valve TVs.

>no (irl) friends
>didnt finish school

im not sure

I talk to myself and I don't understand why people think/act/feel like they do. I do have empathy for animals though.

Do you lads think I'm on the spectrum?

I have been eating beta blockers for a decade to deal with social anxiety. Not necessarily related to autism spectrum in any way

*wife's daughter.

Nah I'm a ok

Those online tests always tell me I'm a huge sperglord but it's not like it matters.

If you met me in real life you'd think I was a really cool bro because I am a master of deception. I have studied and learned how to get along with anyone I meet, I only fear situations I don't have a plan for already.

I'm an aspie.

So yeah, technically, but not sure if that's what you are asking.

That's just being a socially inept retard. Autism supposedly enhances your ability to do maths and tedious calculations as you don't get bored by such things. Assburgers enhances your creative colorful faggot side so you can produce art and music like a mother fucker.

You are just a useless person dude.

Those are Aspie traits. Not necessarily lack of empathy but rather not being able to read people and then saying inappropriate things even though you don't mean to.

If you want to see full spectrum then watch some of Chris Chan's latest money begging videos. In his head he is acting polite but to others he appears demanding and ungrateful.

No you don't. "Aspergers" doesn't exist. It's a bullshit faux diagnosis

"I'm a 3 in the autism spectrum"
Fuck, even as an aspie saying that shit is too autistic for me. I just say "MUH ASSBURGERS" and that's it.

>Autism supposedly enhances your ability to do maths and tedious calculations
Most likely you are the useless retard who didn't even bother to read the wikipedia page on autism where it clearly states "Intellectual disability" amongst conditions common in children with autism.


New research has shown that this disability has an upside as it enhances mathematics capabilities. It was a research paper I read a few years back. A quick Google search reveals many similar results.

Update yourself.

Never been diagnosed.
But fairly sure I have at least slight autism:

I get physically sick in very busy shops for example - sometimes have to cancel shopping and go outside.
Also I'm weird in general.

>source: my ass
Burden of proof, faggot.

Me, high functioning, nobody has ever noticed it, diagnosed with assburgers. Smarter than most people in my school. I dont act it but i am

Tech companies are also specifically looking for people with autism to fill certain positions.





>I am too lazy to use Google


What do you think normies think is cool?

>may accompany
>literally a fucking clickbait
Do you have a link to the peer-reviewed studies or not?

what the fuck, i have assburgers and i have had a few gfs and have a lot of friends, dude i just think you might be socially retarded

In general, you have to be relaxed and tell them everything will be ok. Also pretend to like whatever things they like. Just say that you also do whatever boring shit they say they do and they will like you.


Yes, I'm socially retarded, i.e. autistic.

Voted ;)

I've had a diagnosis for autism since I think the second grade. I'm mostly on the sociable end of the spectrum, but I've done quite a few stupid things when I was a kid that might be because of it.

That said, unlike half of Sup Forums, I'm not a virgin, and I'm in grad school, so I'd say I'm doing fairly well in spite of it.

Tell me. How to hold up conversations. What topics do I talk about? How do I choose?

Nigguh if you help me. You might just save a life

>not a virgin
Top bait.

Asperger, official diagnosis
ask me anything

>physically ill
My guess would just be social anxiety. I can't imagine ever being physically ill from something like that since I'm in my own place wherever I go. A crowd just restricts pathing.
Been to a ton of concerts/music festivals. I love it. As long as I can work out a structure (which can include "wandering around until the next thing comes up"), I'm good.

Just did that populat online aspie test, answered honestly, and got pretty much all neurotypical.

I'm a 21 year old kissless virgin. I have friends, I make new friends with a moderate amount of ease, but holy shit I'm absolutely God-damn terrible when it comes to women in a romantic sense. It's not even interacting with women in general, I'm fine at that, but I always get a crush with a female friend that devolves into oneitis and chase said girl for years. Worst part is they usually seem to show some interest in the beginning, but I'm always to much of a pussy to ask them out or anything, and they get bored very quickly. When they show interest in someone else, I don't get mad at them or anything, but I do get frustrated to the point where I feel like absolute shit.

I have Asperger's syndrome. I was diagnosed with it as a toddler by an actual doctor.

You don't hold up conversations, you just let the normie do it all. Normies fucking love to talk about themselves so you just ask them questions about whatever they're talking about. When the normalfag has talked enough he will leave.