Tox thread

Sup Forums's own




Where are all the commits?

What client should I use? qTox

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freetard faggot confirmed

Last time I tried it it was still very buggy.

everything else is is bloated garbage


hi grayhatter

toxic too is bloated

it´s called uTox on the clients site because people are to retarded to use "μ"


Not OP, but no. tox is actually really good already. Have not had any major issues since switching to it.

freetard samefag confirmed

>Using a program that leaks ips as a secure and private Skype replacement

New groupchats coming soon

he clearly said not op

[samefagging intensifies]

Doesn't this app sell your IP to facebook?

Reminder that this is in the screenshot advertising Tox on their front page.

not OP either.

>leaks ips
now you are not even trying mate

everyone is entitled to an opinion
his just happens to be a bad one

recursive liar same fag

yea i have nothing better to do than to have "secure" chats with a brony

Why the fuck would I want to give my IP to a bunch of fucktards from Sup Forums.

Is anTox still developed?

Tox doesn't leak ips anymore. That was just a meme back in 2013


So there is a client for all operating systems, right? Also iOS? And Android?
Do I need a username, emailaddress or phone number for it?

The most popular clients are qTox and uTox for desktop, Antox for android and Antidote for iOS

Currently there is no way of using the same account on multiple devices due to the limitations of peer to peer networking, although a solution is in development.

You do not need any personal details, you just open a client and create a profile. You are then assigned a tox id which you sent to your friends so they can add you. You can also turn your tox id into an email like format with services such as

That's a nice theme user, where did you get it?

Can't you copy your tox profile to your phone or does that not work?

it works but you cant have both of them online at the same time