What is the best website to create a secure personal email? Gmail? Yahoo?

What is the best website to create a secure personal email? Gmail? Yahoo?


Your own self hosted server, that's what I do, host it with mail-in-a-box on GNU or BSD


10 min mail.

Ask Clinton

Never heard of these before (In b4 bait)

not a tech educated person, could you elaborate in layman terms?


How do you avoid having you ip get added to spam black lists? Do you host it on your home ip or on a remote vps or something?

>never heard of these before

Obviously not, because if you did, you'd be using them. Protonmail encrypts everything.



Pretty much this.

If you're ever concerned about privacy, just replace the word "cloud" with "someone else's computer" and that should take care of it for you.

>How do you avoid having you ip get added to spam black lists?
Probably by not sending spam...

the german government stole the hard drives


Yea but i've heard it's not that easy, you can just get listed as spam for using an ip in a tange of black listed ips, ie. All comcast residential ip ranges might be blacklisted, or all aws ip ranges might be blacklisted etc. My fear is that I would get blacklisted for no reason and then not receive my important mail.

Even if you were blacklisted, itd only affect outgoing mail and generally thatd mean itd just go in their spam folder





Use Exim, be professional for real.