Cheap Window Tablets

Good Sup Forums anons, anyone experienced with cheaper Chinese windows tablets? I am thinking of buying the Chuwi H12 but would love to hear your opinion.

Main purpose is for internet shitposting and split screen for work/school with onenote and a pdf open. I have an ipad mini that fits nicely into most lab coats but no split screen function to refer to a reference book while typing in onenote. Should I wait a bit more for a newer model?

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i have a cube and it's pretty nice. Chuwi tablets are pretty well regarded too afaik

Thanks user!

Do you find the lesser processor speed makes a difference when doing everyday workplace things?

Good anons, surface pro 3 i3 or a cheaper processor like this?

I bought an iRulu Walknbook W10.

It's not magnificent, but it was like $250AUD-odd from eBay last year, and it does the trick. There are almost certainly better offers out there, especially now.

That being said, I use Chrome for shitposting (since both Firefox and Edge run like dicks), and it handles PDFs and MS Office 2010 like a champ. The specs don't specify the CPU, but I'm FAIRLY certain it's an Intel Baytrail Z3745D.

Will look into it! Thanks!

Also good to here re Baytrail 37000 generation chips handling these things well. I do worry a bit about future proofing, but YOLO.

Battery life is ass on chink ones, read reviews and compare brand name ones

The W10 originally came with 8.1, but I updated it to Win10 because eh, it's just a shitty tablet, not a daily driver.

Cause I'm full autismo, I take it to the gym so I can watch shit while I'm doing cardio. It's perfectly fine with that, and I have no problems with shitposting at home when my laptop is out for whatever reason (which is rare).

I pulled the entire fucking thing apart because I thought I screwed it by trying to install Linux Mint, so, you know, probably don't try that. Something with the UEFI bios, perhaps? I'm not sure.

I mostly use it for shitposting through Chrome, keeping my dozens of Warhammer codicies and rulebooks in one place, and watching shit when I'm on the go.

Battery life isn't too bad. It's not FANTASTIC, but I can get away with several hours straight of video at max brightness running from a USB-powered external hard drive.

Obviously doesn't hold a candle to the MS Surface, but it's also a fuckton cheaper.


I was thinking of getting a used surface pro 3 but I am afraid most of them are near the end of their life expectancy.

I'm looking into a Hi8 my nigga. I've heard only good things about the Hi12 though.

Very tempted for sure. I was going to go with a small screen but my time with the ipad mini taught me screen size is a premium.

The thing is I purchased my W10 on impulse. I didn't NEED it, and I still barely use it. I mostly use it on flights because it's way less bulky than a 15.6" laptop, but even then, I only fly like maybe half a dozen times a year.

Give it some serious thought as to whether you're sure you'll use it. If you've got cash to fling around, have at it, I ain't telling you how to spend your money.

As it is, I use my laptop or desktop 100% of the time at home, and I rarely go anywhere enough to warrant using the tablet. If I'm going to a friend's place to game, I'll bring my laptop.

Thanks user! Will definitely consider it hard. It is still $350 CAD, which is a bit of money.

Yeah, it's probably a bit expensive for the performance it provides. 2GB of DDR3 isn't a whole lot. Then again, it normally idles at around 0.9GB, and even with half a dozen Chrome tabs, a Warhammer PDF, Outlook 2010 and Word 2010 open, it usually only cracks about 1.8GB.

There are almost certainly better options, I just didn't bother looking last year. I just went to eBay and typed 'Windows 10 tablet' and took a cursory glance through.

Sadly enough, it is the cheapest option for 12 inches.

Most budget ones are 10 inches.

To be fair, it is 4 GB, but the processor is the slow one. It is 30% slower than an old i3.

Eh. Portability is more important for me desu and I'm more so looking to supplement my laptop than replace it.

Each to our own need user. My portable one is working well, but I need a bigger screen for when portability is less important, and for when I am too lazy to get out of bed and into my workroom to boot up the computer.

hi12 seems to be on sale at gearbest, looks solid for the price and specs

just have to be wary of the thermals on chink tablets as they can be awful sometimes

Good point. Thanks!

>People buying anything other than the Teclast Tbook 10

Literally the best chink option at the moment.

>4GB RAM when most tablets only have 2GB
>Cherry Trail atom
>1920x1200 screen
>Can be found for as little as $140 USD or $200 CAD
>Smallest bezels of all chink tablets
>Screen isn't laminated but is still one of the brightest out there and has amazing viewing angles
>Decently large battery, 6500mAh, so it'll last 6-8 hours in Windows while watching videos or browsing the web
>Dual boots Windows 10 and Android 5.1
>Dual stereo speakers
>Great build quality with many reviewers saying it shows no bending or other quality issues that older Teclast and other Chink tablets show
>Metal body

Sadly no USB-C or full sized ports. You can charge via either the MicroUSB or DC input depending on how fast you need to charge up.

Why not the TBook 16 user?

The Tbook 16 has a much worse screen. The viewing angles are smaller and it's not as bright. It's also 16:9 with only a 1080p resolution. The build quality is mainly plastic and suffers from the usually 'creaky body' issue many Chink tablets have. It's thicker and heavier as well with the only benefit being that it has two full-sized USB ports.

Other than that the specs are more or less the same yet the Tbook 16 is almost double the price.

Tbook 10 is the best out of their whole lineup at the moment.

Thanks user!

Sylus is shit though.

I don't care about stylus on Chink tablets so they fall very low on my list of priorities. I believe the Tbook 10 supports active stylus but I've never tested it.

> already have a shitty chink Win10 tab
> can't justify buying this one
> It's only $30AUD more on eBay than my shitty one was when I bought it

> has 4GB RAM
> Intel's site says installed CPU supports max 2GB
Are you trying to Jew me, or did Intel fuck up their own specs?

Chink tablets have GREATLY improved over the last 8 months. Build quality, screen quality and battery life are all improving (mainly with Chuwi and Teclast but others are catching up too) and the baseline specs are perfectly adequate at this point. Z8300 atoms, 2/4GB of RAM and high-res screens.

No idea why Intel claims the Z8300 only supports 2GB. There are a lot of Chink tablets using it with 4GB of RAM installed and it's all perfectly usable.

I just pawned off my Chuwi Hi8 Cherry Trail z8300 tablet to craigslist today.

I gotta say, it was a frustratingly slow piece of shit to use, at least with Windows 10. The screen resolution is far too high for any atoms to properly drive. Heavy websites like facejew and youtube were too tough to handle until I dropped the res to 1280x800. While the USB-C port was nice, the build quality was flimsy as shit. Sometimes the screen would become garbled on half of one side, until the unit was restarted.

Atom processors are not adequate for anything by any stretch.

I'm excited to see where we're at once my current one bites the dust for real.

>Heavy websites like facejew and youtube were too tough to handle until I dropped the res to 1280x800

Sounds like there may have been an issue with your device. All the Z8300 devices I've used haven't had any issues with web browsing at 1080p or above. The only time it freezes up is if I boot up Chrome with a lot of extensions and try to load something like CNet. Edge and FireFox have never given me issues.

I only ever use them for light browsing, manga and Netflix/YouTube though.

Does Edge run better for you? Edge and Firefox are both cripplingly slow on my iRulu one, whereas Chrome with half a dozen tabs is still really fast.

Edge runs better than any other browser for me but it still doesn't have all the extensions I want and has issues displaying certain websites for some reason, though they display fine if I disable touch input, so I can't drop FireFox and Chrome completely.

FireFox's touch scrolling is choppy if the website is flash or video heavy. Chrome is smoother than FireFox but takes its time to load most websites.

No issues that make any of the browsers completely unusable, just some minor annoyances. If Edge had uBlock Origin and Google Cast support I would drop Chrome completely. Would be nice to have tab syncing across devices too.

My Hi8 Pro is coming tomorrow.

Will let you know.

Edge and Firefox lag so bad after about fifteen minutes of use that I can type a paragraph at normal speed, go and get a snack from the fridge, come back, and it'll still be fucking typing.

How much power would the Z8300 lack compared to a typical i5 2520m?

About 3x slower according to Passmark multi-threaded score.