You have a single case fan

You have a single case fan.

Do you place it as the intake or as the exhaust?

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Air... finds a way.

Intake first and always.

careful, it could implode

If you're hot, do you point the fan towards or away from you?
Column of high velocity, turbulent air is better than laminar flow. The airflow of an exhaust fan can be dominated by an opening right near it, having no flow across components. Intake gets it in and mixed throughout. Doesn't matter where the warm air then exits.


Positive Pressure > *

Point it at myself. Summer is hot

enjoy your hot pockets

>thinks exhaust is anything but dead zones

>murdering an innocent computer for comfort


Intake. The PSU and GPU already exhaust hot air, need something at the front to feed them cold air.

i actually dont know which way its pointing

its right next to where the cpu fan will be so i feel like it should be the exhaust

most likely exhaust

The only reason I would point a fan at myself to get cool is so the constantly fresh air flowing over my skin allows for constant evaporation of my sweat. However, this does work well for a CPU, that is what a CPU cooling fan is for, to blow air onto the CPU. If I am a theoretical person that produces a constant considerable thermal discharge in a sealed room (PC case) then I will at some point make the room hot and a single fan blowing on me does nothing. I need a fan blowing out of the room in order to remove the hot air and let pressure differences from the outside of the room (case) bring fresh, cooler air in.

my case fan died a few months ago
now it my system runs just like that yolo

You literally don't know that intake = blowing in and exhaust = blowing out?

i cut it in half and have 2 half fans


smart user

exhaust, if you are worried that most air intake is coming from somewhere close to the exhaust fan in the back, then tape anywhere you think air might come in. forcing air to come in from where the front fan would be intaking which forces cool air to flow over all components.

one delta fan on exhaust

I have one fan screwed into the cpu's heatsink. Thats it.
I unpluged the case fan on my other computer too.
fuck you and your meme fans, this shit has been working fine for years.

Suck cocks until you have enough money to buy another fan

You don't want to do that.
The case will suck air in through all the nooks and crannies, and they'll all clog with dust.

Make it an intake and the reverse will happen.