How the fuck we went from this..
How the fuck we went from this
Other urls found in this thread:
To fucking this
But XFX is Hong Kong/US based
They both look good
xfx makes awesome looking cards
That cooler was fucking garbage though. XFX's 290(X) was trash. They actually got their shit together with the 300 series.
Also, if that cars subdued pattern triggersbyour autism too much, they make the fury's design as simple as they could possibly make it
it looks better, but it has worse cooling
why would you care about its appearance you retarded child?
While I don't consider the XFX 300 series a bad looking, you need to admit that's a fucking downgrade in look
XFX R9 280 perfomed great for me. Max temperature was 72 with 1080Mhz OC
Better but nowhere good as the 280
From what to what?
The left one looks like Sapphire+Gigabyte love child
Too bad it can get hot pretty fast for the 290 series.
Does anybody know if the arctic acelero cooler is compatible with the pcb of the r9 290?
Im hoping their 480 looks nice. Though you cant really improve that much from the reference design since its quite sexy.
I had a non reference card with an accelero cooler way back, the main difference is that the fan header wasn't where the cooler expected, so I had to mutilate some spare parts I had lying around in order to get the fans powered.
still have my 290x fucking masterpiece.
Most people still have their 290X
There's not much to exodus to yet.
Bet it looks nothing like the photo, I bet it's full of dust and mites and dorito crumbs you filthy fat bastard
>Not wanting your video card to look like it came out of Dude Sex
that red DVI is pretty cool.
But you know, graphics card sits inside case and the ports are at the back. Only ricers and wankers actually look at their gpu all day.
>2 DVI ports
when will this meme end?
It already ended. A lot of newer cards have zero DVI ports.
Because legacy support.
>legacy support
you can also get a MST hub and get 3 displays off one DP connection
It's expensive as fuck though for an MST hub.
it's worth it
you can run 12+ displays off one of those